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So I wonder what the cigarette companies think of this...

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  • So I wonder what the cigarette companies think of this...

    Cigarette Packs to Show Corpses, Cancer Patients (PICTURES) - Health Blog - CBS News

    "(CBS/AP) Can the federal government scare cigarette smokers into stopping with a new campaign of horrific images to be placed on cigarette packages?

    They're certainly going to try.

    Images of corpses, cancer patients, and diseased lungs are just some of whats in store in graphic new warning labels.

    The images are part of a new visual campaign announced by the Food and Drug Administration and the Department of Health and Human Services on Wednesday to reduce tobacco use, the Associated Press reports, which is responsible for about 443,000 deaths per year.

    The new prevention plan is part of the law passed in June 2009 giving the FDA authority to regulate tobacco, including marketing and labeling guidelines, banning certain products and limiting nicotine. The law doesn't let the FDA ban nicotine or tobacco entirely.

    "Today, FDA takes a crucial step toward reducing the tremendous toll of illness and death caused by tobacco use by proposing to dramatically change how cigarette packages and advertising look in this country," FDA Commissioner Margaret Hamburg said in a news release. "The health consequences of smoking will be obvious every time someone picks up a pack of cigarettes."

    The FDA is proposing 36 labels for public comment, which include phrases like "smoking can kill you" and "cigarettes cause cancer," but also feature graphic images to convey the dangers of tobacco use.

    The agency will select the final labels in June after reviews of scientific literature, public comments, and results from an 18,000-person study. Cigarette makers will then have 15 months to start using the new labels.

    Canada was the first country to begin using visual warning labels, introducing them in 2000. Now, more than 30 countries employ visual warning labels, including Australia, Brazil, India and Egypt. Some countries' labels are particularly graphic, like Brazil's, which include dead premature fetuses, post-autopsy cadavers, and gangrenous feet.

    While it is impossible to say how many people quit because of the labels that have been introduced, Hammond said every source of evidence suggests that the labels do help people quit.

    Given the population in the U.S., the impact of the warning labels could be "significant," Hammond said.

    Meanwhile, Reynolds American Inc., parent company of the nation's second-largest cigarette maker, R.J. Reynolds, is reviewing the labeling plan. But spokesman David Howard said the legality of the new labels is part of the lawsuit filed by the company, Lorillard Inc. and others pending in federal appeals court.

    The tobacco makers in the suit had argued the warnings would relegate the companies' brands to the bottom half of the cigarette packaging, making it "difficult, if not impossible, to see."


    I can't believe that big tobacco is going to lie down and let this happen. These are images on cigarette packages in Brazil.

    **Warning! These images are disgusting and graphic and NSFW!**
    Do not click if at work or if you are sensitive to graphic images.

    I doubt that the FDA will go THIS far, though it would be entertaining to see it happen. lol But in our culture, you'd have people crying outrage at kids being able to see these images when parents leave their cigarettes lying around. I wouldn't be surprised to see a lawsuit after they add the images to cigarette packages. Someone will find a way to sue over some idiocy like "after seeing the images I'm no longer able to sleep at night and have horrid nightmares when I do"...

    Will this work? Oh I'm sure there will be a small percentage of people that decide to stop smoking after seeing them but a significant amount of people...I doubt it.
    Originally posted by Feba
    But I mean I do not mind a good looking man so long as I do not have to view his penis.
    Originally posted by Taskmage
    God I hate my periods. You think passing a clot through a vagina is bad? Try it with a penis.
    Originally posted by DakAttack
    ...I'm shitting dicks out of my eyeballs in excitement for the next bestgreating game of all time ever.

  • #2
    Re: So I wonder what the cigarette companies think of this...

    Well, I doubt it'll do much, but anything that curbs smoking is good.



    • #3
      Re: So I wonder what the cigarette companies think of this...

      Let's face it. You put these things on cigarette labels in America, and all you're going to see is a huge rise in the number of college students who smoke.


      • #4
        Re: So I wonder what the cigarette companies think of this...

        People who already smoke aren't going to be deterred by gross pictures. People who don't smoke but are considering it (for whatever freaking reason), may. But seriously, it is a chemical addiction. Smokers often want to quit, but find themselves unable. Some people would be surprised at what someone who is having severe nicotine withdrawals would endure for a smoke.


        • #5
          Re: So I wonder what the cigarette companies think of this...

          Addictions are for the weak.


          • #6
            Re: So I wonder what the cigarette companies think of this...

            As a smoker and medical professional myself I can't say this will do much.
            To be honest most smokers don't care about the packaging because you can't smoke it.
            Smokers will quit when they wan't to or feel the time is right.
            The other reason smokers quit is due to medical reasons, Kinda like how people do runs for cancer fundraising or join the donor register. People mainly react to things after they are affected by them or a family member or friend has.

            Should I know better than to smoke because I'm a nurse ? = Yes
            Will pictures of freaky lungs make me stop? = No

            I've seen lungs that are in bad shape up close when I was getting experience as a scrub nurse and to be honest the first thing I did after we'd finished was go out for a cigarette.

            People may rave about how bad smoking is, But your taxes would fly through the roof if there wasn't this legal addiction the governments can cream money off.

            Signature created by my good friend Naughtymistress, Remora server.


            • #7
              Re: So I wonder what the cigarette companies think of this...

              Don't smoke.
              Don't care.

              Just fucking sick of the crusade.


              • #8
                Re: So I wonder what the cigarette companies think of this...

                Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten View Post
                Don't smoke.
                Don't care.

                Just fucking sick of the crusade.
                So you enjoy the second hand smoke?


                • #9
                  Re: So I wonder what the cigarette companies think of this...

