First Photos of Fallen Soldier Ends Era - ABC News
I thought I'd post this, incase none of the community had seen or heard about this. I know some of your views on the war maybe different, but honor has a way of steping above those differences and garnering respect from all those who hold hope for the future close to their heart's.
This is my friend phil. He was an awesome guy, and he busted my balls all the time for playing "World of Geekcraft". (I always had to correct him, and tell him it was Final Fantasy
) We met back in 2007 in Baghdad, and we found out we were both from Virginia.
He was a hell of an EOD tech, and in the end he sacrificed himself to so that others wouldn't be hurt or killed by the IED's he disarmed. This was my 2nd time deploying with phil. I'm 100% sure he'll be with me when I deploy again.
I don't know really why I share any of this with you all, but this deployment has been rough on me, as ya'll maybe can imagine, and not just due to phil's passing. Afghanistan is fucked in way's that are near undescribable without first hand experience. It's already longer than Iraq, and it's slowly getting worse. If Iraq was a "Third world Country" then Afghanistan is a "forth or fith world country".
Guys like phil and myself and all of the men and women of the armed services serve, because we all hope for that day, some day, where our willingness to give all that we have, will no longer be required, even if sometimes we have those days were it' s hard to remember this fact.
I don't keep a blog or anything (I have myspace and facebook, but haven't accessed them in months)like that where I can pen my thoughts, but I frequent these forums and I enjoy our little community.
Posting here these past 5-6 months has been a way to escape from the grind of being over here, and It may be just a video game that brings us here to talk and escape from our lives a bit, but it's our video game, and I'll never feel shame in saying I played it with you all.
Thanks to everyone on the site, for posting, and helping me pass the time, and deal with the cards we often times get dealt.
SSgt Garrett, Daniel Shepard
USAF, Explosive Ordanance Disposal
Kandahar, Afghanistan Oct08-May09
I thought I'd post this, incase none of the community had seen or heard about this. I know some of your views on the war maybe different, but honor has a way of steping above those differences and garnering respect from all those who hold hope for the future close to their heart's.
This is my friend phil. He was an awesome guy, and he busted my balls all the time for playing "World of Geekcraft". (I always had to correct him, and tell him it was Final Fantasy

He was a hell of an EOD tech, and in the end he sacrificed himself to so that others wouldn't be hurt or killed by the IED's he disarmed. This was my 2nd time deploying with phil. I'm 100% sure he'll be with me when I deploy again.
I don't know really why I share any of this with you all, but this deployment has been rough on me, as ya'll maybe can imagine, and not just due to phil's passing. Afghanistan is fucked in way's that are near undescribable without first hand experience. It's already longer than Iraq, and it's slowly getting worse. If Iraq was a "Third world Country" then Afghanistan is a "forth or fith world country".
Guys like phil and myself and all of the men and women of the armed services serve, because we all hope for that day, some day, where our willingness to give all that we have, will no longer be required, even if sometimes we have those days were it' s hard to remember this fact.
I don't keep a blog or anything (I have myspace and facebook, but haven't accessed them in months)like that where I can pen my thoughts, but I frequent these forums and I enjoy our little community.
Posting here these past 5-6 months has been a way to escape from the grind of being over here, and It may be just a video game that brings us here to talk and escape from our lives a bit, but it's our video game, and I'll never feel shame in saying I played it with you all.
Thanks to everyone on the site, for posting, and helping me pass the time, and deal with the cards we often times get dealt.
SSgt Garrett, Daniel Shepard
USAF, Explosive Ordanance Disposal
Kandahar, Afghanistan Oct08-May09