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Yet another **** storm for the Tea Party

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  • Yet another **** storm for the Tea Party

    Oh lordy this one is a doozy.

    CNN Political Ticker: All politics, all the time Blog Archive - Islamic leaders decry Tea Party reference to Muslim ‘monkey-god’ « - Blogs from

    May 20, 2010
    Islamic leaders decry Tea Party reference to Muslim 'monkey-god'
    Posted: May 20th, 2010 01:23 PM ET
    (CNN) – A national leader of the conservative Tea Party movement has been strongly criticized by Islamic civil rights leaders for referring to the proposed site of a New York City mosque as a place for Muslims to worship "the terrorists' monkey-god."
    Tea Party Express organizer Mark Williams blogged on his Web site last week that the mosque - to be constructed near the former site of the World Trade Center - would be a "monument ... for the worship of the terrorists' monkey-god and a 'cultural center' to propagandize for the extermination of all things not approved by their cult."
    Williams, who also referred to "animals of Allah," was rebuked Thursday by the Council on American-Islamic Relations. The group issued a release Wednesday calling on other Tea Party activists to repudiate Williams' remarks.
    "It would be shocking if such ignorant comments failed to elicit a strong response not only from Tea Party leaders, but from other parties throughout the political spectrum," CAIR National Legislative Director Corey Saylor said.
    For his part, Williams was unapologetic toward Muslims.

    "In the course of the article I described the 'god' worshiped by terrorists as 'a monkey god,'" he wrote on his Web site. "I was wrong and that
    was offensive. I owe an apology to millions of Hindus who worship Lord Hanuman, an actual Monkey God."
    Hanuman is known to followers of the Hindu faith as a symbol of strength and devotion, among other things.
    Hanuman "is known as a destroyer of evil and to inspire and liberate," Williams said. "Those are hardly the traits of whatever ... it is that terrorists worship and worthy of my respect and admiration not ridicule."
    The twin towers of the World Trade Center in Manhattan were destroyed in an attack by al Qaeda terrorists on September 11, 2001.

    Dude, what the hell is wrong with this guy? See, this is what I mean about the message of the Tea Party being along the right lines, but some of it's members/delivery of said message being way, way off. I happen to agree that a Mosque would be rather offensive to the residents NYC, especially being constructed near the former Twin Towers site. But for the love of all that's decent you could at least put up a respectful complaint. There's absolutely no excuse for this kind of outright discrimination.


  • #2
    Re: Yet another **** storm for the Tea Party

    Originally posted by Malacite View Post
    I happen to agree that a Mosque would be rather offensive to the residents NYC, especially being constructed near the former Twin Towers site.
    This is like saying that the US constitution is offensive because there are people that interpret it as meaning they don't owe jack shit to society except burning buildings. Or saying that it's offensive to erect churches in the Middle East because of the crusades. Or that Japan shouldn't build atomic research facilities. Or that China should burn biotechnologists because of Unit 731. Or that US flags shouldn't be seen anywhere near Indian reservations. Or that opening up a pub in India is a dick move.

    Two things, Malacite. One, yes, some people in groups are dicks. That doesn't mean you generalize the entire group as dicks. Two, sometimes you just need to grow the fuck up and get over things. There's a reason that the only people who seriously hate the Japanese nowadays are crazy old people and crazy racists. The sane ones forgave them a long time ago.


    • #3
      Re: Yet another **** storm for the Tea Party

      Originally posted by Malacite View Post
      Dude, what the hell is wrong with this guy? See, this is what I mean about the message of the Tea Party being along the right lines, but some of it's members/delivery of said message being way, way off. I happen to agree that a Mosque would be rather offensive to the residents NYC, especially being constructed near the former Twin Towers site. But for the love of all that's decent you could at least put up a respectful complaint. There's absolutely no excuse for this kind of outright discrimination.
      It's called free publicity. It gets the word out to more people if you are offensive. It's only a tactic, a very ignorant one but still just a tactic.

