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Family Quotes

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  • Family Quotes

    Originally posted by Durahansolo View Post
    Somebody should start a thread for Family Quotes too.
    Ok, sure. Why not.

    From the family dinner table a few years back:

    "Tree sperm up the nose."
    Server: Midgardsormr -> Quetzalcoatl -> Valefor
    Occupation: Reckless Red Mage
    Name: Drjones
    Blog: Mediocre Mage

  • #2
    Re: Family Quotes

    "You're so stupit!"
    A mans strength isn't measured by the size of his muscle, but by the size of his heart.

    it's better to be a smart ass than a dumb ass.

    R.I.P. Dura's Moms Hard Drive. 2002-2009 Gone, but not forgotten.

    Your family must havehad a hen farm growin', up cause you sure know how to raise a cock


    • #3
      Re: Family Quotes

      My Dad:

      "_____ _____ is/are _____er than Jack Johnson when Ms. Hattie Died."

      "These biscuits are harder than Jack Johnson when Ms. Hattie Died."
      "These clothes are mustier than Jack Johnson when Ms. Hattie Died." (You get the point lol)

      "That's not the way to do business!"

      The local credit union gave us too much money once when we cashed in some bonds. After trying to explaint to them that they had given us too much, they assured us that they were right. About a week later, the credit union put a hold on his account and called him saying "You've got our money! So we put your account on hold until you give it back." He went down to the credit union and gave them a good talking to about what they had done and then used that phrase on them. It got him a typed letter of apology from the Credit Union President.

      "...nowadays people step off the curb and commit sideways." (He meant suicide)

      "Just walking around not paying attention to anything like Simon Silly."

      "THE LAW STATES!...(Insert random law)"

      "If a woman ever tells you to give her something to remember you by...Give her the shirt off your back and walk away."
      {New Sig in the works}
      "There will come a day when the world will realize that Superman can no longer create miracles. If my name was Superman, that day would be today." 4/29/2009 - Me

      Originally posted by Aksannyi
      "Hello! 100+3 Leathercrafting, your materials, 5k! Mention code LTH74 for a special discount!" - they'd get blisted by everyone they sent that to.
      Originally posted by Solymir
      What do you have against Ants? Is iVirus some new Apple product?


      • #4
        Re: Family Quotes

        My dad - "Boy, you need to stop being a smartass!" Me "It's better than being a dumbass though, right?" My dad" YOU ARE GROUNDED!!" Good times in the car ride home from church..

        Speaking of car ride home..
        My dad cuts someone off, they get pissed and cut him off resorting in roadrage. "He can take his piece of shit car, and get it off my highway, in my state!"

        My mom who is even worse and more guilty than him at roadraging "OMG! OMG! Craig stop! Stop Craig! *starts crying*"

        And my mom has one of those highpitched nasally voices.. almost like Fran Drescher, just not as annoying, so you can imagine the annoyance I am feeling in the backseat.
        A mans strength isn't measured by the size of his muscle, but by the size of his heart.

        it's better to be a smart ass than a dumb ass.

        R.I.P. Dura's Moms Hard Drive. 2002-2009 Gone, but not forgotten.

        Your family must havehad a hen farm growin', up cause you sure know how to raise a cock


        • #5
          Re: Family Quotes

          Me while talking about both of my parents to both of my parents: "I can't take the two of you anywhere together because ya'll don't know how to act." lmao I swear anytime I go somewhere with them or take them somewhere they argue over stupid stuff.
          {New Sig in the works}
          "There will come a day when the world will realize that Superman can no longer create miracles. If my name was Superman, that day would be today." 4/29/2009 - Me

          Originally posted by Aksannyi
          "Hello! 100+3 Leathercrafting, your materials, 5k! Mention code LTH74 for a special discount!" - they'd get blisted by everyone they sent that to.
          Originally posted by Solymir
          What do you have against Ants? Is iVirus some new Apple product?


          • #6
            Re: Family Quotes

            I know your pain dude.. When my sister was 16 and learning how to drive, my dad let her drive to church (Yeah, seems like everytime we go to church, something happens) and there was this part in the road where the 2 lanes merge together, and the chick next to us had to yield and wasn't. So naturally, my parents start yelling and screaming. We get to a red light infront of all these people in their cars, and the old folks home we're infront of, they get out and start yelling at the girl in her car. This chick was like and then my mom started pounding her window as my dad ripped off her mirror. She picked up the phone then they ran back to the car and we took off.

            I was so embarrassed dude. I ducked down in my seat so no one would see me.
            A mans strength isn't measured by the size of his muscle, but by the size of his heart.

            it's better to be a smart ass than a dumb ass.

            R.I.P. Dura's Moms Hard Drive. 2002-2009 Gone, but not forgotten.

            Your family must havehad a hen farm growin', up cause you sure know how to raise a cock


            • #7
              Re: Family Quotes

              Romy’s Sister: “just got back from filing my taxes”
              Romyro: “You made sure to give the H&R guy your WD-40 form right? Not just your W-2”
              Romy’s Sister: **gasps** “I forgot to give him my WD-40 Form”

              Oh man…it was hilarious
              99 BST, PUP, WAR, MNK, THF, WHM, BLM, SMN, RNG, BLU, RUN, PLD

              -Ukon (85) 27/75 claws
              -Farsha (90) Completed!!
              -Verth (90) Completed!!
              -Guttler (95) Completed!
              -Gandiva (80) 24/50 wings
              -Ochain 27/50, 50/75, 8/75
              -Aegis just started

              ***Thank you xxFunWithJugsxx for all the help/support***


              • #8
                Re: Family Quotes

                My dad (to me): Son of a...
                Me: ... bitch!

                Spanking ensued.

                I grew up since then.
                signatures are for pussies mew mew mew, here's mine


                • #9
                  Re: Family Quotes

                  "Am I related to Winston Churchill?"


                  No I'm fucking not.


                  • #10
                    Re: Family Quotes

                    Random Quotes:

                    Dr. Straham (My HS Algebra teacher):

                    "Wars can be won...and wars can be lost... in 5 minutes." He had a long verse about it, but the only one I can remember is "You can be in jail...or you can be locked in somebody's 5 minutes."

                    "Paper Paper PICK IT UP! Look around, look arou-hah-hound!"

                    One from my HTML teacher in college:

                    He passed out the teacher evaluation forms to the class so that we could evaluate him as a teacher. One guy asked "Mr. Anderson, what do you want us to give you?" he laughed and replied "Give me all ones and get me fired." He was fired before the next semester started.

                    One from a teacher I never had in HS:

                    Mr. Gilliam: "I was a good basketball player back in my days. I was actually supposed to be in the Olympics but I missed the bus..."
                    Last edited by Durahansolo; 05-07-2010, 07:39 AM.
                    {New Sig in the works}
                    "There will come a day when the world will realize that Superman can no longer create miracles. If my name was Superman, that day would be today." 4/29/2009 - Me

                    Originally posted by Aksannyi
                    "Hello! 100+3 Leathercrafting, your materials, 5k! Mention code LTH74 for a special discount!" - they'd get blisted by everyone they sent that to.
                    Originally posted by Solymir
                    What do you have against Ants? Is iVirus some new Apple product?

