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Moving Out on my own- Tips,Hints,suggestions?

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  • #16
    Re: Moving Out on my own- Tips,Hints,suggestions?

    Things I learned in no particular order


    1) Budget. Use a pad of paper and write down all your bills, when they are due, how much each bill is, and subtract that from what you make from working. Dont forget to add things to the list like gas for your car, food, internet, etc.

    2) Read the entire rental agreement. They will try verbally summarize the agreement but take your time and read the entire thing. I found some f'd up things which leads to #3

    3) Know how much it will cost to break a rental agreement. With this economy nothing is certain like a steady paycheck.

    4) Go to Walmart (or a store like it) and buy 3 stainless steel forks, 3 stainless steel spoons, 3 stainless steel butter knives, 3 stainless steel steak knives, 3 plastic plates, and 3 plastic bowls, and 5 plastic cups. If you can cook, medium size frying pan, medium boiling pot, and what utensels you need for the food you like to cook. This is just to get you started, you will eventually get better silverware, pots, pans, and cooking utensels.

    5) If you want to save a bungle in cash, learn to cook.

    6) Ask the landlord/rental office about any pests problems they had in the past or having currently.

    7) Try to rent from a complex than a landlord. With this economy, if the landlord house gets forclosed...guess who is now living on the street. With a complex they are obligated by law to let you know a minimum of 30 days before they can evict you, in California at least. Which I am going to remind you of #2 again.

    8) Have a spare key for your car and a spare key for your house in your wallet.

    With Roommates:
    1) You probably dont know everything that will get on your nerves, but when your roommates help you with that problem. DO NOT LET IT SLIDE, let your room mate know please do not do "A" around you.

    2) Try to find what the rules will be for the living situation. For example, dishes. Talk with your room mate we going to wash our own dishes or alternate on who washes dishes in the sink.

    3) If you share pots, pans, plates, silverware, do not bring your good ones to be used first. You will want to see how your roommate takes care of them. Lets must say I lost a $100 frying pan due to a roommate using metal utensils on it. Had to throw it away because of the rust that began to form.

    By yourself:

    1) Wash the dishes after you finish eating a meal. If you cooked, this will give time for the pan to cool down enough to be wash and dishes/silverware is are easier to clean when the food is fresh. This assuming you dont have a dishwasher.

    That is all I can thing of off the top of my head.
    Last edited by Losrase; 02-12-2009, 10:15 AM. Reason: some spelling
    PSN ID: Kelshan
    Completed: F.E.A.R., Bioshock, Turok, The Darkness, Viking: Battle of Asgard, Timeshift, Folklore, Time Crisis 4, Dark Sector, Heavenly Sword, Resistance: Fall of Man, Ninja Gaiden Sigma, The Orange Box, DBZ: Burst Limit, Assassin's Creed, Lair, Overlord, Fracture, Condemned 2, Legendary, BattleField Bad Company 2, Infamous, UT3, Far Cry 2, Resistance 2, Borderlands
    Currently Playing: MW2 (Stuck in broken Phat PS3 ), Call of Juarez


    • #17
      Re: Moving Out on my own- Tips,Hints,suggestions?

      Wow, i didn't expect all these responses. Thanks everyone so far. I take it all with deep consideration. Some clarifying, parents live 15 minutes away from the places we're looking at. When i was 18 i bought and made some dishes and have a shit load of silverwear even plasticwear. I work in the tool rental deptartment so i know some basic home repairs just working here. My girlfriend is one of my room mates to be(I know it may be a bad choice, and im young yada yada) But we're both very eager and planning 6 months in advanced for this. She goes to the local University and her father is helping with her part of the rent (v.s. paying 6k a year for dorms) so he's all for it. She too is 21, and my friend is 21. None of us do drugs, and dont drink. Most of our "partying" is drinking energy drinks playing ffxi or watching movies. School is priority one. I know this, and they know this. We're working out how we're gonna handle rent,groceries, etc. I know this may turn ugly, we're all prepared. Ok, keep goin!
      Thf75/Cor75- Time to work on this...



      • #18
        Re: Moving Out on my own- Tips,Hints,suggestions?

