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Your Local Elections - are you paying attention to them?

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  • Your Local Elections - are you paying attention to them?

    Settled down to look over the local elections a while ago, they by far more important than voting for a president.

    Being from NC, I'm rather tired of Elizabeth Dole. She's been little else but Jessie Helms Part II. Not to mention she's as much from NC as Hillary Clinton is from New York. She also waged a more vicious attack ad campaign against her oppenent than any other candidate in any election I've ever seen. What you've heard in McCain versus Obama has nothing on this one. We're not talking about pointing out little things to make the opponent seem devious, but Dole completely making up shit to make her opponent look like a witch.

    I'll be voting for her opponent, Hagan. She's actually from NC and lives in Greensboro, and she also doesn't strike me as some of the kookier Democrats we've had around here. In fact, with one exception we need anything but Republicans in the house and anything but a democrat for governor here.

    One person running for state house was actually my vice principal in Junior High. He never said my name right when calling me to the office for stuff.



    Karma's a bitch.

    Seriously, though, Womble's been doing a lot of nothing during his time elected to the house in Raleigh. While his campaign for affordable housing is appealing, his Libertarian opponent wants to work to keep gas prices low. Low gas prices actually make housing feel more affordable.

    On the most local level, my picks are a lot easier. I tend to vote for those who get involved in the community and its easy to tell who does that just by getting out there.

  • #2
    Re: Your Local Elections - are you paying attention to them?

    Didn't see this when it was posted, and maybe it ought to be changed to 'did you pay attention'. Personally, I didn't pay too much attention, for three reasons. One, not able to vote; two, much more interesting things to watch (like you mentioned, Dole/Hagan, as well as things like Prop. 8, Franken/Coleman, and other various races across the country) and I'm sorta burned out on keeping track of the presidential eleciton; three, it's kansas. meeeeeeeeh.

    I did pick up a bit of the ballot initiatives stuff around here, but that's about it.


    • #3
      Re: Your Local Elections - are you paying attention to them?

      Michigan approved both state props: Medicinal marijuana and a measure to loosen restrictions on stem cell research. I voted for both.

      I wrote my name in several places on my ballot. I voted myself for county sheriff. Results weren't good.

      Originally posted by Feba View Post
      Prop. 8
      Prop 8 (CA) was a huge letdown for people's rights. The same day the first black man in American history is voted into the highest political office inside the White House, voters approve government funded discrimination in CA.

      Many, many people, when asked why they are against gays/gay marriage, give religion as their reason. It's hard to believe so many people can be so intolerant of others because of imaginary people in the sky.

      African Americans as a race have suffered oppression, loss of rights, and discrimination in American history.
      Homosexuals are still actively being oppressed, stripped of rights, and discriminated against in America.

      Tuesday gave us the first black man in history as a president, and continued a plague of discrimination by intolerant bigots and ignorant, god-fearing people.

      I can't be the only one to see the hypocrisy.

      PLD75 DRK60 lots of other levels.
      Shackle their minds when they're bent on the cross
      When ignorance reigns, life is lost


      • #4
        Re: Your Local Elections - are you paying attention to them?

        It's not really hypocrisy. It just means we have a lot more work to do.


        • #5
          Re: Your Local Elections - are you paying attention to them?

          Originally posted by Ameroth View Post
          Prop 8 (CA) was a huge letdown for people's rights. The same day the first black man in American history is voted into the highest political office inside the White House, voters approve government funded discrimination in CA.

          Many, many people, when asked why they are against gays/gay marriage, give religion as their reason. It's hard to believe so many people can be so intolerant of others because of imaginary people in the sky.

          African Americans as a race have suffered oppression, loss of rights, and discrimination in American history.
          Homosexuals are still actively being oppressed, stripped of rights, and discriminated against in America.

          Tuesday gave us the first black man in history as a president, and continued a plague of discrimination by intolerant bigots and ignorant, god-fearing people.

          I can't be the only one to see the hypocrisy.
          You're totally being a voice of tolerance here.

          Tolerance is a one-way street, either you accept all differences and respect them or you don't. You sit here and give us your version of tolerance and smear people of faith in the same sentence because you believe religion is the core reasoning behind why people voted that way.

