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How the **** did this happen?!
Originally posted by ArmandoNo one at Square Enix has heard of Occam's Razor.Originally posted by ArmandoNintendo always seems to have a legion of haters at the wings ready to jump in and prop up straw men about hardware and gimmicks and casuals.Originally posted by TaskmageGOD IS MIFFED AT AMERICA
THE END IS COMING ONE OF THESE DAYS WHEN GOD GETS AROUND TO ITOriginally posted by TaskmageHowever much I am actually smart, I got that way by confronting how stupid I am.
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Re: How the **** did this happen?!
I doubt this will really be enforced
In particular, see Captain What'shisface, the Captain of a slaver who was executed during Lincoln's time. Guess what law he was betting wouldn't be enforced because it had never been enforced before? Heck, I think that was even his lawyer's main defense, that this was a poor man with a family, why should he have to face the consequences of his actions on a law that had as yet to be enforced?
It's been awhile since I last read a book on Lincoln, I don't remember the details.
Breaking the law is breaking the law, no ifs ands or buts about it. Sucks to be you if you're the one the government chooses to make an example of.
And that's you in the general sense, I'm not saying that you are personally stupid, just that anyone who is going to bet that the law won't be enforced is stupid.
You have the right to remain silent, anything you say can and will be misqouted and then used against you.
I don't have a big ego, it just has a large mouth.
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Re: How the **** did this happen?!
Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten View PostPerhaps now you realize that American politics is more than just voting for a new president. Or maybe you don't. A president signing something into law or a president vetoing it, that law he approves can be denied by other elected officials and the laws he disapproves can still be signed into law without his approval.
America would be a lot worse off than it is right now if everything a president agreed with passed into law.Last edited by Nuriko; 10-14-2008, 09:06 PM.
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Re: How the **** did this happen?!
Originally posted by Vyuru View PostBreaking the law is breaking the law, no ifs ands or buts about it. Sucks to be you if you're the one the government chooses to make an example of.
J-Walking is against the law, yet if a police officer saw you commit this heinous offense, s/he would most likely just turn a blind eye.
I'm too lazy to think of any more, but there are laws out there that are not enforced because too many people commit the act or it's just so insignificant nobody cares. It's just my opinion that this won't be enforced because it falls under the category of the former.
Also, on another point. It made it sound like they'll have to look on your computer to see if they find pirated MP3s. Wouldn't they require some type of warrant to be able to do that?
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Re: How the **** did this happen?!
How can they prove it's pirated? Maybe you once owned the CD and lost it. Perhaps it was broken. Stolen. Given to a friend who never returned it.
Tracking traffic to the 'usual suspect' sites is probably something they already do, and yet you don't see many people getting in trouble. AMVs break copywrite, but mostly they just get taken down and the user banned, at most. I'd be willing to bet every house in America that has a PC with Internet access has at least one 'pirated' song on it.
Do they plan on taking everyone's PCs away? That would just make more problems in the economy because there's quite a few people who tele-work or work completely from home and need the things.
Most idiotic move ever, even if it's enforced the uproar will force it to be rescinded eventually. People getting pissy = these idiots not getting re-elected and they know it. If only to keep in the game, it will lose support once the shit hits the fan.
In fact, the first time every device in a home gets taken, is probably when this gets taken to the Supreme Court and the entire law gets knocked down for being absolutely asinine.Last edited by Telera; 10-14-2008, 08:11 PM."If you keep me waiting much longer, it damn well better be the end of the Galaxy." ~ Kaidan
~There's gonna come a day, and I can't wait to see your face...~
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Re: How the **** did this happen?!
Originally posted by Telera View PostHow can they prove it's pirated?
Originally posted by Vyuru View PostYou're pretty stupid if you count on a law not being enforced IMO.
I refuse, flat out refuse, to pay money to the corrupt corporations that own rights to all our favorite artists' music. Paying $10, $15, or $20 for about 10-15 songs is stupidly outrageous, and it's even more outrageous to assume that you're somehow supporting your favorite band by paying the record labels for their music. You're not. On the contrary, the money an artist earns from CD sales is almost completely used to simply cover the cost of producing the CD in the first place.
The RIAA and related organizations have nothing better to do than ruin the real music industry, and prosecute the fans of said music. Do you think you should be punished/prosecuted for simply wanting to enjoy the art of someone's music? Is a song actually worth $.99?
The RIAA has openly admitting in court hearings they have not made a single dollar from prosecuting "music pirates." Instead, it's cost the 'music industry' hundreds of thousands of dollars to intimidate and prosecute music fans. Do you not see the injustice? Does it not outrage you that corporate fat cats who make more money in a single fiscal year than most of us will ever make in a lifetime are given the power to prosecute you for simply enjoying the music of an artist?
The RIAA can humbly fuck themselves. I will not stop downloading music. I will download more music if anything.
PLD75 DRK60 lots of other levels.
Shackle their minds when they're bent on the cross
When ignorance reigns, life is lost
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Re: How the **** did this happen?!
Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten View PostPerhaps now you realize that American politics is more than just voting for a new president. Or maybe you don't. A president signing something into law or a president vetoing it, that law he approves can be denied by other elected officials and the laws he disapproves can still be signed into law without his approval.
That goes for Hollywood too. Stop making crap and maybe people will be inclined to pay for it. I understand and agree with copyright laws, however I also believe that customers are entitled to at least decent, original products.
Also, ty Ameroth for pointing out the failure of Prohibition. Also, not that I don't think it's a good cause but look at what the "War on Drugs" has cost the tax payers thus far. Never mind it's an unwinable battle with the only real solution being the U.S. government growing a pair, get tough on Mexico and for christ sake do something about the borders and tunnels being dug under them.