        Wow, i didn't expect all these responses. Thanks everyone so far. I take it all with deep consideration. Some clarifying, parents live 15 minutes away from the places we're looking at. When i was 18 i bought and made some dishes and have a shit load of silverwear even plasticwear. I work in the tool rental deptartment so i know some basic home repairs just working here. My girlfriend is one of my room mates to be(I know it may be a bad choice, and im young yada yada) But we're both very eager and planning 6 months in advanced for this. She goes to the local University and her father is helping with her part of the rent (v.s. paying 6k a year for dorms) so he's all for it. She too is 21, and my friend is 21. None of us do drugs, and dont drink. Most of our "partying" is drinking energy drinks playing ffxi or watching movies. School is priority one. I know this, and they know this. We're working out how we're gonna handle rent,groceries, etc. I know this may turn ugly, we're all prepared. Ok, keep goin!
        In the event of living with your girlfriend/fiance/wife you need to know that you will need at LEAST 2 bathrooms... and both will be hers
        "We ride with kings on mighty steeds across the Devil's plain!" - The D

        Ryddia / Nuikoa -- Ragnarok


        • #19
          Re: Moving Out on my own- Tips,Hints,suggestions?

          Just be prepared with the gf. It may seem like a good idea, and it is, but its a TESTING idea. This will test the relationship, living together, hopefully for the good. Be strong, and be prepared for some rough patches, no relationship is perfect, and fights are completely natural.

          I wish you all the luck.


          • #20
            Re: Moving Out on my own- Tips,Hints,suggestions?

            She's moving down to flordia for 3 months for work/training for animal training at SeaWorld. We've been together for 6 months, and it'll be a year together when she comes back. Which is the longest relationship i ever had. I know fights are common, and i know no matter what, the bathroom is hers. We both know, and have said If we have any sort of disagreement or conflict, bring it up so we can work it out. We've had small "mini fights" and so far it's been good.
            Thf75/Cor75- Time to work on this...



            • #21
              Re: Moving Out on my own- Tips,Hints,suggestions?

              I was going to mention rules for overnight guests - but then saw one of the people is your gf. You still need rules for overnight guests, but it will be a little harder to define them.

              My bf's roommate didn't like the fact that any night we were at his place it was that we were both there. Even though any night we were not there we were both at my place that I paid for. Needless to say he moved out of there and in with me as soon as he could.

              Make sure to talk over what would be an overnight guest (cool) or a 4th roommate who needs to start chipping in. And also be prepared that if he(she?) starts dating someone he might feel the need to move out. Or on the other side, if he starts to feel like a 3rd wheel the same might happen.

              To start with I'd find a place that 2 of the 3 of you could cover if one of you bails. Go over a budget with just 2 of you, and make sure it will really work. Not just a "oh, we can do that" but like many people said write everything down and do the math for 2 as well as 3.


              • #22
                Re: Moving Out on my own- Tips,Hints,suggestions?

                Pixie, i understand where your coming from. Ive got some math down while here at work for spliting costs between me and the girlfriend, then between the three of us, and even a fourth if we find one( btw anyone interested in moving out?)
                Thf75/Cor75- Time to work on this...



                • #23
                  Re: Moving Out on my own- Tips,Hints,suggestions?

                  But living together is something completely different lol. Sharing the bed (assuming that will happen), which side to sleep on, pillows touching the floor, sheets touching the floor, accidents on the bedding, keeping your room clean, keeping the house clean, keeping the sheets clean, hanging up your clothes. oh god the list goes on and on lol.

                  Maybe that was just my gf, she was pretty anal... *snicker* *snicker*


                  • #24
                    Re: Moving Out on my own- Tips,Hints,suggestions?

                    Originally posted by Ellipses View Post

                    Read the entire lease carefully and ask questions about it. Know the laws for your area about what they can and can't charge you for, what they can and can't count against your security deposit. (We had one place eat our entire security deposit over something we found out later they aren't allowed to charge for in Indiana.)
                    What Ellipses said is very important. Also make sure that ALL OF YOUR NAMES ARE ON THE LEASE. Do not just put the lease in one persons name because then that person is legally responsible for the rent and any damage done to the apartment.