      Originally posted by Feba View Post
      There's a reason that the only people who seriously hate the Japanese nowadays are crazy old people and crazy racists. The sane ones forgave them a long time ago.
      My mother is one of the crazy people. I'd like to kill whoever told her to watch The Boondocks, now she calls Asian people yellow niggers. /sigh
      Originally posted by Feba
      But I mean I do not mind a good looking man so long as I do not have to view his penis.
      Originally posted by Taskmage
      God I hate my periods. You think passing a clot through a vagina is bad? Try it with a penis.
      Originally posted by DakAttack
      ...I'm shitting dicks out of my eyeballs in excitement for the next bestgreating game of all time ever.


      • #4
        Re: Yet another **** storm for the Tea Party

        Originally posted by TheGrandMom View Post
        The Boondocks, now she calls Asian people yellow niggers.
        The Boondocks the cartoon, or The Boondock Saints?
        A mans strength isn't measured by the size of his muscle, but by the size of his heart.

        it's better to be a smart ass than a dumb ass.

        R.I.P. Dura's Moms Hard Drive. 2002-2009 Gone, but not forgotten.

        Your family must havehad a hen farm growin', up cause you sure know how to raise a cock


        • #5
          Re: Yet another **** storm for the Tea Party

          It's the comic tv show. If you haven't watched it yet, you better fire up that DVR!
          Originally posted by Feba
          But I mean I do not mind a good looking man so long as I do not have to view his penis.
          Originally posted by Taskmage
          God I hate my periods. You think passing a clot through a vagina is bad? Try it with a penis.
          Originally posted by DakAttack
          ...I'm shitting dicks out of my eyeballs in excitement for the next bestgreating game of all time ever.


          • #6
            Re: Yet another **** storm for the Tea Party

            Seriously, noone should be so far right or so far left.


            • #7
              Re: Yet another **** storm for the Tea Party

              The whole mosque near the 9/11 site thing is a lose/lose argument for anyone that wants to discuss it. You build the mosque there, you lose. You object to it, you lose. Anyone that tries to politicize that matter loses

              You lose for being an insensitive prick no matter which side you're on. So someone went off in the Tea Party, OK, there's the crazy Tea Party guy you always wanted. Given the context of the issue, though, I can't see the media running with it like its a winner to smear the Tea Party with. If you look at the primaries this week, the Tea Party kinda won. Incumbents are getting ousted on both sides of the aisle, just like they wanted.

              That aside, planning to open a mosque near the 9/11 site is kinda like the brother of a convicted pedophile opening a children's clothing store near an elementary school. Its a bit of a touchy subject, tempers are bound to flare. You had to see it coming. File it under "You were asking for it." Sure, you're not that crazy guy, but not everyone will see it that way.

              There have been plenty with something to say about it, you know, like New Yorkers. I'm sure they had really tolerant things to say about it. Doesn't make the Tea party "leader" (like there really is one, there is no central leader) right for saying it, he did lose it for a bit. Doesn't make anyone right, but the frustration is understandable.

              Right now in my town we have some nut leaving real grenades in Goodwill Donation bins and convenience stores. If someone brings a toy grenade to a public place or just jokes about it, they're going to get the shit kicked out of them. Asking for it. At least with this mosque there's been the space of nine years since 9/11, but then again, someone did try to blow up Time Square less than a month ago in the name of Allah, so I can kinda understand the tension.


              • #8
                Re: Yet another **** storm for the Tea Party

                Abolish all organized religions, It's damn near time humanity stopped limping around with the crutch that is organized religion. Don't know what happens after were done on this earth, and probably not ever going to know until it's time to leave. Yet people are so scared about the unknown that they let it affect the things they do know.


                • #9
                  Re: Yet another **** storm for the Tea Party

                  Originally posted by ShepardG View Post
                  Abolish all organized religions, It's damn near time humanity stopped limping around with the crutch that is organized religion. Don't know what happens after were done on this earth, and probably not ever going to know until it's time to leave. Yet people are so scared about the unknown that they let it affect the things they do know.
                  Didn't South Park cover what happens after you achieve this? It doesn't fix anything, people just find a new crutch and continue to behave the same way they always have. Don't get me wrong, I'm not a huge fan of organized religion(or what people do in its name) but I think it's a symptom rather than a cause. People are scum and no amount of social or societal re-engineering is going to change that.
                  Server: Midgardsormr -> Quetzalcoatl -> Valefor
                  Occupation: Reckless Red Mage
                  Name: Drjones
                  Blog: Mediocre Mage


                  • #10
                    Re: Yet another **** storm for the Tea Party

                    Originally posted by cidbahamut View Post
                    People are scum and no amount of social or societal re-engineering is going to change that.
                    Nah, I can't believe that. If this is the case then mankind is doomed, and I dont' think we are. Is it going to take years and years of gradual sociological change? oh hell yeah, thousands of years probably, hopefully 4200 we'll have figured out that killing one another for the sake of doing it isn't going to advance our existance.