          Ever consider that same-sex marriage could be exploited? How many people would suddenly become "gay" just for the benefits and otherwise lead heterosexual lives? There's a catch to heterosexual marriage and why there are benefits - kids are usually a natural consequence.

          I'm not even against gay marriage here. Religion has no impact on how I feel about homosexuals. I've had a lot of gay friends and they've been wonderful people, I'd love for them to have the same rights as everyone else in marriage - but I have to also acknowledge the obvious difficulties behind it.

          Heterosexual marriage is abused, but gay marriage would be a lot easier to exploit.


          • #6
            Re: Your Local Elections - are you paying attention to them?

            Convenience marriages are practically their own subculture in the military, it seemed like a quarter of my co-workers(at the fewest), were tying the knot for the sole purpose of benefits. Children aren't a balancing factor if you simply don't have any.

            Going a step further, since when has marriage been for any reason other than benefits? In eras past, nations would marry off their children for the sake of political union--love wasn't even a factor. Religious leaders would approve of or dissolve marriages as a matter of personal gain, none of it having to do the couple's compatibility. Back then, the only importance children bore in a marriage were for the purposes of continuing or consolidating power in a bloodline. Today, we'd find that too to be a brand of exploitation, and outright disgusting.

            So what are you saying? That homosexual marriage should be prohibited simply for the threat of exploitation? That homosexual marriage should be prohibited for the same problems that have plagued(or been a cornerstone of) heterosexual marriage for millenia?


            • #7
              Re: Your Local Elections - are you paying attention to them?

              Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten View Post
              I'm not even against gay marriage here. Religion has no impact on how I feel about homosexuals. I've had a lot of gay friends and they've been wonderful people, I'd love for them to have the same rights as everyone else in marriage - but I have to also acknowledge the obvious difficulties behind it.
              Seems to me that BBQ isn't against gay marriage. He was just giving reasons other than religious ones of why people might have voted against Prop. 8.
              His last line also agrees that heterosexual marriage is abused.
              I RNG 75 I WAR 37 I NIN 38 I SAM 50 I Woodworking 92+2

              PSN: Caspian


              • #8
                Re: Your Local Elections - are you paying attention to them?

                Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten View Post
                You sit here and give us your version of tolerance and smear people of faith in the same sentence because you believe religion is the core reasoning behind why people voted that way.
                You're right I smear religions. Religions these days are so far-gone from what early preachers taught. Not to mention religion gives people more and more reasons to not have to think for themselves: Do what God and Jesus tell you to do and that's it. However, I would never vote for government sanctioned measures to take away people's rights to believe in whatever asinine religion they want to.

                Religion is a core reason as to why people voted to ban gay marriage. Religion and generational issues.

                Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten View Post
                Ever consider that same-sex marriage could be exploited? How many people would suddenly become "gay" just for the benefits and otherwise lead heterosexual lives? There's a catch to heterosexual marriage and why there are benefits - kids are usually a natural consequence.
                This is probably the stupidest argument against gay marriage I've ever heard. In this logic, why not ban all marriage so homosexuals don't pretend to be straight and get benefits?

                Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten View Post
                Heterosexual marriage is abused, but gay marriage would be a lot easier to exploit.
                The internet has a high potential for abuse and exploitation, should we outright ban it for a certain group of people that may or may not ever exploit it? Please, explain to me how you came to this twisted and distorted belief that gay marriage would somehow be exploited in ways that make it OK to legally ban? Are you saying gays are really nothing more than crooks and cheats who only want to abuse the system?

                PLD75 DRK60 lots of other levels.
                Shackle their minds when they're bent on the cross
                When ignorance reigns, life is lost


                • #9
                  Re: Your Local Elections - are you paying attention to them?

                  Holy crap. Let me take a statement out of context, decide that you meant it as a broad all encompassing comment, and use it to try and start conflict.
                  Originally posted by BBQ
                  How many people would suddenly become "gay" just for the benefits and otherwise lead heterosexual lives?
                  A. Pretty sure he was saying heterosexuals would be the ones likely to exploit it. If gays got married, then they're gay and are getting married to get married.
                  B. He's already stated he is personally 'ok' with gay marriage. He was giving reasons why other people might vote against it.
                  I RNG 75 I WAR 37 I NIN 38 I SAM 50 I Woodworking 92+2

                  PSN: Caspian


                  • #10
                    Re: Your Local Elections - are you paying attention to them?