                    Also when you move in, go around and take pictures of "issues" the apartment might have. So if there is a crack in a wall, take a picture. If there is a burn mark in the counter top take a picture. Every little thing, TAKE A PICTURE (or video). KEEP THEM. Also write down this same list of issues you've found with the place and keep one for yourself and hand one in to the landlord. Now when you move out, they can't point at these faults and say that its you did them and have to pay for them. They either forget themselves or they are scamming you.

                    Also when something happens like a roomate punches a hole in a door or burns the counter top with a cigarette or has a party and his guests trash something, MAKE SURE TO ADDRESS THE PROBLEM IMMEDIATELY. They either fix it or you take a picture of the damage, print it out, and have them write on the back of the picture "I did this damage on <date>" and sign it.

                    Originally posted by LadyKiKi View Post

                    1. Toilet
                    2. Cleaning in general
                    3. Kitchen
                    4. Noise
                    5. Sharing/(stealing) of food/drink/items/
                    6. Bills
                    1) It's a dirty job that has to be done and NO ONE is going to want to do it. If you don't clean a toilet regularly you will eat away at the porcelain and this is damage you'll end up paying for.

                    2) Yep, cleaning is always an issue and there will always be one person that does MORE than their share of it. It's gonna happen so just resign yourself to this fact.

                    3 & 5) The kitchen and the bathroom are your two cleaning hot spots. They are also the 2 hot spots for sharing. I mean think about it, if you leave your bath products in your bathroom and someone else is using them, you run out fast. I know its convenient to do so but DON'T! Put your bath crap in a little box and just take it in when you use the bathroom and remember to take it back to your bedroom when you are done.

                    Now the problem with the kitchen is, you can't put it all in your bedroom........unless you get a mini fridge. (Which I HIGHLY advise you do if you have the space and the money.) You can write your name on shit all you want, its NOT going to stop them. At first they may be respectful but eventually hunger steps in and they won't be. Keep whats important to you IN YOUR ROOM.

                    4) Noise sucks especially at night. Check the area of the apartment that you are thinking of renting both in the day and at night. See how noisy (and safe) the neighborhood is first so you don't regret it later. Also not everyone works days so make sure everyone posts their work schedule on a calendar somewhere. This way you'll know around what times people will be going in and out. People going in and out and watching tv, eating, clunking around while you are trying to sleep/do something can be annoying. My son works a 3rd shift job. He comes rambling in at 4am and it really is a nuisance because he doesn't respect that others are sleeping sometimes. He'll go digging in the refrigerator and slamming cabinet doors. He'll get on Xbox Live and be chatting it up in his room, which is in between my grandsons' room and my room so we hear it all. It's hard living with other adults because they are set in their ways of doing things and so are you.

                    6) See Number 1 of Shepard's post! LOL

                    Originally posted by ShepardG View Post
                    phew, aight, some tips....

                    1. budget, budget, budget.

                    5. If one person smokes, balcony onry.

                    6. If one person does drugs, don't move in with them, unless you do those same drugs.

                    7. Keep in touch with your dad and mom.

                    10. Don't be to cool, for school. You have the potential to rock the vote! it is your number one priority, above all else!

                    11. If your comunity college has a gym, start attending it 2-3 times a week. It may seem silly now, but getting done at the gym and coming home to study/ffxi feels so good. If it dosen't and you can afford it, join one.
                    1) Totally agree. YOU NEED A BUDGET BEFORE YOU MOVE OUT. Don't wait and do it after. Know what days people get paid on and collect the money that day (or the next if banks are closed by the time they get out of work). DON'T let someone slide a week and pay you for 2 weeks the next check. If they can't learn to budget their money now, they are going to be a royal pain and do this all the time. You can even open up a bank account with all your names on it. You can set it up where the only way to take money out is if all 3 of you go to the bank and sign for it. (I did this many moons ago and it helped keep people honest.)

                    5 & 6) Smoking and drugs can be a huge issue. If ALL of you smoke then its no biggie but if even one of you doesn't, have some respect and don't smoke in the house......and that means even if they aren't home too. The stink of cigarettes gets in the drapes, couch, chair, etc and a non-smoking person will know if you've been smoking in the house, even if you try to cover it up with a can of air freshener.

