Re: Post your Best/Latest Accomplishment - In RL
Biting the bullet and paying for a spot to park at the tune of $150/mo. My neighborhood is a hellhole and I hate the parking Nazi's in their stupid clown cars. I hate them so hard it's proly not heart-healthy for me. I justified not buying into Diamond parking because even if I get a ticket/towed once and a while it is still cheaper than $150/mo. But I can't keep on circling my neighborhood gathering speed as I get more and more frustrated at bar-flies taking spots. Then waking up 1hr early to move my car into a legal spot. Then wondering where the F I parked it or if I missed some paint and got towed or w/e. Also I've pigeon holed myself. It very difficult to go out and do things you want to do when you know you have to do the "where the F do I park after" dance.
Biting the bullet and paying for a spot to park at the tune of $150/mo. My neighborhood is a hellhole and I hate the parking Nazi's in their stupid clown cars. I hate them so hard it's proly not heart-healthy for me. I justified not buying into Diamond parking because even if I get a ticket/towed once and a while it is still cheaper than $150/mo. But I can't keep on circling my neighborhood gathering speed as I get more and more frustrated at bar-flies taking spots. Then waking up 1hr early to move my car into a legal spot. Then wondering where the F I parked it or if I missed some paint and got towed or w/e. Also I've pigeon holed myself. It very difficult to go out and do things you want to do when you know you have to do the "where the F do I park after" dance.