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Congrats Barack Obama

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  • #16
    Re: Congrats Barack Obama mobile

    For those who want to keep up with the electoral votes as they go on the internet, it seems like Foxnews and CNN sites are getting slammed hard and I found them difficult to load. MSNBC's site was loading almost instantly, so you might want to stick there, the electoral data is refreshed every two minutes


    Proof the system is still rather broken: I never got my registration card in the mail, which lead to this little wild goose chase:

    Went out to vote at 3:30pm. I started out by venturing over to the Clemmons Presbyterian Church, where I voted last time. I wasn't on the list, but I reregistered my information last year at the DMV. Nice old lady looked up my street address, telling me my district was elsewhere.

    They directed me to the Clemmons Civic Center, which is actually right on my street and closer to my apartment. I park and snicker at the people still trying to persuade voters next to that line that states "No Campaigning Beyond This Point."

    I get in, state my name, address and yada, yada, yada. I'm not listed in this district either. No problem, I have time. So I'm sent to this old guy to yet again verify my district. He goes on to tell me one side of my street votes with the Civic Center, the other side votes at the Clemmons Elementary School. He proceeds to give me directions after I told him I know where that is (how couldn't I? I went there as a kid).

    So I get back in my car and head out to the school.

    Damn that place feels smaller than I remembered.

    I get in, state my name and address and YAY, here's my name. This time, it was a mix of kids and elderly people assisting me. So this time, I could actually work with someone that could hear me and didn't need huge classes to read anything.

    And like any good Elementary School, I'm given a sticker for being a good person and voting.

    Funny aside, in the educational information posted on the boards of the school - they had rather favorable pictures of both McCain and Obama, rather than photes you'd see in the papers used to make one or the other look like a nut.


    Oh, and still nice to see the Electoral College is still as broken as ever.
    Last edited by Omgwtfbbqkitten; 11-04-2008, 06:33 PM.


    • #17
      Re: Congrats Barack Obama

      All major networks are projecting that Obama will win Ohio and Pennsylvania.

      I'm looking at the county-level data on my home state of Florida as well as for Virginia and it looks like Obama will win both states as well.

      McCain has no path to victory at this point.



      • #18
        Re: Congrats Barack Obama

        If Obama gets florida too then it looks like a landslide, hes got nealry 70 tied up on the west coast and projected at 207 atm. Looks like the senate is blue too. All I can say is good luck USA all 3 levels blue, in a recession its a bad thing to let one party control it all.

        sig courtesy tgm
        retired -08


        • #19
          Re: Congrats Barack Obama

          It's unfortunate that SO many people believe that the PRESIDENT, a single person in our 10's of thousands strong national government has such large impacts on the economy. Never mind that you can demonstrate regular ups and downs in economies all over the world pretty much since government-backed currency has existed. Sorry, it just irks me that the current economy that is largely (not totally) out of government control here in the US is influencing this election to such a large extent. And really the prez is just a puppet for big business when it comes to economic policy- look no further than Bush/Cheney and their financial backers and the Middle East situation for evidence.

          Sorry, that's my rant.

          I really really feel like everyone's a loser in this election- I liked McCain way better when he challenged Bush 8 years ago- and while there's claims that Barack will be a great uniter and a Centrist when elected, his previous voting record suggests the opposite.

          MSNBC just announced that Obama has won it-

          I guess we'll see what happens.

          Good luck to all, and I leave you with one question:

          WTF does a guy have to do to get a ****ing Centrist on the ballot?!
          Meddle not in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup.

          If at first you don't succeed, skydiving is not for you.


          • #20
            Re: Congrats Barack Obama

            Originally posted by MrMageo View Post
            If Obama gets florida too then it looks like a landslide, hes got nealry 70 tied up on the west coast and projected at 207 atm. Looks like the senate is blue too. All I can say is good luck USA all 3 levels blue, in a recession its a bad thing to let one party control it all.
            Its a bad thing, recession or not.

            The more things "change" the more they stay the same.

            Originally posted by Szkol
            WTF does a guy have to do to get a ****ing Centrist on the ballot?!

            Have money. With enough money, you can get on a ballot and get the media's attention, no matter how ugly you are.


            • #21
              Re: Congrats Barack Obama

              Obama wins
              what a surprise

              Read if you don't value your braincells.


              • #22
                Re: Congrats Barack Obama

                Originally posted by Szkol View Post
                I really really feel like everyone's a loser in this election- I liked McCain way better when he challenged Bush 8 years ago- and while there's claims that Barack will be a great uniter and a Centrist when elected, his previous voting record suggests the opposite.
                Even though I voted for Obama, few people in this great country command my personal respect as much as John McCain. I may have disliked greatly the way he ran his campaign, and I absolutely loathe his running mate, but McCain was and is one of the most amazing people in this country.

                Had he won the election, I would have not been unhappy.



                • #23
                  Re: Congrats Barack Obama

                  ^-^ Obama won!!! ^-^

                  Now I'm curious if the dems will pick up those 60 seats. The Senate race is tightening, if the GOP gets even one more seat the Democrats won't get that magic 60.

                  And now Palin can go back to her Igloo and hopefully never show her face on the national stage again.

                  "BLAH BLAH BLAH TIDAL WAVE!!!"


                  • #24
                    Re: Congrats Barack Obama

                    I agree that McCain would have had a much better chance eight years ago, but really, the Repubs were toast from the get-go, a lot of people are not into the Republican party at this point, and it's not hard to see why. Well, it's time to see what happens in the next four years.

