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Acne/Break Outs

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  • Acne/Break Outs

    Any of you guys have any good remedies? My face looks like shit right now, and I have no earthly idea why. I haven't changed my diet that much, I'm not on any new med, and it's not that time of the month (nor is it PMS time).

    I'm a bit frustrated with the fact that I'm 30 and I still break out like this. I have blackheads which don't bother me, it's the whiteheads that come in and look like hell, whether I pop them or not. I've tried using an exfoliating face wash in the shower but it doesn't seem to be helping.

    If you guys have any proven zit zapping methods, I'd appreciate it. I can't even stand looking at myself right now, that's how bad the break out has been this time and I can't seem to figure out why it's so bad.
    ~Mama Gamer~~Quitted July 2009/Bannt October 2009~~Excellence LS~
    ~I has a blog~~
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  • #2
    Re: Acne/Break Outs

    I'm guessing it's stress.

    Not sure what to tell you about making it better -- other than standard stuff about keeping your skin clean but not using too many drying products on it (wash away all the oils in your skin & your body will go into overdrive to make more). Use some gentle cleanser, some light moisturizer ... be sure not to go to bed with makeup on. Drink lots of water & try to get enough rest (I know that part is way easier said than done).

    Dear Lord. It's official. I've turned into my mother.


    • #3
      Re: Acne/Break Outs

      I've used Zapzyt, it works great, and its cheap. It makes my acne go away almost instantly, about 2-3 days of constant use and its gone. But you gotta keep using it in order to keep it away.


      • #4
        Re: Acne/Break Outs

        Staying hydrated goes a long, long way toward clearing up skin - but you have to stick with it and that means cutting down on or completely cutting out things like soda. After a couple weeks, you'll be surprised how much a regular, healthy intake of water does for that

        Carbonated drinks only serve to dehydrate you and it does it on several levels, to say nothing of the corn syrup disrupting your metabolism. Try making soda a rare indulgence rather than an every day thing. If you really need the caffeine there are plenty of other ways to get it that don't dehydrate - brewing tea and coffee being the easiest way.


        • #5
          Re: Acne/Break Outs

          In addition to all that other stuff, they say sleeping with a clean towel over your pillows, or just constantly using clean pillowcases helps.
          "I have a forebrain, my ability to abstract thoughts allow for all kinds of things" - Red Mage 8-Bit theater


          • #6
            Re: Acne/Break Outs

            I have the exact same problem and can never stop acne break outs. Having horrible skin is just something I've learned to live with I guess.
            Rahal Gerrant - Balmung - 188 DRK
            Reiko Takahashi
            - Balmung - 182 AST, 191 BLM, 182 SCH, 188 SMN
            Haters Gonna Hate


            • #7
              Re: Acne/Break Outs

              Accutane. The wonder drug.


              • #8
                Re: Acne/Break Outs

                One word: Zinc

                Thanks Yyg!


                • #9
                  Re: Acne/Break Outs

                  Originally posted by DakAttack View Post
                  Accutane. The wonder drug.
                  There are ongoing lawsuits against Accutane. Seems to be late occuring side effects or something like that.


                  • #10
                    Re: Acne/Break Outs

                    Aw, dang. I don't have any of the side effects, so I guess I gets no settlement monies.


                    • #11
                      Re: Acne/Break Outs

                      I'd never recommend ANY medications for acne. From my experience as a nurse over the years I've seen many people that have tried various treatments. All I've ever seen from the results of medication is "scarring" where once you had bumps pointing outwards they now point inwards like the surface of a golfball and is usually red and blotchy.

                      Stress is a big factor the best advice came from BBQ. Stress can trigger all kinds of crap it's unreal. But you should be drinking water and alot of it through the day. As a young person and a gamer myself I know how easy it is to suddenly replace your fluid intake with soda's and othr sugary drinks.

                      Along with stress comes tiredness "being run down" It happens to me when I go mad on the overtime, But I'm a sucker I love A&E.

                      My last bit of advice is to not use soap to wash your face. If you can find a face wash containing things like tea tree oil and witchhazel. I'm not sure if they are what you call them in the usa. but the witchazel dries out the spots and clears pores and the tea tree tries to put a little goodness back in.

                      Ooooh another thing just sprang to mind. Hair. If you have what we call a fringe "I think they called it bangs on scrubs?" anyways hair that covers the forehead. it's usually a bad idea to style your hair in that manner if so, Hair secretes oils all the time and brushing against one's face isnt going to do any favours for one's acne problem. Or failing that be OCD with hair washing also

                      And finally. The best medical treatment I found so far is a topical solution called ( DALACIN -T ) apply a thin film after washing. it got rid of most of my acne in about 2 weeks. Now my acne will only flare if I get run down/stressed etc.

                      Ever had a spot/zit under the skin with no head that is painful and impossible to squeeze? He're in the uk we use either "Black jack" or "Magnesium sulphate" both available from pharmacies. They will encourage whatever is under there to rise to the surface. I find black jack the best pesronally allthough it looks like $h!7 in a jar.