                    As for drugs, even if you do them DO NOT DO THEM IN THE HOUSE. Do not keep them in the house. If one person is caught with drugs in the house, ALL the people in the house are inconvenienced. You can get evicted, arrested, detained, whatever but it won't be funny and it won't help the harmony of your home. The shit will hit the fan and tempers will flare. Keep your stash somewhere else and just don't do it in the house!

                    7) If you have average parents, they are going to worry about you. Keep in touch with them PLEASE. Also a nice money saving tip, buy some of those travel size shampoos/conditioners/etc. and when you go home fill up the empty bottles with mom and dad's stash. Hey, every little bit helps! Oh and throw a basket of laundry in your car and casually say "I can't stay long because I have my laundry in the car that I have to do before I go home." Mom usually says "Oh bring it in and do it here so then you can stay for supper!"

                    10) GO TO COLLEGE, even if its community college. Even with my son's college education, getting a job is freakin HARD. Getting one with just a high school diploma must be abysmal. (Not to mention the pay for what you do is shit usually.)

                    11) On this note of exercise, take good care of your body. I know this sounds boring but seriously its important. You don't know whats going to happen down the road and if you get sick later in life and didn't take care of yourself its a gazillion times harder to get better. You have to think of the road ahead and not just the pavement under your feet.

                    Originally posted by meSchnitzel View Post
                    5: Buy a Plunger
                    Just do it.

                    Originally posted by Losrase View Post

                    5) If you want to save a bungle in cash, learn to cook.

                    6) Ask the landlord/rental office about any pests problems they had in the past or having currently.
                    5) Do this NOW. Go ask mom to teach you some of your favorite things. I love it when my kids do/did this.

                    6) On this note, when you check out an apartment, look under the sink and open drawers. Dark places are where bugs like to hide so you can usually see if they are there. Bug dropping are little black dots most of the time so if the drawers/under the sink looks dirty like that, there are probably bugs. Don't always count on landlords, they lie.

                    EDIT: I'm also going to advise you to get one of these:

                    Sentry O500 Fire-Safe Security Box - Factory Express

                    Keep your lease agreement in it, the pictures of issues with the place, any important papers like birth certificates, social security card (DO NOT CARRY THIS IN YOUR WALLET), etc. and maybe any cash you might be keeping at home. This is fire safe and locks and they aren't that expensive. You can find them at Home Depot I believe!
                    Last edited by TheGrandMom; 02-12-2009, 11:50 AM.
                    Originally posted by Feba
                    But I mean I do not mind a good looking man so long as I do not have to view his penis.
                    Originally posted by Taskmage
                    God I hate my periods. You think passing a clot through a vagina is bad? Try it with a penis.
                    Originally posted by DakAttack
                    ...I'm shitting dicks out of my eyeballs in excitement for the next bestgreating game of all time ever.


                    • #25
                      Re: Moving Out on my own- Tips,Hints,suggestions?

                      Originally posted by TheGrandMom View Post
                      What Ellipses said is very important. Also make sure that ALL OF YOUR NAMES ARE ON THE LEASE. Do not just put the lease in one persons name because then that person is legally responsible for the rent and any damage done to the apartment.

                      Also when you move in, go around and take pictures of "issues" the apartment might have. So if there is a crack in a wall, take a picture. If there is a burn mark in the counter top take a picture. Every little thing, TAKE A PICTURE (or video). KEEP THEM. Also write down this same list of issues you've found with the place and keep one for yourself and hand one in to the landlord. Now when you move out, they can't point at these faults and say that its you did them and have to pay for them. They either forget themselves or they are scamming you.

                      Also when something happens like a roomate punches a hole in a door or burns the counter top with a cigarette or has a party and his guests trash something, MAKE SURE TO ADDRESS THE PROBLEM IMMEDIATELY. They either fix it or you take a picture of the damage, print it out, and have them write on the back of the picture "I did this damage on <date>" and sign it.

                      1) It's a dirty job that has to be done and NO ONE is going to want to do it. If you don't clean a toilet regularly you will eat away at the porcelain and this is damage you'll end up paying for.