                  Originally posted by DakAttack View Post
                  So you enjoy the second hand smoke?
                  Amazingly Winston-Salem, NC - where many cigarettes are made - have so many regulations against smoking in public places its just not a major issue for me. I'm exposed to more carbon monoxide from passing cars than I am second-hand smoke. You want to smoke? You go outside, end of story.

                  All these little regulations and taxes to try to lessen smoking are anemic at best. They've only curbed it slightly, yet more people in their early 20s smoke than anyone else I know - and why would they do that?

                  Shock me shock me with your youthful rebellion. As long as it is bad, as long as you say "no" the kids will want it. They booze their brains out at the earliest opportunity and find that smoking goes wonderfully with booze, too.

                  You go out to the clubs and bars and you'll see most people can't have one without the other. I don't care for smelling like five packs when I come home so I don't go to those places anymore.

                  Avoidance is key. Further regulations and labeling won't do shit.


                  • #10
                    Re: So I wonder what the cigarette companies think of this...

                    The attitudes when smoking comes up are always hilarious. How's that high horse, folks? I mean, when BBQ is being the fairly sensible one? You need to look at yourselves.

                    WE GET IT. You don't like smoking. So, don't smoke, and if you see someone on a public street who is smoking? Avoid them. You don't need to walk nearby and cough loudly, or give them a dirty look, or do whatever other passive aggressive bullshit thing you do. Grow up, and realize that they don't care that you don't like their smoking. They just think you're a self-righteous asshole.

                    Hell, you can barely smoke in most places nowadays anyway. Your life as a non-smoker is not particularly affected by smoking. Get over it.


                    • #11
                      Re: So I wonder what the cigarette companies think of this...

                      Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten View Post
                      Amazingly Winston-Salem, NC - where many cigarettes are made - have so many regulations against smoking in public places its just not a major issue for me. I'm exposed to more carbon monoxide from passing cars than I am second-hand smoke. You want to smoke? You go outside, end of story.

                      All these little regulations and taxes to try to lessen smoking are anemic at best. They've only curbed it slightly, yet more people in their early 20s smoke than anyone else I know - and why would they do that?

                      Shock me shock me with your youthful rebellion. As long as it is bad, as long as you say "no" the kids will want it. They booze their brains out at the earliest opportunity and find that smoking goes wonderfully with booze, too.

                      You go out to the clubs and bars and you'll see most people can't have one without the other. I don't care for smelling like five packs when I come home so I don't go to those places anymore.

                      Avoidance is key. Further regulations and labeling won't do shit.
                      Should we subject all youth at that age, even the ones that don't smoke, to the second-hand effects of smoking? They can't avoid schools or bus stops, where most youthful smoking takes place. They deserve protection from the stupid decisions the other kids make.

                      Besides, the youth mind is impressionable and favors taking risks. Hopefully, these images would a first-contact lesson on what the effects could be. If this fails, making all cigarettes look like dicks would pretty much be the fool-proof way to scare them off. Unless they're Murphie.


                      • #12
                        Re: So I wonder what the cigarette companies think of this...

                        Stay classy, Dak.


                        • #13
                          Re: So I wonder what the cigarette companies think of this...

                          Originally posted by Murphie View Post
                          The attitudes when smoking comes up are always hilarious. How's that high horse, folks? I mean, when BBQ is being the fairly sensible one? You need to look at yourselves.

                          WE GET IT. You don't like smoking. So, don't smoke, and if you see someone on a public street who is smoking? Avoid them. You don't need to walk nearby and cough loudly, or give them a dirty look, or do whatever other passive aggressive bullshit thing you do. Grow up, and realize that they don't care that you don't like their smoking. They just think you're a self-righteous asshole.

                          Hell, you can barely smoke in most places nowadays anyway. Your life as a non-smoker is not particularly affected by smoking. Get over it.
                          I don't care if people smoke. I have an opinion on smoking in general, but I won't post it here as it may deem me as soulless (to be short, though, let people smoke however much they want.) However, I dislike being at work and having to deal with a customer that smells so strongly of smoke that I literally cannot breath (same goes for you people who don't know how to properly apply cologne/perfume.)

                          Also, these pictures won't help curb smoking. But thanks for limiting smoking in most public places.

                          Originally posted by DakAttack View Post
                          If this fails, making all cigarettes look like dicks would pretty much be the fool-proof way to scare them off. Unless they're Murphie.
                 fucking dot.....


                          • #14
                            Re: So I wonder what the cigarette companies think of this...

                            Wow, I completely forgot about women when I posted that. Women would totally smoke cigarettes that look like dicks, just to be funny.

                            Anyways, inhaling only a little smoke only causes a little cancer, right? A little cancer is probably good for you! Er, not exactly. Unchecked cell division means a little bit will become a lot. Carcinogenic substances shouldn't be crammed into people's faces because you need a fix, stop thinking about yourself.


                            • #15
                              Re: So I wonder what the cigarette companies think of this...

                              A suggestion. If you happen to live in some archaic state where smoking in public establishments hasn't been banned yet? Maybe work on making that the case. Get involved. If you want to help keep our impressionable youth from smoking? Get involved. Idle bitching on an internet forum isn't going to help.

                              I mean, I smoked on and off for years. I quit about a month or so ago. I'm happy about it. I miss them sometimes, but I know that's just the receptors in my brain talking, and I know that I'm better off without them. They are expensive, they are bad for me, and the rush one gets from smoking them decreases the longer you smoke, so you need more and more as you go. And then there's the smell. It sucks. It's not worth it. But that's a choice people have to make for themselves.

                              Dak - Your hyperbole is hilarious. Who exactly is shoving smoke in your face? Is poor little Dak surrounded by mean old smokers who stand right next to him and exhale their nasty cancer in his face? Aw. I understand then why you'd be such a tool about it. Because clearly you're being persecuted. And so you are entirely justified in your over the top response.