                      If you have acne that is painful to the touch if you happen to have paracetamol or an anti inflamatory like Ibuprofen that can dissolve in water. Wet one and gently rub the affected area.

                      I'm sorry I don't know the names of american drugs. You Usa people decided you wanted the same drugs but different names /shakesfist
                      It's the rebranding thats the only thing that puts me off coming to nurse in america.

                      Right I will leave you all alone now but please take my advice with a little caution I am not a doctor, I am a nurse and everything I stated is based on personal and professional experience

                      Signature created by my good friend Naughtymistress, Remora server.


                      • #12
                        Re: Acne/Break Outs

                        Thanks Satori.

                        As for drinking water, I tend to drink a lot of it throughout the day, especially now because it gets so hot, but also because my daily allowance (as per me) for soda is two per day. That's an extreme cutback, considering I used to drink upwards of half a dozen in a day a few years ago. I'm pleased with two per day at this point. I usually have one to wake up, and one with my "noon" (more like 5PM) meal. I take water with me to work, and for the rest of the day, I drink water, with the occasional beer mixed in. I don't really drink anything else. But I'm plenty hydrated, I know that, even with the soda I drink. And coffee is just yuck. I like how it smells but not how it tastes.

                        Stress I believe is a factor too, that's been an issue lately since I hate my job and it pays me approximately $300 less than I need a month now that they cut our hours (I hope they fucking fix that), so trying to find a new job that I needed yesterday is kicking my ass.

                        And I do sweat a lot in bed, I guess my pillowcases are nasty, but it's just not practical to wash them every day. I guess I'll try to switch them out more or put other pillowcases over them while I sleep and let my pretty decorative pillowcases look pretty during the day. I was just flabbergasted, I mean I'm okay with a zit here and there, but suddenly, seven?!? That really just made me wtf.

                        Gonna try not to do the meds thing for one simple reason: money. I have none, all of my remedies have to be free or something I'd already be buying.
                        ~Mama Gamer~~Quitted July 2009/Bannt October 2009~~Excellence LS~
                        ~I has a blog~~
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                        • #13
                          Re: Acne/Break Outs

                          I forgot to mention asking, Have you been tested for allergies or are there any allergies that commonly run through the family? Dairy products can contribute as well as other ingredients. Where we usually see food allergies amongst rashes and stomach and bowel problems the reactions can manifest similar to acne. Acne is troublesome because almost every person has different triggers, Try proccing that in Abyssea lol

                          You could try getting a bowl of hot water and steam your face under a towel for a few minutes before you start your usual skin regime. That should help open up your pores and afterwards splash with cold water to encourage them to close once more. Just make sure whatever you choose to cleanse the face has been completely washed away otherwise it will become trapped in the now closed pore.

                          Apart from Dalacin -T everything else I listed costs roughly $1-2 and can be given over the counter without a prescription. I'm not sure how medicine is aquired over there but I imagine it's similar. Tea tree oil and witchazel are usually amongst first aid stuff and cosmetics and are common for their application in the household. Plus they are natural products if you prefer to avoid chemical cocktails.

                          Try to avoid putting makeup on them though, It may aggro them even more.
                          When I perform in drag I have to make sure every last molecule of makeup is removed. Sometimes my temperature runs high in the night and I can sweat alot . Failing to do so can guarantee I'll start to break out. So if you can avoid leaving makeup on at times when it's not needed.
                          Allthough for me taking my makeup off at night is to stop me getting up late for work and turning up in false eyelashes and nails lmao.
                          I won't be doing that one again in a hurry
                          Last edited by Satori; 05-12-2011, 09:08 AM.

                          Signature created by my good friend Naughtymistress, Remora server.


                          • #14
                            Re: Acne/Break Outs

                            You guys should know I think makeup is pretty stupid for most occasions. I hardly ever wear it. Usually little more than lip gloss and the occasional lipstick.

                            I consider it to be a pretty big waste of money. Paint my face? I'll admit sometimes I like making my lips purple or black sometimes, but I don't need to put a skin-tone colored base over my skin-toned face. It makes no sense to me.
                            ~Mama Gamer~~Quitted July 2009/Bannt October 2009~~Excellence LS~
                            ~I has a blog~~
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                            • #15
                              Re: Acne/Break Outs

                              Stress causes them sometimes. I find what helps is wash your face with soap in the morning and before you go to sleep. Also, rinse your face with water every two or three hours. Don't touch your face through out the day, don't pick them. Also cut back on your sugar if you eat sugary things. I know whenever I eat candy, or especially chocolate, I break out (despite that the medical community says its not the case). Acne is caused by the bacterium, Propionibacterium acnes, and thus is more than just diet and stress. Accutane also really helped me, and I don't have any of the detrimental side effects that you see lawsuits occurring with it over (it happens in less than 5% of those treated).
                              Twilightrose- THF/49 WAR/24 WHM/53 BLM/32 RNG/15 BST/25 NIN/27

