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My Views on The Election

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  • My Views on The Election

    OK, I feel as if this election is nothing but a huge joke I say that because, well look at who the candidates are. One is ignorant, and has no idea what he is saying, and keeps saying we need change, but wont tell us how he plans to do that. How can we elect someone, that wont even tell us what he is going to do? Then there is the old candidate, who is some how lost and miss leading, and I think that he has his head on to tight. In all, I think who is to ever win, we will be doomed. I am tired of hearing about Obama and McCain, I am tired of hearing about them bash each other. It seems to me like all anyone cares about in this race is who can bash who better, or at least that is what I get from the media. (TVs,Radios,Newspapers,Adds,etc...)

    They need to start talking about how they are going to change this world, not just sit there and say that they are going to do something about it when they are elected president. They need to start talking about what The People want, not what just they want. In all I just hope that America does make the right choice. Even though, I think that we are already screwd now anyway. I am not going to vote in this years election, because I dont see the point in it. None of them have given me anything that I am excited about, or make me want to pick them. Well, that is it from me..catch yall later!

  • #2
    Re: My Views on The Election

    Originally posted by Shoope View Post
    I am not going to vote in this years election, because I dont see the point in it. None of them have given me anything that I am excited about, or make me want to pick them.
    Here's a crazy thought: Educate yourself on the other candidates; not the ones you see on CNN everyday.

    PLD75 DRK60 lots of other levels.
    Shackle their minds when they're bent on the cross
    When ignorance reigns, life is lost


    • #3
      Re: My Views on The Election

      Indeed. 3rd party candidates, in all offices, have seen a rise in recent years. IMO, it's better to support ones you believe in and they lose then to support someone you don't or, even worse, not supporting someone at all.
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      • #4
        Re: My Views on The Election

        I think its kinda sad how people vote.

        I remember this guy who was really passionate about Ralph Nadar and refused to vote for him because he knew he wouldn't have a hope of winning. It just strikes me as weird to not support the guy you agree with, win or lose. That's where this whole things ends up being picking the lesser of two evils rather than someone you believe in.

        I don't know if Republicans picked McCain because they liked him or because they had just heard the name enough and went with familiarity. Familarity of name worked for Bush, I certainly don't any other reason people voted for him, its not a name that really shouted prosperity to me.

        I hear all this talk about candidates democrat or republican voters would have rather had - where were those guys at the primaries? But then, the campaigning in the primaries is a terrible joke, practically all of it focused on the Northeastern states. If those candidates can't show they care about the southeeast, the midwest and the west coast, why the hell should we give a damn about them?

        The whole process needs to be revised, it has too many flaws and is quite corrupted from top to bottom. We definately could have done better than Obama and probably better than McCain as well.

        I prefer McCain as a senator, its where he does the most good. Obama... just needs more experience. He's hardly even been a senator. Everyone talks about experience between Palin and Obama and, OK, maybe he's slightly more qualified to be vice-president


        • #5
          Re: My Views on The Election

          Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten View Post
          I think its kinda sad how people vote.
          Surprisingly, I totally agree. I read an interesting article earlier about this same issue. Instead of voting for the candidate who people feel would really fix this country, they vote for the "lesser of two evils." Einstein pointed out insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results. There hasn't been an independent or non-major party president since the 1800's. Look at our country today after having been lead by the same 2 political factions for almost 200 years and tell me this isn't insanity.

          You may argue it's a wasted vote to vote for a third party candidate or independent. I will argue it is a wasted vote to vote for a candidate you don't really believe in.

          PLD75 DRK60 lots of other levels.
          Shackle their minds when they're bent on the cross
          When ignorance reigns, life is lost


          • #6
            Re: My Views on The Election

            Originally posted by Ameroth View Post
            Here's a crazy thought: Educate yourself on the other candidates; not the ones you see on CNN everyday.
            I don't watch CNN, but anyway, I still don't like any of the candidates at this point in time, they have not proven to me that they are worth to be president. I just don't think either of them are good for the US. Also, to be honest I have never really cared who is to be president in the first place, I really could careless about all that, and I will just deal with who ever wins. My mom doesn't believe in politics, and my dad is a republican, I am just a independent, and I vote for who ever I feel is up to par, with being the next president of the united states. Even so that I dont like any of the candidates, I still would rather have McCain then Obama.


            • #7
              Re: My Views on The Election

              Originally posted by Shoope View Post
              I still don't like any of the candidates at this point in time, they have not proven to me that they are worth to be president. I just don't think either of them are good for the US
              In that case, read up on politicians that are independent or affiliated with a party other than the Democratic or Republican. Find someone you believe in and VOTE. If you do not vote during the election, I don't think you have the right to complain about anything the president does in the next four years. Voting is one of the most direct ways in which someone can voice their opinion on the government. If you're too apathetic to even do that, why should we listen to any of your opinions on government?