                    I was unable to vote because of a mix-up with my absentee ballot (PA is stupid), but I would have voted for McCain. It sucks that the one I was rooting for didn't win, but I'm more than willing to give Obama a chance and see what he can do.
                    ~Mama Gamer~~Quitted July 2009/Bannt October 2009~~Excellence LS~
                    ~I has a blog~~
                    ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~


                    • #25
                      Re: Congrats Barack Obama

                      I just want to say (Congratulations!) and (/comfort) USA.

                      Congrats for choosing Obama and /comfort because this was like the first 1 inch baby step. The fun part starts in January (specially considering Bush still has plenty of time to screw up some more).

                      And then it will be a lot of work from both government and citizens to get back on track. Let's see if the US lives up to their self-appointed reputation as the example for the rest of the world.

                      PS > It might sound kinda sarcastic but I'm actually rooting for you guys. A lot of people around the world has quite a bit of faith on Obama's leadership after all.
                      "In this world, the one who has the most fun is the winner!" C.B.
                      Prishe's Knight 2004-Forever.



                      • #26
                        Re: Congrats Barack Obama

                        Originally posted by Icemage View Post
                        Even though I voted for Obama, few people in this great country command my personal respect as much as John McCain. I may have disliked greatly the way he ran his campaign, and I absolutely loathe his running mate, but McCain was and is one of the most amazing people in this country.

                        Had he won the election, I would have not been unhappy.

                        I kinda feel the same way, I voted for McCain, but I really don't mind Obama that much and will be content with him, I just don't think the office means that much anymore.

                        I'm more bothered by the fact that voters have made the same mistake with the House and Senate that we made when Bush won in 2000. This is also why I think we need to give third parties more power, because all we ever do is go back and forth through the decades doing the same shit with Democrats and Republicans.

                        I would have liked to have voted for McCain eight years ago, he would have been soooo much better than Bush or Gore. Hell, I would have even taken Bill Bradley over those two back then. But as I said, the Electoral College never ceases to fail.


                        • #27
                          Re: Congrats Barack Obama

                          It's a bittersweet victory- sure I agree we need to change- I think everyone does at this point. But how do we want to do it?

                          Maybe I'm just too cynical and/or picky- but nowhere have I seen my opinions represented by a candidate. Isn't that what this process is about? I think I'd be a lot less sad about this election if I felt like we ever really had a choice. Correct me if I'm wrong, but was there ever a candidate that offered the following?

                          1. Lets me keep the money I earn. I worked hard for my education, my job, and my money- why should it be redistributed to someone else?

                          2. Keeps his/her nose out of my personal life. I can make my own social decisions. Abortion is up to me, not you. What I watch on TV or listen or radio is up to me, not you.

                          3. Offers a healthcare plan that can provide help for the uninsured while NOT making hospitals go out of business.

                          4. Has a serious plan for renewable energy. Windmills? Windmills covered with current-gen solar panels? Seriously? Grow some balls and come up with some funding for some REAL research.

                          5. Will not ruin the environment in pursuit of renewable energy.

                          6. Will not marginalize critters that live in said environment.

                          7. If you REALLY REALLY feel like you have to invade someone 1/2way around the world, fine. I'll give you my trust. But at least give diplomacy a chance, and for all our sake don't spend so much freaking money on killing people!

                          8. Jobs! Companies will ALWAYS outsource. It's part of a changing global economical environment. That does not mean that we cannot create new jobs. Stop trying to penalize or play favorites with big business based on their staffing decisions. Creating more desirable jobs at home solves all those problems anyways.

                          9. Campaign finance reform, for the love of god! We'll never get a real choice until big businesses and SIG's are no longer able to choose our candidates. I know that somewhere out there, is a legitimately smart politician, with good ideas the compromise between the main parties.


                          Ok- I'm done posting for the night or this will never end.

                          Just so I'm clear, I'm not dissatisfied with Barack, just the system by which he was elected.
                          Meddle not in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup.

                          If at first you don't succeed, skydiving is not for you.


                          • #28
                            Re: Congrats Barack Obama

                            338-155 mageo calls a landslide and its what you get. Anyone need any football picks made I could be on a hot streak.

                            sig courtesy tgm
                            retired -08


                            • #29
                              Re: Congrats Barack Obama

                              Originally posted by Icemage View Post
                              ...few people in this great country command my personal respect as much as John McCain. I may have disliked greatly the way he ran his campaign, and I absolutely loathe his running mate, but McCain was and is one of the most amazing people in this country.
                              Totally agree.

                              I can only hope now that his ex-running mate's political career will be so damaged that the best she'll do is mayor of some one moose Alaskan town.

                              And Szkol, while I can totally understand where you are coming from, what you're asking for is called a Utopia. While it would be nice, its only a dream.
                              Originally posted by Feba
                              But I mean I do not mind a good looking man so long as I do not have to view his penis.
                              Originally posted by Taskmage
                              God I hate my periods. You think passing a clot through a vagina is bad? Try it with a penis.
                              Originally posted by DakAttack
                              ...I'm shitting dicks out of my eyeballs in excitement for the next bestgreating game of all time ever.


                              • #30
                                Re: Congrats Barack Obama

                                Palin was a horrible choice for VP, but she sure did make this election entertaining. And the funny pics on the internet were great this time around. I don't think she has much of a political future, being running mate for McCain is about as high as she's going to get.

                                I will be very interested in seeing what happens over the next four years.
                                ~Mama Gamer~~Quitted July 2009/Bannt October 2009~~Excellence LS~
                                ~I has a blog~~
                                ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~