                      2) Yep, cleaning is always an issue and there will always be one person that does MORE than their share of it. It's gonna happen so just resign yourself to this fact.

                      3 & 5) The kitchen and the bathroom are your two cleaning hot spots. They are also the 2 hot spots for sharing. I mean think about it, if you leave your bath products in your bathroom and someone else is using them, you run out fast. I know its convenient to do so but DON'T! Put your bath crap in a little box and just take it in when you use the bathroom and remember to take it back to your bedroom when you are done.

                      Now the problem with the kitchen is, you can't put it all in your bedroom........unless you get a mini fridge. (Which I HIGHLY advise you do if you have the space and the money.) You can write your name on shit all you want, its NOT going to stop them. At first they may be respectful but eventually hunger steps in and they won't be. Keep whats important to you IN YOUR ROOM.

                      4) Noise sucks especially at night. Check the area of the apartment that you are thinking of renting both in the day and at night. See how noisy (and safe) the neighborhood is first so you don't regret it later. Also not everyone works days so make sure everyone posts their work schedule on a calendar somewhere. This way you'll know around what times people will be going in and out. People going in and out and watching tv, eating, clunking around while you are trying to sleep/do something can be annoying. My son works a 3rd shift job. He comes rambling in at 4am and it really is a nuisance because he doesn't respect that others are sleeping sometimes. He'll go digging in the refrigerator and slamming cabinet doors. He'll get on Xbox Live and be chatting it up in his room, which is in between my grandsons' room and my room so we hear it all. It's hard living with other adults because they are set in their ways of doing things and so are you.

                      6) See Number 1 of Shepard's post! LOL

                      1) Totally agree. YOU NEED A BUDGET BEFORE YOU MOVE OUT. Don't wait and do it after. Know what days people get paid on and collect the money that day (or the next if banks are closed by the time they get out of work). DON'T let someone slide a week and pay you for 2 weeks the next check. If they can't learn to budget their money now, they are going to be a royal pain and do this all the time. You can even open up a bank account with all your names on it. You can set it up where the only way to take money out is if all 3 of you go to the bank and sign for it. (I did this many moons ago and it helped keep people honest.)

                      5 & 6) Smoking and drugs can be a huge issue. If ALL of you smoke then its no biggie but if even one of you doesn't, have some respect and don't smoke in the house......and that means even if they aren't home too. The stink of cigarettes gets in the drapes, couch, chair, etc and a non-smoking person will know if you've been smoking in the house, even if you try to cover it up with a can of air freshener.

                      As for drugs, even if you do them DO NOT DO THEM IN THE HOUSE. Do not keep them in the house. If one person is caught with drugs in the house, ALL the people in the house are inconvenienced. You can get evicted, arrested, detained, whatever but it won't be funny and it won't help the harmony of your home. The shit will hit the fan and tempers will flare. Keep your stash somewhere else and just don't do it in the house!

                      7) If you have average parents, they are going to worry about you. Keep in touch with them PLEASE. Also a nice money saving tip, buy some of those travel size shampoos/conditioners/etc. and when you go home fill up the empty bottles with mom and dad's stash. Hey, every little bit helps! Oh and throw a basket of laundry in your car and casually say "I can't stay long because I have my laundry in the car that I have to do before I go home." Mom usually says "Oh bring it in and do it here so then you can stay for supper!"

                      10) GO TO COLLEGE, even if its community college. Even with my son's college education, getting a job is freakin HARD. Getting one with just a high school diploma must be abysmal. (Not to mention the pay for what you do is shit usually.)

                      11) On this note of exercise, take good care of your body. I know this sounds boring but seriously its important. You don't know whats going to happen down the road and if you get sick later in life and didn't take care of yourself its a gazillion times harder to get better. You have to think of the road ahead and not just the pavement under your feet.

                      Just do it.

                      Not always true. Do what you want. If people have bad jobs, regardless of education, they are just not looking hard enough. I quit college after two years, and am now making 14 bucks an hour in the cheapest cost of living state. While that may not seem much to you peeps in cali, what I make is like you making over 100k a year, due to the costs of things in my state. I live on my own, have a 30 thousand dollar car, do what i want when i want, and i have a rainy day fund. I live very comfortablly with no education. so do both my parents. College education that is. Perserverence, and smarts takes you places, not degrees. If you know the right people, or assess yourself enough, you can do anything.

