Health freedom alert: Congressman Waxman sneaks anti-vitamin amendment into Wall Street reform bill
Waxman is the twit that wanted to string up Caterpillar, Verizon, AT&T in front of all of Washington, DC for these companies doing an accounting of what the HCR bill would cost these businesses. The thing is, businesses are supposed to do such assessments at the start of each fiscal year.
When he realized that, he called the senate hearings to save face. What's sad is that he had to realize it.
Now this boob wants to sneak in an amendment to the Wall Street Reform Bill that lets the FTC (not the FDA, the FTC) make laws without congressional approval (Constitution? Whats that?) that regulate dietary supplements.
First off, I'd think they'd put this through the FDA, but even so, it doesn't really belong in a bill about Wall Street Reform. These are the same people in bed with Big Pharmaceutical companies, letting them get away with murder, but vitamin supplement companies that tell you the direct truth about their products? Lock those guys up, they're out of control!
I don't really think the people out there making fish oils and multi-vitamins are evil..
Waxman is the twit that wanted to string up Caterpillar, Verizon, AT&T in front of all of Washington, DC for these companies doing an accounting of what the HCR bill would cost these businesses. The thing is, businesses are supposed to do such assessments at the start of each fiscal year.
When he realized that, he called the senate hearings to save face. What's sad is that he had to realize it.
Now this boob wants to sneak in an amendment to the Wall Street Reform Bill that lets the FTC (not the FDA, the FTC) make laws without congressional approval (Constitution? Whats that?) that regulate dietary supplements.
First off, I'd think they'd put this through the FDA, but even so, it doesn't really belong in a bill about Wall Street Reform. These are the same people in bed with Big Pharmaceutical companies, letting them get away with murder, but vitamin supplement companies that tell you the direct truth about their products? Lock those guys up, they're out of control!
I don't really think the people out there making fish oils and multi-vitamins are evil..