The Smurfs is an upcoming live-action/CGI-animated fantasy-family film directed by Raja Gosnell, written by J. David Stem and David N. Weiss, and stars Neil Patrick Harris, Katy Perry, Hank Azaria, Jonathan Winters, Jeff Foxworthy, Paul Reubens, Alan Cumming and George Lopez. Produced by Jordan Kerner, the film will be distributed by Columbia Pictures.
It will be the first CGI/live-action hybrid film in The Smurfs franchise.[1] After five years of negotiations, Kerner bought the rights in 2002 and was in development with Paramount Pictures and Nickelodeon Movies until Columbia Pictures and Sony Pictures Animation obtained the film rights in 2008. Filming began on March 26, 2010 in New York. After having the release date pushed back two times, it is currently scheduled to be released on August 3, 2011
It will be the first CGI/live-action hybrid film in The Smurfs franchise.[1] After five years of negotiations, Kerner bought the rights in 2002 and was in development with Paramount Pictures and Nickelodeon Movies until Columbia Pictures and Sony Pictures Animation obtained the film rights in 2008. Filming began on March 26, 2010 in New York. After having the release date pushed back two times, it is currently scheduled to be released on August 3, 2011