OK, about this time last year or maybe well into the spring, my sister tried to adopt a retired greyhound and immediately realizing this would not sit well with her landlord and likely her husband-to-be since they shared two dogs all ready, she tried to pressure me into adopting it.
I said no. I just don't like big dogs. They have one I refuse to watch as it is because they have not trained her well. All Desi knows how to do is sit and barely does that well. She constantly pounces and licks people and gets into things.
I knew the greyhound is housebroken and all, but still, the dog had this "please put me down" look about him. Things worked out and a man down the street took on the greyhound anyway. I see him walking it with another just about every day, so it worked out for someone.
Yesterday my sister calls me, she found another dog to feel sorry for and applied to adopt it. Some terrier mix. Smaller dog, but this time blind. I told her I would think about it, but suggested she try with friends to see if anyone is interested.
My problem is this:
Lauren has Elmyra Syndrome

She knows getting a third dog would put her at odds with her landlord and while her husband would just be reluctant. Since she knows she can't have it, she's trying to push it on me so it still feels like her dog and is in a place where it taken care of so she can visit it.
The other thing is pretty obvious and this is just from being her brother - her pets always love the other people living with her more. Growing up, her pets may as well have just been mine. And it was because I wasn't an Elmyra to them, I gave them attention as needed - I didn't suffocate them.
There's some unrequited pet love going on here, so I know when she feels like the next pet isn't giving her attention, she'll try another. At present both dogs like her husband a lot more.
I do want a dog, but I kinda want it to be MY dog and not someone else's dog that got adopted out of pity and I got stuck with.
Plus I want a corgi >.>
I said no. I just don't like big dogs. They have one I refuse to watch as it is because they have not trained her well. All Desi knows how to do is sit and barely does that well. She constantly pounces and licks people and gets into things.
I knew the greyhound is housebroken and all, but still, the dog had this "please put me down" look about him. Things worked out and a man down the street took on the greyhound anyway. I see him walking it with another just about every day, so it worked out for someone.
Yesterday my sister calls me, she found another dog to feel sorry for and applied to adopt it. Some terrier mix. Smaller dog, but this time blind. I told her I would think about it, but suggested she try with friends to see if anyone is interested.
My problem is this:
Lauren has Elmyra Syndrome

She knows getting a third dog would put her at odds with her landlord and while her husband would just be reluctant. Since she knows she can't have it, she's trying to push it on me so it still feels like her dog and is in a place where it taken care of so she can visit it.
The other thing is pretty obvious and this is just from being her brother - her pets always love the other people living with her more. Growing up, her pets may as well have just been mine. And it was because I wasn't an Elmyra to them, I gave them attention as needed - I didn't suffocate them.
There's some unrequited pet love going on here, so I know when she feels like the next pet isn't giving her attention, she'll try another. At present both dogs like her husband a lot more.
I do want a dog, but I kinda want it to be MY dog and not someone else's dog that got adopted out of pity and I got stuck with.
Plus I want a corgi >.>