                      The only reason I suggest a degree, is if your field is specialized, like your gf(marine biologist i presume), or business management for owning a business. A bus mngmt degree can make the diffrenct between a 10k loan and a 100k loan. I'm working on that degree now, I want to have a store like a gamestop.

                      also, check it, the majority of F500 CEO's have no college degree, just dabbling, like myself.
                      Originally posted by TheGrandMom View Post

                      EDIT: I'm also going to advise you to get one of these:

                      Sentry O500 Fire-Safe Security Box - Factory Express

                      Keep your lease agreement in it, the pictures of issues with the place, any important papers like birth certificates, social security card (DO NOT CARRY THIS IN YOUR WALLET), etc. and maybe any cash you might be keeping at home. This is fire safe and locks and they aren't that expensive. You can find them at Home Depot I believe!
                      Don't bother, if someone wants to steal from you, and see a safe box like that, they will just steal the portable lil box. Happened to me. ^^
                      If your pops lives 15 mins away, leave the importants with him, till you move into your own place, away from the nest, like your first actual house, and you should feel its a safe enough place to just place it in your filing cabinet or closet or w/e.
                      Last edited by Potemken; 02-12-2009, 11:56 AM. Reason: Automerged Doublepost


                      • #26
                        Re: Moving Out on my own- Tips,Hints,suggestions?

                        Originally posted by Potemken View Post
                        Not always true. Do what you want. If people have bad jobs, regardless of education, they are just not looking hard enough. I quit college after two years, and am now making 14 bucks an hour in the cheapest cost of living state. While that may not seem much to you peeps in cali, what I make is like you making over 100k a year, due to the costs of things in my state. I live on my own, have a 30 thousand dollar car, do what i want when i want, and i have a rainy day fund. I live very comfortablly with no education. so do both my parents. College education that is. Perserverence, and smarts takes you places, not degrees. If you know the right people, or assess yourself enough, you can do anything.

                        The only reason I suggest a degree, is if your field is specialized, like your gf(marine biologist i presume), or business management for owning a business. A bus mngmt degree can make the diffrenct between a 10k loan and a 100k loan. I'm working on that degree now, I want to have a store like a gamestop.

                        also, check it, the majority of F500 CEO's have no college degree, just dabbling, like myself.

                        Don't bother, if someone wants to steal from you, and see a safe box like that, they will just steal the portable lil box. Happened to me. ^^
                        If your pops lives 15 mins away, leave the importants with him, till you move into your own place, away from the nest, like your first actual house, and you should feel its a safe enough place to just place it in your filing cabinet or closet or w/e.
                        I'm sorry but there is more to going to college and getting a degree than money. Just the act of going to college expands your horizon and keeps you in social contact with influential people. Hopefully you are going to get a degree in a field that you enjoy working in. This way you don't have to be stuffed into some dead end job. You can also work your way up if you have the initiative to do so. A college degree is much more than how much money you'll make in the end, its about doing something you enjoy and that opens doors to new experiences.

                        As for the safe, he wants to be independent and not running home to daddy every time he has an important document or some money he wants to stash away. And as far as stealing, these are his friends he's moving out with and its highly unlikely they are going to jimmy open his fire safe and steal from him. As far as a burglar, thats not something thats likely to happen to most people. And the safe is FIRE SAFE for a reason, accidents happen. If you are home and a fire breaks out, you can just grab it and run. If you aren't home, at least you know whats inside will be safe.
                        Originally posted by Feba
                        But I mean I do not mind a good looking man so long as I do not have to view his penis.
                        Originally posted by Taskmage
                        God I hate my periods. You think passing a clot through a vagina is bad? Try it with a penis.
                        Originally posted by DakAttack
                        ...I'm shitting dicks out of my eyeballs in excitement for the next bestgreating game of all time ever.


                        • #27
                          Re: Moving Out on my own- Tips,Hints,suggestions?