              • #8
                Re: My Views on The Election

                Originally posted by Ameroth View Post
                You may argue it's a wasted vote to vote for a third party candidate or independent. I will argue it is a wasted vote to vote for a candidate you don't really believe in.
                Yeah, I agree. Voting for the person you believe in is not a wasted vote no matter what anyone tells you. These two parties we have have corrupted a lot of things in their favor and people continue to blindly allow it.

                Anyway, I will vote and if things don't improve, I maintain my right to complain about the way things are.


                • #9
                  Re: My Views on The Election

                  Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten View Post
                  Anyway, I will vote and if things don't improve, I maintain my right to complain about the way things are.
                  A luxury you are hard pressed to afford when you don't vote at all (for those not voting). I used to think I wouldn't vote either until I did some research and educated myself. You're still allowed to bitch all you want, but you'll find the soapboxes are too high to stand on when people know you are bitching about something you didn't even vote for or against (or at all).

                  PLD75 DRK60 lots of other levels.
                  Shackle their minds when they're bent on the cross
                  When ignorance reigns, life is lost


                  • #10
                    Re: My Views on The Election

                    Thinking a vote for Nader is a wasted vote is just what the major parties want you to think. Unfortunately a lot of people let it influence their vote.
                    PSN ID - PaiPai Gamertag - PaiPaiMaster Steam ID: Pai Pai Master
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                    • #11
                      Re: My Views on The Election

                      Keep in mind, McCain and Obama are not the only candidates. There's also other "third parties" that have candidates. Sure, they probably won't win, but voting for them is better than voting for someone because they are the "lesser of two evils". (If you actually agree with McCain or Obama and want them as president, by all means, vote for them, but don't think they're your only two choices.)

                      Throwing away a vote would be not voting or voting for someone who you don't agree with.

                      I already voted (absentee ftw) for a third party.

                      Third party (United States) presidential candidates, 2008 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                      Charles Jay - Boston Tea Party
                      Chuck Baldwin - Constitution Party
                      Cynthia McKinney - Green Party
                      Bob Barr - Libertarian Party
                      Frank McEnulty - New American Independent Party
                      Gloria La Riva - Party for Socialism and Liberation
                      Gene Amondson - Prohibition Party
                      Ted Weill - Reform Party
                      Brian Moore - Socialist Party USA
                      Roger Colero - Socialist Workers Party
                      Alan Keyes - Independent
                      Ralph Nader - Independent
                      Kelcey Wilson - Independent
                      John K. Allen - Independent
                      Richard H. Clark - Independent
                      Jon Greenspon - Independent
                      Brad Lord-Leutwyler - Independent
                      Ruth Bryant White - Independent
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                      • #12
                        Re: My Views on The Election

                        Originally posted by Pai Pai Master View Post
                        Thinking a vote for Nader is a wasted vote is just what the major parties want you to think. Unfortunately a lot of people let it influence their vote.
                        And the media shares a signifigant portion of the blame for thier lack of coverage on these other candidates. If you watched anything past the primaries on TV or in the newspapers, you wouldn't even know a third party candidate existed.

                        The most vocal one ever was Ross Perot and why did his voice get out there, kids?

                        Money. And that's the only reason. He had lots of it and probably could pay the media, Democrats and Republicans to get in the debates he got into. Ralph Nadar has consistantly been denied entry into these debates, amoung others.


                        • #13
                          Re: My Views on The Election

                          Being from the UK I don't really see that much about the election other than what appears on the international news but from reading up on the candidates it seems like Obama can speak and has the appearance of having a direction but doesn't really have any actual policies other than going "My teeth are shiny! Look at meeee! Even The French and random washed up rockstars like meee! Look my teeth are shiny!". McCain does seem to know what he's doing but also seems so out of touch he comes across as more of the harmless old man than anything else. I still haven't really heard him come out with any policies other than "Hey Sarah, lets see how much of a terrorist we can make this Osama guy look like."

                          There obviously has to be more to it than that but really. Is the mud slinging and insult hurling the only thing that is going on so close to the election or am I missing something?
                          Rahal Gerrant - Balmung - 188 DRK
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                          • #14
                            Re: My Views on The Election

                            Yeah I understand what you guys are saying, and I thank you, and I now understand just because they are the two major canidates, doesnt mean they are the ones that I have to vote for, some how I forgot that. But yeah, I did some research late last night, and I found out who I am going to vote for. I know they wont win but eh, its better then just sitting here and complaining about it lol.


                            • #15
                              Re: My Views on The Election

                              Very true. But hopefully, if currents trends continue, a third party might actually win a state in sometime in 2040. Then people might start taking them serriously.
                              Originally posted by Ellipses
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