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Who's your favorite pony?
Re: Who's your favorite pony?
Rahal Gerrant - Balmung - 188 DRK
Reiko Takahashi - Balmung - 182 AST, 191 BLM, 182 SCH, 188 SMN
Haters Gonna Hate
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Re: Who's your favorite pony?
So, I went to a little event about ponies this weekend. Have some horrible quality pictures!
BroNYCon: The Commentary before the Documentary.
*VERY LARGE*This was on Sunday, while we were waiting to be let in. The pictures are not in order by day because I'm trying to go story-mode, dammit! And yes, they were dancing.
Why? Because this big beaut plays music and video. The images cycle; how appropriate it chose my favorite fanfic as soon as I hit the button.
Making our way in from a lovely carpeted hallway, the Vendor Hall awaits us, and also awaiting us are some bronies singing Smile, Smile Smile. Well, I was smirking. That's a type of smile, right?
Awesome Pony Swag is everywhere, and I will forever regret holding off on grabbing a Pinkie Pie version of these. Sigh, next time...
Also, as good as it looks and the fact it's made of sugar, that MMMM is not edible.
The card game EQD kept previewing. Everyone gets one free Rarity Holo-Promo card. Not sure what to do with it...
Also in the Vendor Hall is of course, cosplay. Always fun to look at.
Where's Flam?
What th- Spiderman, what are you doing here?
Right... So moving on, I enter the Traveling Pony Museum, where people donate arts stuff and they travel with it. Because stuff.
What? I liked Cupcakes.
There was also a giant plushie of Pinkie Pie called the Monster Pie. I tried to stuff it into my bag but was dragged off by security. Well, I imagined I would if I tried to.
Before I started to wonder if jail was a nice place or not, I moved on to our guest stars, ranging from John de Lancie, to Andrea Libman, to the reason I went to Bronycon in the first place - Lauren Faust.
Beautiful as she is brilliant. Craig Mccracken, you is lucky.
And Tara Strong is just as excitable as she is shown to be. A very great person to meet, overall. She even slapped me.
Well, on the wrist. With a wristband. That says Twilightlicious. Swag.
I have a ton of more pictures, but I don't want this to get big as it is. I'll put the rest in my album and can post said album if wanted, though I'm sure you can find plenty of photos on EQD. Damn shame I didn't get any from the Bronypalooza concert; camera sucks in the darkness. All I can say is - live Pony music, glow sticks, lasers, and Tara Strong shaking her rump on stage. Go find a live-stream. Now.
My first convention ever. I'm exhausted, my wallet hurts even though most of the stuff I wanted was sold out (first con lesson learned: get the shopping done first), and I apparently caught a cold.
But it was so worth it. Looking forward to the next one!
Last edited by Nandito; 07-01-2012, 08:44 PM.Originally posted by YygdrasilOriginally posted by NanditoPonies.
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Re: Who's your favorite pony?
Nandito: I am soooooo jelly. Meeting Tara and Lauren must've been so awesome. I'll have to console myself with my signed Blu-Rays.
Unrelated, but you guys totally need to listen to Kevin Smith interviewing Tara Strong. It's hilarious. SModcast | Tara Strong: Batgirl, Bubbles and Bronies "I wonder how many 10-year-old boys I could do. Wait...that came out wrong."
Also, I've begun uploading all the images I hoarded on my computer to my Minus account. Meaning, you can browse all my pictures, pony-related or otherwise. And if you sign up we both get 1 GB more storage space and you can follow me to get updates from me automatically.
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Re: Who's your favorite pony?
Season 3 sneak peek!
Season 3 stuff!- Trixie's return was "confirmed" with a "I think we're not allowed to say, but I will expect season three to maybe see some great and powerful stuff". after someone asked if she would be returning. (yesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyes)
- There was a great section about Derpy. Someone asked if she would be receiving anymore speaking roles, and the response basically said Hasbro loves Derpy, they have her everywhere now, but she probably wont be able to roll with anything other than background shots. You guys scared the poor girl!
- Fluttershy turning into a dragon and her cute voice coming from a giant lizard was actually mentioned by Tabitha. Sounds like season 3 to me!
- More crazy ponies on the way! These are the best episodes btw.
- They hyped Luna up, so we will probably be seeing more of her.
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Re: Who's your favorite pony?
Hey, you know what I noticed?
From the beginnings of this poll, Fluttershy was leading Rainbow Dash by a good amount of votes, but months later, I found out that Rainbow Dash had overtaken her by dozens of votes. To vote for Rainbow Dash in such a rapid pace is making me suspicious. Did an amazing amount of Rainbow Dash voters find this poll, or was somebody spamming votes? What do you guys think?
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Re: Who's your favorite pony?
Or maybe Dash got all of the good character development in series 1 and 2 and Fluttershy didn't get a great deal until late series 2.Rahal Gerrant - Balmung - 188 DRK
Reiko Takahashi - Balmung - 182 AST, 191 BLM, 182 SCH, 188 SMN
Haters Gonna Hate
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Re: Who's your favorite pony?
Or maybe several people made, like, a dozen socks each, simply to sway the poll . . .Originally posted by ArmandoNo one at Square Enix has heard of Occam's Razor.Originally posted by ArmandoNintendo always seems to have a legion of haters at the wings ready to jump in and prop up straw men about hardware and gimmicks and casuals.Originally posted by TaskmageGOD IS MIFFED AT AMERICA
THE END IS COMING ONE OF THESE DAYS WHEN GOD GETS AROUND TO ITOriginally posted by TaskmageHowever much I am actually smart, I got that way by confronting how stupid I am.
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Re: Who's your favorite pony?
I'm flattered that you guys have gone through 3 different possible explanations and not one of them yet has been an administrator rigging the poll.
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Re: Who's your favorite pony?
Originally posted by Taskmage View PostI'm flattered that you guys have gone through 3 different possible explanations and not one of them yet has been an administrator rigging the poll.
I find that meta-suspicious.Originally posted by ArmandoNo one at Square Enix has heard of Occam's Razor.Originally posted by ArmandoNintendo always seems to have a legion of haters at the wings ready to jump in and prop up straw men about hardware and gimmicks and casuals.Originally posted by TaskmageGOD IS MIFFED AT AMERICA
THE END IS COMING ONE OF THESE DAYS WHEN GOD GETS AROUND TO ITOriginally posted by TaskmageHowever much I am actually smart, I got that way by confronting how stupid I am.
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