                    Your right mankind will always look for a cruch until the day comes when collectively we just say "Fuck it" and "limp" forward without a safety net. Gonna take many many cycles of moms and dads raising their children to be better than they were. Many Many cycles ....


                    • #11
                      Re: Yet another **** storm for the Tea Party

                      See that's the problem, you can't force people to be good. "Evil" will always exist, and there is little you can do about it except try to contain it once it has been identified. Unfortunately some things just don't seem possible to fix. Let's say you have parents that provide a roof over their family's head, and food on the table. Then by example of things they do such as alcoholism, drug use, racism, etc they pass this on to 1 or more of their children. Do you honestly think we are going to be able to get rid of those social problems, ever? People have been getting drunk, using drugs, and persecuting others for their differences for centuries.
                      "All of the biggest technological inventions created by man - the airplane, the automobile, the computer - says little about his intelligence, but speaks volumes about his laziness." - Mark Kennedy


                      • #12
                        Re: Yet another **** storm for the Tea Party

                        Good and Evil are not absolute.
                        Burning questions are burning: Is jenova_9 really a girl and is she cute? Does she talk like that in real life?


                        This is why I J9:



                        • #13
                          Re: Yet another **** storm for the Tea Party

                          Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten View Post
                          Right now in my town we have some nut leaving real grenades in Goodwill Donation bins and convenience stores. If someone brings a toy grenade to a public place or just jokes about it, they're going to get the shit kicked out of them. Asking for it. At least with this mosque there's been the space of nine years since 9/11, but then again, someone did try to blow up Time Square less than a month ago in the name of Allah, so I can kinda understand the tension.
                          I wouldn't say they're asking for that.

                          I'd say they're asking for somebody to call the police and them to shoot the idiot if they make a wrong move ... you can't assume it's NOT a live grenade.


                          • #14
                            Re: Yet another **** storm for the Tea Party

                            Originally posted by Solymir View Post
                            People have been getting drunk, using drugs, and persecuting others for their differences for centuries.
                            yup, but you can also argue that we've made progress, be it slight or not.

                            -Getting drunk isn't such a big deal, being drunk only amplifies/exagerates emotions that are already there. It's why i don't drink when i'm depressed, and it's why I do when I feel good ^^ (I'm such a happy drunk)

                            -Drug use falls into that same boat, and all things in moderation, etc.

                            But yeah, the concepts are so foreign to what we as a collective species know and understand that it's real easy to just assume it won't ever happen, and so hoping for it is a waste of recources.

                            I personally live my life to teach the ones that come behind me to live a better, more open minded, understanding life than the one I lived. That's all. The only thing I hope for is that they do the same with the children, and their childrens children. every little sociallogical upgrade might send ripples throug the future of our species in ways that we can't even comprehend but could eventually lead to a utopian society, or destroy us all. For me, it's never been about the ending ^^

                            It's like a good RPG, it was never about beating kefka. It was about strugling through tough times together and the journey that led up to the ending, but not the ending itself. Hell that's why I still have 20+ RPGs that i'm on the final dungeon of, but have no desire to finish. It was never about killing the last dragon boss.


                            • #15
                              Re: Yet another **** storm for the Tea Party

                              It may not have come out that way, but I actually agree with almost everything you are saying.

                              My main point is there are always going to be bad people, and there will always be good people making bad choices.

                              I don't think this is just a matter of perspective either. Everyone is "wired" differently. Some people are wired in such a way as to never have a moral compass, of course there are varying degrees throughout our population, and those are a very small percentage. Unless you think we will come to a point where everyone will be genetically engineered to be rewired as a good and moral people I just don't see a 100% morally good society. The biggest issue is we're talking about the whole world.
                              "All of the biggest technological inventions created by man - the airplane, the automobile, the computer - says little about his intelligence, but speaks volumes about his laziness." - Mark Kennedy

