Well, it seems the time for my travels around the world to finally come to a close. As of this post, my time at Misawa Air Base, Japan, is officially over. This is further enunciated by the fact that my enlistment in the active duty segment of the United States Air Force is also at an end. I'll be working with an Air National Guard recruiter once I get home, but for all intents and purposes, I have once again rejoined the civilian world. The next time I post, it will be Monday (the real Monday, not the "I'm in the future" Monday), and I'll be home sweet home in the Dallas, Texas area (you DiVers out there that wanna come visit me, by all means, c'mon over).
I leave my time in the Air Force with no regrets; indeed, my life has been enriched greatly by the time spent in service to my country. I've been places I'd never would have been able to go to on my own, seen things that I would never have thought possible, and done things I never thought was within my power to do. I've seen the reality that's behind what most people only see in the movies or the news, and living that life can actually be humbling once you walk that mile in these combat boots. Having been down range, I've seen what it's like to be in the sandbox. Israel, Iraq, Afghanistan, it's a lot different than what most people think it is, as some of you here can attest (for those brother and sister DiVers here that also serve).
For those down range, I salute you. It isn't easy, it isn't pretty, and it isn't glamorous, but it's what needs to be done. I've been there, I've done that, I've worn the battle rattle. In all the world, I know for absolutely certain I will never meet a braver group of men and women, nor will I ever meet someone who has met braver people themselves.
On the upside of things, the TDYs I've been on around the world have been akin to some of the most amazing vacations I could imagine (only I've had to work during these "vacations", but whatever lol). Las Vegas, Guam, Hawaii, Alaska (twice for that bit of lovliness), England, Sweden, Spain, I'll have awesome memories for the rest of my life of places and people I've been to and met.
All in all, I'm glad I made this choice to join the Air Force, and I'm quite happy that I'll be returing home. I can't wait to get home and see everything I've missed all this time. Jack in the Box, Game Stop, actual malls, people that speak English, driving on the "correct" side of the road. My family. America in general.
I'm ready to come home. See yall there.
I leave my time in the Air Force with no regrets; indeed, my life has been enriched greatly by the time spent in service to my country. I've been places I'd never would have been able to go to on my own, seen things that I would never have thought possible, and done things I never thought was within my power to do. I've seen the reality that's behind what most people only see in the movies or the news, and living that life can actually be humbling once you walk that mile in these combat boots. Having been down range, I've seen what it's like to be in the sandbox. Israel, Iraq, Afghanistan, it's a lot different than what most people think it is, as some of you here can attest (for those brother and sister DiVers here that also serve).
For those down range, I salute you. It isn't easy, it isn't pretty, and it isn't glamorous, but it's what needs to be done. I've been there, I've done that, I've worn the battle rattle. In all the world, I know for absolutely certain I will never meet a braver group of men and women, nor will I ever meet someone who has met braver people themselves.
On the upside of things, the TDYs I've been on around the world have been akin to some of the most amazing vacations I could imagine (only I've had to work during these "vacations", but whatever lol). Las Vegas, Guam, Hawaii, Alaska (twice for that bit of lovliness), England, Sweden, Spain, I'll have awesome memories for the rest of my life of places and people I've been to and met.
All in all, I'm glad I made this choice to join the Air Force, and I'm quite happy that I'll be returing home. I can't wait to get home and see everything I've missed all this time. Jack in the Box, Game Stop, actual malls, people that speak English, driving on the "correct" side of the road. My family. America in general.
I'm ready to come home. See yall there.
