Hi all!
At the moment I am in Bingen am Rhein, Germany, to participate in the BreakPoint Demoparty. Maybe some of you have heard of this, or might even be there...
It's a big getogether for people in the music/graphics/animations/games scene. There are competitions and live concerts. I have entered a photo into the "photo competition". I'm most likely not going to win, but seeing my picture on a 10mx5m screen, is more than enough...
Well, see ya maybe in a couple of days, and if not...well...then not...
Oh, it's also very hot here, 25 degrees centigrade...phew!
At the moment I am in Bingen am Rhein, Germany, to participate in the BreakPoint Demoparty. Maybe some of you have heard of this, or might even be there...
It's a big getogether for people in the music/graphics/animations/games scene. There are competitions and live concerts. I have entered a photo into the "photo competition". I'm most likely not going to win, but seeing my picture on a 10mx5m screen, is more than enough...
Well, see ya maybe in a couple of days, and if not...well...then not...
Oh, it's also very hot here, 25 degrees centigrade...phew!