                          Originally posted by TheGrandMom View Post
                          I'm sorry but there is more to going to college and getting a degree than money. Just the act of going to college expands your horizon and keeps you in social contact with influential people. Hopefully you are going to get a degree in a field that you enjoy working in. This way you don't have to be stuffed into some dead end job. (your choice, no one forces you)You can also work your way up if you have the initiative to do so. A college degree is much more than how much money you'll make in the end, its about doing something you enjoy and that opens doors to new experiences.

                          As for the safe, he wants to be independent and not running home to daddy every time he has an important document or some money he wants to stash away. And as far as stealing, these are his friends he's moving out with and its highly unlikely they are going to jimmy open his fire safe and steal from him. As far as a burglar, thats not something thats likely to happen to most people. And the safe is FIRE SAFE for a reason, accidents happen. If you are home and a fire breaks out, you can just grab it and run. If you aren't home, at least you know whats inside will be safe.
                          Well arguments aside(btw, I love my job, and I don't have a degree),
                          you'll need experience. We have all provided you a lot of options, but ultimately, experience is going to be the best thing.

                          Good luck regardless.

                          Remember tho, complexes have a higher robbery rate then anywhere else. ^^


                          • #28
                            Re: Moving Out on my own- Tips,Hints,suggestions?

                            Originally posted by Potemken View Post
                            Not always true. Do what you want. If people have bad jobs, regardless of education, they are just not looking hard enough. I quit college after two years, and am now making 14 bucks an hour in the cheapest cost of living state. While that may not seem much to you peeps in cali, what I make is like you making over 100k a year, due to the costs of things in my state. I live on my own, have a 30 thousand dollar car, do what i want when i want, and i have a rainy day fund. I live very comfortablly with no education. so do both my parents. College education that is. Perserverence, and smarts takes you places, not degrees. If you know the right people, or assess yourself enough, you can do anything.

                            The only reason I suggest a degree, is if your field is specialized, like your gf(marine biologist i presume), or business management for owning a business. A bus mngmt degree can make the diffrenct between a 10k loan and a 100k loan. I'm working on that degree now, I want to have a store like a gamestop.

                            also, check it, the majority of F500 CEO's have no college degree, just dabbling, like myself.
                            I have to agree with TGM on the college issue. I went from 15/hour before college to 44/hour with my first job after college. I do have 40k in loans but it will be paid off in 3 years (I am going to take my time because I can use the intrest accumilated per year as a right off on my taxes)

                            You are correct on the majority of F500 CEO's but if you look deeper it took them years, in come cases decades, to get where they are. If our current president has his way, CEO's will make less than the President.

                            /em waves good bye to CEOs who make over 400k/year.
                            PSN ID: Kelshan
                            Completed: F.E.A.R., Bioshock, Turok, The Darkness, Viking: Battle of Asgard, Timeshift, Folklore, Time Crisis 4, Dark Sector, Heavenly Sword, Resistance: Fall of Man, Ninja Gaiden Sigma, The Orange Box, DBZ: Burst Limit, Assassin's Creed, Lair, Overlord, Fracture, Condemned 2, Legendary, BattleField Bad Company 2, Infamous, UT3, Far Cry 2, Resistance 2, Borderlands
                            Currently Playing: MW2 (Stuck in broken Phat PS3 ), Call of Juarez


                            • #29
                              Re: Moving Out on my own- Tips,Hints,suggestions?

                              True stike, they started as Joe the Mailboy, but moved their way up. Thats where the perserverence comes in.


                              • #30
                                Re: Moving Out on my own- Tips,Hints,suggestions?

                                Originally posted by Potemken View Post
                                True stike, they started as Joe the Mailboy, but moved their way up. Thats where the perserverence comes in.
                                And a whole assload of luck. If it only took perseverance then we'd have a hell of a lot more.
                                Originally posted by Feba
                                But I mean I do not mind a good looking man so long as I do not have to view his penis.
                                Originally posted by Taskmage
                                God I hate my periods. You think passing a clot through a vagina is bad? Try it with a penis.
                                Originally posted by DakAttack
                                ...I'm shitting dicks out of my eyeballs in excitement for the next bestgreating game of all time ever.

