Re: The Governator's Video game Law Vs. The Supreme Court
What else would you expect from a politician but hypocrisy? Much less a guy who was once a young man with anabolic steroids and a dream? This man nuked his own brains out ages ago. I say California got what it deserved.
But how dare kids get exposed to violence in video games when they could be going to see R rated films unchecked? Last I checked the security on Netflix and iTunes wasn't that tight, either.
Personally, I think he was just doing Hollywood and advertisers a favor. They weren't hip to gaming back then and just wanted something to make up for the hit they were taking on the 18-35 vanishing male demographic. DVRs aren't helping either. Now they're investing big, just in time for this case to get thrown out. They don't need it anymore.
Originally posted by Pwnagraphic
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But how dare kids get exposed to violence in video games when they could be going to see R rated films unchecked? Last I checked the security on Netflix and iTunes wasn't that tight, either.
Personally, I think he was just doing Hollywood and advertisers a favor. They weren't hip to gaming back then and just wanted something to make up for the hit they were taking on the 18-35 vanishing male demographic. DVRs aren't helping either. Now they're investing big, just in time for this case to get thrown out. They don't need it anymore.