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Official Bored at Work / Off-Topic Chat Thread II

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  • Re: Official Bored at Work / Off-Topic Chat Thread II

    Now most of the people discussing the show are at least caught up to where the episodes are, but I'm pretty sure Ketaru is only reading the books and that's a pretty big spoiler.
    ~Mama Gamer~~Quitted July 2009/Bannt October 2009~~Excellence LS~
    ~I has a blog~~
    ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~


    • Re: Official Bored at Work / Off-Topic Chat Thread II

      I'm so glad I don't follow or care about Game of Thrones, otherwise I'd probably be furious over having all the plot points spoiled at every turn by the internet.
      Server: Midgardsormr -> Quetzalcoatl -> Valefor
      Occupation: Reckless Red Mage
      Name: Drjones
      Blog: Mediocre Mage


      • Re: Official Bored at Work / Off-Topic Chat Thread II

        Like I said, I've come to accept that the story ought to be common knowledge. I also know that people who watch the show exclusively make a huge stink over it if people who are further along in the books spoils stuff.


        • Re: Official Bored at Work / Off-Topic Chat Thread II

          Originally posted by cidbahamut View Post
          I'm so glad I don't follow or care about Game of Thrones, otherwise I'd probably be furious over having all the plot points spoiled at every turn by the internet.
          All you have to do is not read any of firewinds post whenever you see him mention GoT. It's easy.

          And on another note, THE SERIES IS FUCKING AWESOME! You would love it. yyg and i talk every week after each episode just going over the plot, what happened, what we anticipate happening, and all of the different plot schemes. It really is the best series ever...
          75: Sam, Nin, Blm, Thf, Pld, Cor, Rdm
          RANK 10 Bastok
          CoP: Done
          ZM: Done
          ToA: Done
          Assault rank: Captain
          Campaign Medal: Medals
          Wotg: Complete the quests already and I'll start

          Originally posted by Etra
          This thread brought to you by Malacite's lack of understanding.


          • Re: Official Bored at Work / Off-Topic Chat Thread II

            Originally posted by Ketaru View Post
            Like I said, I've come to accept that the story ought to be common knowledge. I also know that people who watch the show exclusively make a huge stink over it if people who are further along in the books spoils stuff.
            Yeah I try not to get too upset, especially if I happen to be poking around and spoil myself, but when people (especially on Tumblr, go ahead and rant cid) don't tag their spoilers that's really annoying. BG is really good about not spoiling people and they will ban you if you post a spoiler.

            If I get spoiled on something it's more motivation for me to get caught up.
            ~Mama Gamer~~Quitted July 2009/Bannt October 2009~~Excellence LS~
            ~I has a blog~~
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            • Re: Official Bored at Work / Off-Topic Chat Thread II

              As an honorable kind of guy, I usually admire Jon Snow. He stands up for those weaker and disadvantaged. And he has humility that most other characters in the series lack. But I'm beginning to get a little weary of one thing about his chapters.

              "Woe is me. I'm a bastard. No one will ever love me."
              "A bastard sword for a bastard child lol"
              "I will never get put on Martin's Stark Hitlist because I'm a bastard and not a Stark."

              And when he finally manages to forget about it for a while, somebody else from The Wall must bring it up again.

              "Hey gaiz! We're thieves, and cravens, and traitors, and rapist, and there is no greater hive of scum and villainy in all of Westeros! But at least we're not bastards like that dude!"

              You'd think Jon Snow was the only illegitimate child in the Seven Kingdoms.


              • Re: Official Bored at Work / Off-Topic Chat Thread II

                I just got a job offer via FB from a former officer at my former place of employment.

                I haven't asked for details, but I know he lives in Jacksonville (nope) and that he works for a private security company (nope again). I appreciate that he thought of me and wants to just offer me a position manning their brand new dispatch center, but relocation especially with school starting again soon is just not in my cards.

                Kind of nice to see people chasing me for a job instead of the other way around though.

                Hey Mal, want a job doing dispatch in Jacksonville? lol
                ~Mama Gamer~~Quitted July 2009/Bannt October 2009~~Excellence LS~
                ~I has a blog~~
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                • Re: Official Bored at Work / Off-Topic Chat Thread II

                  So question, what are your guys' entertainment centers like? What do you have, and how do you have it set up? Just a TV on a shelf? 4k HDTV with cable box, DVR, stereo, four generations of consoles, and a media PC?

