[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j7Of_2ykZpQ"]YouTube- Epic Win! Student uses Westboro Baptist Church visit as Fundraiser![/ame]
This bright young man used Westboro's own negativity against them. He took their presence in his town to protest whatever they were batshit wound up about at the time and used it to raise money toward charities they didn't like so much.
Its important to point out these are the creeps that also picketed several other dead soldiers funerals just because they found out they were also gay or a Jew. They also picketed Heath Ledger's funeral, you might recall.
But these people who proclaim to be Christian - they're not, they a cult full of inbreds who need Bible tracts read to them because reading is too complex for them already - are resilient. They picketed a guy's funeral and somehow the liberal judge presiding over the case has stiffed the plaintiff with the bill on their court appeal for protesting his son's own funeral. To the tune of $16,500.
He's refusing to and I don't blame him. Not only should these people be sued for using the right to protest to incite hate instead of being peaceful, this judge needs to be unseated, too.
Go on and read it here:
Lance Cpl. Matthew A. Snyder
Its pretty outrageous.
There's a lot of rhetoric going on right now about the protests in Washington last week but its been really desperate. Its sad a group like the Tea Party can get smeared when there's no audio/video evidence of slurs thrown around (we live in the age of video recorders on cell phones, after all), but these WBC fuckers get overlooked.
WBC is what real bigotry and hatred look like and you need look no where else for the example. These people have no other agenda and no message but hate. The Phelps family, the heads of this church, think God is on their side. When they go to meet their maker, I think they're going to be disappointed.
Sad enough that there are people that condemn our troops as murderers, but worse is that people who have defended or contributed to our culture aren't allowed to be laid to rest in a peaceable, private way as they should be. Someone dies serving our country and these fuckers want to throw a party? Disgusting.
This bright young man used Westboro's own negativity against them. He took their presence in his town to protest whatever they were batshit wound up about at the time and used it to raise money toward charities they didn't like so much.
Its important to point out these are the creeps that also picketed several other dead soldiers funerals just because they found out they were also gay or a Jew. They also picketed Heath Ledger's funeral, you might recall.
But these people who proclaim to be Christian - they're not, they a cult full of inbreds who need Bible tracts read to them because reading is too complex for them already - are resilient. They picketed a guy's funeral and somehow the liberal judge presiding over the case has stiffed the plaintiff with the bill on their court appeal for protesting his son's own funeral. To the tune of $16,500.
He's refusing to and I don't blame him. Not only should these people be sued for using the right to protest to incite hate instead of being peaceful, this judge needs to be unseated, too.
Go on and read it here:
Lance Cpl. Matthew A. Snyder
Its pretty outrageous.
There's a lot of rhetoric going on right now about the protests in Washington last week but its been really desperate. Its sad a group like the Tea Party can get smeared when there's no audio/video evidence of slurs thrown around (we live in the age of video recorders on cell phones, after all), but these WBC fuckers get overlooked.
WBC is what real bigotry and hatred look like and you need look no where else for the example. These people have no other agenda and no message but hate. The Phelps family, the heads of this church, think God is on their side. When they go to meet their maker, I think they're going to be disappointed.
Sad enough that there are people that condemn our troops as murderers, but worse is that people who have defended or contributed to our culture aren't allowed to be laid to rest in a peaceable, private way as they should be. Someone dies serving our country and these fuckers want to throw a party? Disgusting.