                    Prepare for the end of all things, Obama was elected. I for one have lost all faith in "The People".


                    • #11
                      Re: Your Local Elections - are you paying attention to them?

                      Originally posted by Ameroth View Post
                      You're right I smear religions. Religions these days are so far-gone from what early preachers taught. Not to mention religion gives people more and more reasons to not have to think for themselves: Do what God and Jesus tell you to do and that's it. However, I would never vote for government sanctioned measures to take away people's rights to believe in whatever asinine religion they want to.

                      Religion is a core reason as to why people voted to ban gay marriage. Religion and generational issues.

                      Personally I side with Bill Maher here in the belief that organized Religion is one of the single most dangerous things on the planet (History has proven this time and again). I don't like any of them for same reason he does;

                      How the FUCK do you know if God is real or not? Most religions were created before man knew what a germ or an atom was. It's not to say you can't be spiritual (I am in fact fairly spiritual) I just, like Bill, can't believe that any one human knows the answer because you don't.

                      As for prop 8, yeah it really is a shame from a Human Rights stand point. On the other hand it's very touchy subject that's difficult to articulate. On the one hand, I agree that the definition of marriage shouldn't be changed.

                      However at the same time, I agree that it's unfair for gays not have the same rights as a couple. So I personally am stuck in a sort of paradox or limbo when it comes to this issue X.x

                      "BLAH BLAH BLAH TIDAL WAVE!!!"


                      • #12
                        Re: Your Local Elections - are you paying attention to them?

                        All this proves is that there is no non-religious basis to ban gay marriage.

                        BBQ's theory of "oh, it will be exploited" is complete bunk. The same people who would exploit it are already exploiting marriage. And as has been pointed out, it's been occurring for centuries, and is honestly a bigger part of marriage than this whole 'love' concept we've grown to like over the past century or two. There is no way in which a homosexual marriage would be easier to exploit.

                        Heterosexual marriage is just as easily exploited. Ironically, by the same religious bigots who are afraid of gays being allowed to marry. I have cousins whose parents were only married for their church. Their father's gay. I have no problem with gay people being parents, but knowing that your parents never actually loved each other is not good. Knowing that you only exist because a church wanted you to is awful. If anything, allowing gay marriage would result in fewer exploitative marriages, as gays would be allowed to marry someone they love instead of some person so they can get the benefits.

                        Malacite's "definition of marriage" is very much misguided. The same argument could be used against interracial marriage-- just add "of the same race" to "a man and a woman". The fact is, there is no traditional marriage. There is what's common in our society, but even our culture's roots have very much different practices. See I Now Denounce You Chuck & Larry | The Daily Show | Comedy Central

                        Even if that were the case, 'tradition' is no better a reason to ban gay marriage than it is to be Amish or racist or sexist. I mean, hell, how many of us even grew up in a nuclear family with a housewife and working man as parents?
                        Last edited by Feba; 11-08-2008, 11:29 AM. Reason: brain fart.


                        • #13
                          Re: Your Local Elections - are you paying attention to them?

                          The only benefit I get from being married is my husbands last name. :/? Someone please point out to me if I'm missing out on benefits?? XP

                          Getting married is getting married. Has nothing to do with the church imo. Sure its looked upon as something great. But when I got married I for sure was not thinking about how the "Church" would view me. Personally organized religion is bull. I believe in god and what GOD has to say. But as far as listening to a human when it comes to the red tape and rules. F'em lol. They dont know anymore than anyone els.

                          If gay people want to get married then go for it. No one els should really care about it unless by them getting married effects them physically. Love can come from anyone. I for one was a Lesbian till I fell in love with my husband. Not b/c he was a guy but b/c of WHO he was. That is what marriage is about not what sex you are.


                          • #14
                            Re: Your Local Elections - are you paying attention to them?

                            Tax breaks.
                            I RNG 75 I WAR 37 I NIN 38 I SAM 50 I Woodworking 92+2

                            PSN: Caspian


                            • #15
                              Re: Your Local Elections - are you paying attention to them?

                              there are a number of benefits for being married. lower taxes are one. You also gain additional legal rights, such as the ability to visit one another in hospitals. There are many other things which have benefits for married couples, such as insurance. Some places give discounts to married couples, or require you to be married to take advantage of something (such as hotels and travel deals).