                  I ask because I'm looking to replace my desk and computer, and I'm thinking it probably makes more sense to go with a TV, hook it up to a computer, have TV, have a nicer PC, get a wireless keyboard and mouse (I'll only be like a yard away anyway, and I can move closer, so screen size isn't an issue. I won't really be any farther away than I am now), and potentially have a hookup for my SFC if I can get that back too.

                  Especially interested if anyone has an entertainment center with multiple screens, as I do like having multiple monitors, but can't imagine what that would look like on an entertainment center.


                  • Re: Official Bored at Work / Off-Topic Chat Thread II

                    Mine's pretty basic, my flatscreen on a three-tiered shelf with my consoles (GAMECUBE FTW), DVD player, and cable box on it, and I do all of my computing from a laptop.
                    ~Mama Gamer~~Quitted July 2009/Bannt October 2009~~Excellence LS~
                    ~I has a blog~~
                    ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~


                    • Re: Official Bored at Work / Off-Topic Chat Thread II

                      So question, what are your guys' entertainment centers like?
                      Sad. So very, very sad.
                      Attached Files


                      • Re: Official Bored at Work / Off-Topic Chat Thread II

                        Originally posted by Ketaru View Post
                        As an honorable kind of guy, I usually admire Jon Snow. He stands up for those weaker and disadvantaged. And he has humility that most other characters in the series lack. But I'm beginning to get a little weary of one thing about his chapters.

                        "Woe is me. I'm a bastard. No one will ever love me."
                        "A bastard sword for a bastard child lol"
                        "I will never get put on Martin's Stark Hitlist because I'm a bastard and not a Stark."

                        And when he finally manages to forget about it for a while, somebody else from The Wall must bring it up again.

                        "Hey gaiz! We're thieves, and cravens, and traitors, and rapist, and there is no greater hive of scum and villainy in all of Westeros! But at least we're not bastards like that dude!"

                        You'd think Jon Snow was the only illegitimate child in the Seven Kingdoms.
                        There's no Start hit list. Three out of eight die. Out of ten if you're counting Jeyne Westerling and the child in her belly.

                        And some of the people in the Night's Watch call Jon Snow 'Lord Snow' to get under his skin, because he clearly dislikes it. It's a reminder that he's both a bastard and high-born, and they constantly use that name even though a member sheds their family and former selves once they join the watch.


                        • Re: Official Bored at Work / Off-Topic Chat Thread II

                          I have in my Lounge 32"1080p widescreen LCD tv with a VHS video, DVD Player, PSone, PS2 & PS3 (which also has a lan connection to my network for streaming films from my computer harddrive as well as accessing BBCIplayer, 4oD, demand 5 etc. UK Channel replayers and also is my blueray player). In my office I have my main PC, linked up to network with a media drive as well, A4 & A3 printers attached with a 2 camera cradels, Liscence key for my cad software a 24" LCD monitor on a swing arm which also has HDMI connection from my laptop for work purposes when I slit screen work with cad on main screen and Documents and net for research and finding materials on Laptop screen.


                          • Re: Official Bored at Work / Off-Topic Chat Thread II

                            'k, so ... I'm with cid on this, but in the future would you folks kindly [spoiler] your spoilers? Because you've given Mezlo a serious case of the mads. At least I'm pretty sure it's serious. Not like it's a rule or anything, but that's just basic courtesy.
                            lagolakshmi on Guildwork :: Lago Aletheia on Lodestone


                            • Re: Official Bored at Work / Off-Topic Chat Thread II

                              I've been trying to mark anything that's a major spoiler but general character discussion I haven't. Is that okay?

                              I kind of thought that was the entire purpose of the spoiler tags to begin with though.
                              ~Mama Gamer~~Quitted July 2009/Bannt October 2009~~Excellence LS~
                              ~I has a blog~~
                              ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~


                              • Re: Official Bored at Work / Off-Topic Chat Thread II

                                Is Jon Snow being at the wall not common knowledge?

