Drunk man got two hammered | The Sun |News

"A DRUNK Romanian thought he'd hit on a good idea to solve his toilet troubles — sticking TWO HAMMERS (just the hammer heads) up his bum.
These incredible x-rays show how Viorel Firoiu attempted to nail his severe constipation with the help of his handy tools.
The intoxicated 48-year-old turned up at his local hospital complaining of excruciating stomach pain.
Worried doctors, in Orlea, southern Romania, carried out scans and were knocked sideways to find he had not one but TWO hammerheads stuck in his rear end.
Hospital spokeswoman Dr Cristina Bontescu said: "He was a bit drunk and said he had been eating cherries that had left him badly constipated.
"He said he had a few drinks to dull the pain and then came up with the idea of poking a hammerhead up his backside in the hope of sorting out the constipation.
"But the hammerhead got stuck and then he came up with the idea of using a second hammerhead in order to try and get out the first - but then he lost the second one as well."
Surgeons had to perform surgery to remove the striking objects."
This is from The Sun so take it for what its worth. I just got a huge laughing fit when I saw it. I have family members that are emergency room doctors/nurses and we hear a lot of stories at family get togethers and I can't believe some of the items they've found in rectums!

"A DRUNK Romanian thought he'd hit on a good idea to solve his toilet troubles — sticking TWO HAMMERS (just the hammer heads) up his bum.
These incredible x-rays show how Viorel Firoiu attempted to nail his severe constipation with the help of his handy tools.
The intoxicated 48-year-old turned up at his local hospital complaining of excruciating stomach pain.
Worried doctors, in Orlea, southern Romania, carried out scans and were knocked sideways to find he had not one but TWO hammerheads stuck in his rear end.
Hospital spokeswoman Dr Cristina Bontescu said: "He was a bit drunk and said he had been eating cherries that had left him badly constipated.
"He said he had a few drinks to dull the pain and then came up with the idea of poking a hammerhead up his backside in the hope of sorting out the constipation.
"But the hammerhead got stuck and then he came up with the idea of using a second hammerhead in order to try and get out the first - but then he lost the second one as well."
Surgeons had to perform surgery to remove the striking objects."
This is from The Sun so take it for what its worth. I just got a huge laughing fit when I saw it. I have family members that are emergency room doctors/nurses and we hear a lot of stories at family get togethers and I can't believe some of the items they've found in rectums!