The internet is collecting pictures of other people's cats.
The internet is working for nine months on a video that people will spend four minutes watching.
The internet is turning looking up random curiosities, and finding yourself learning about Belgian cuisine a few hours later.
The internet is a youtube account named 'letushelpyougrowweed'.
The internet is reviving your love of stalking your high school crush.
The internet is combining thirty songs into one fifteen minute megasong, and then squeezing that medley into 30 seconds so people can use it as a ringtone.
The internet is laughing at people being angry in other languages.
The internet is hearing news before it's on CNN.
The internet is YATTA! YATTA! YATTA!
The internet is clearing an eight hour game in thirty minutes, just for the hell of it.
The internet is slowly replacing your brain with information from the collective consciousness.
The internet is communities of thousands being torn asunder in three hours by as many people.
The internet is checking a weather report, instead of turning around and looking out the goddamn window.
The internet is falling asleep in the middle of a party. Completely sober. And nobody involved caring in the least.
The internet is MIDI versions of classical works of art.
The internet is arguing for an hour about which five dollar trinket is better.
The internet is premeditated Jazz.
The internet is accepting applications.
The internet is working for nine months on a video that people will spend four minutes watching.
The internet is turning looking up random curiosities, and finding yourself learning about Belgian cuisine a few hours later.
The internet is a youtube account named 'letushelpyougrowweed'.
The internet is reviving your love of stalking your high school crush.
The internet is combining thirty songs into one fifteen minute megasong, and then squeezing that medley into 30 seconds so people can use it as a ringtone.
The internet is laughing at people being angry in other languages.
The internet is hearing news before it's on CNN.
The internet is YATTA! YATTA! YATTA!
The internet is clearing an eight hour game in thirty minutes, just for the hell of it.
The internet is slowly replacing your brain with information from the collective consciousness.
The internet is communities of thousands being torn asunder in three hours by as many people.
The internet is checking a weather report, instead of turning around and looking out the goddamn window.
The internet is falling asleep in the middle of a party. Completely sober. And nobody involved caring in the least.
The internet is MIDI versions of classical works of art.
The internet is arguing for an hour about which five dollar trinket is better.
The internet is premeditated Jazz.
The internet is accepting applications.