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Re: How the **** did this happen?!
What gets me about bills like this is the politicians are unaware of the whole thing. I would think at least 75% of the computer owning American politician will have downloaded at least 1 illegal file. Are they going to raid 75% of the population?
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Re: How the **** did this happen?!
Originally posted by Vyuru View PostGuess what law he was betting wouldn't be enforced because it had never been enforced before? Heck, I think that was even his lawyer's main defense, that this was a poor man with a family, why should he have to face the consequences of his actions on a law that had as yet to be enforced?
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Re: How the **** did this happen?!
Originally posted by Ameroth View PostIt doesn't have any form of DRM and you cannot prove you ever legitimately purchased it. Or they subpoena your ISP for your bandwidth usage.
Just thought I would add that.sigpic
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Re: How the **** did this happen?!
Originally posted by Etra View PostThey can't prove otherwise.
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Re: How the **** did this happen?!
Downloading software, music, and movies off the internet is currently illegal. A lot of people do these things and not many people are being punished. Most people just get a slap on the wrist if they're caught, which doesn't happen often.
J-Walking is against the law, yet if a police officer saw you commit this heinous offense, s/he would most likely just turn a blind eye.
Also, there is a difference between getting caught and punished for an offense, and getting caught, taking it to court, and having a court ruling that what you did was illegal and regardless of the law not being enforced in all cases or before you or whatever, you will be punished for this.
Has any jaywalker or illegal MP3 downloader ever successfully taken it to trial, and gotten away with the defense that everyone else is doing it and the law hasn't or has not often been enforced? That is what I am specifically talking about. Yeah, it might not be enforced, but if it is, I do not believe that you have a valid defense against it then.
Also, on another point. It made it sound like they'll have to look on your computer to see if they find pirated MP3s. Wouldn't they require some type of warrant to be able to do that?
And you're equally as stupid for not seeing how blatantly retarded laws like these are.
and it's even more outrageous to assume that you're somehow supporting your favorite band by paying the record labels for their music. You're not. On the contrary, the money an artist earns from CD sales is almost completely used to simply cover the cost of producing the CD in the first place.
Why should anyone pay when bands and solo artists are basically rehashing the same fucking song 5 times over with a shiny new package.
Actually, that's a valid defense. There are some places where things like drugs and prostitution are technically illegal (The Netherlands, Thailand), but because the police generally turn a blind eye to it courts have ruled against the prosecution when they HAVE tried to prosecute.
You have the right to remain silent, anything you say can and will be misqouted and then used against you.
I don't have a big ego, it just has a large mouth.
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Re: How the **** did this happen?!
$222K Illegal Downloading Verdict Tossed, On Grounds Judge Misguided Jury; Woman Had Been Convicted Of Making 24 Songs Available Online - CBS News This topic made me remember hearing about this story earlier this year.{New Sig in the works}
"There will come a day when the world will realize that Superman can no longer create miracles. If my name was Superman, that day would be today." 4/29/2009 - Me
Originally posted by Aksannyi"Hello! 100+3 Leathercrafting, your materials, 5k! Mention code LTH74 for a special discount!" - they'd get blisted by everyone they sent that to.Originally posted by SolymirWhat do you have against Ants? Is iVirus some new Apple product?
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Re: How the **** did this happen?!
What sucks the most is that people don't seem to sell singles CDs anymore. I haven't been able to find a store in my area in ages that does, and I'm tired of sinking $20 for one song, when everything else that artists does I loathe. Sometimes even people/genres I hate happen to turn out a single song I enjoy, but I'm not paying for all 20 of them. One, yes, if I could find the damn single CD I'd have umpteen of them.
Buying it off iTunes doesn't help, as there's been a few cases where the artist did not approve of their song being put up there, and that's still not 'supporting' them when that's the case. I also am not installing the damn program on my PC. Rhapsody I might could buy it off of, but I haven't even bothered to ever explore that avenue. In fact, most times I just never get the song at all, as I don't have a torrenting program. What pirated music I do have friends have burnt for me and physically handed me, or sent me over MSN. And the only thing I've really been forced into finding is stuff like Evanescence's Origin, because there are no more copies, and the stuff you buy used doesn't support them in the least, much like 'used' Video Games.
And I hate buying songs online simply because of the DRM. So if I can't find the single and don't d/l it then I choose to never have it at all. That's even worse for the artist. DRM is turning potential customers into people who either never buy, or wait until a hacker makes a cracked version (in the case of PC games.) I know I adamantly refuse to buy any of Bioware's PC games until they take that bullshit program out of them. And so have many others. They're losing more money from the lost honest customers than they lose through the pirates.
In summary: Define Irony- Bush thinking this will help his approval rating."If you keep me waiting much longer, it damn well better be the end of the Galaxy." ~ Kaidan
~There's gonna come a day, and I can't wait to see your face...~
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Re: How the **** did this happen?!
Originally posted by Mhurron View PostThey don't have to, you have to prove you have those copies legitimately. Which honestly, you can't.
Originally posted by VyuruThat's true, but the fact still remains that you are breaking the law and are subject to punishment. It might not happen, and it might. I'm merely saying that whether or not the law has been upheld, it can and at some point most likely be upheld and acted on. There are still jaywalkers and MP3 downloaders that get caught and punished while there are others who get away with it. But I have yet to hear of one who did get caught who went free because "everyone else was doing it".Last edited by Gyotsha; 10-15-2008, 08:51 AM.
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