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Hackers infiltrate Palin's e-mail

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  • #16
    Re: Hackers infiltrate Palin's e-mail

    War on Terror + War on Drugs + "War on Sex" = shitloads of money wasted. And I do mean shitloads.

    The total cost of the terror war (overall) and the cost of the war on drugs (just this year) equates to approximately $2.40036 × 10^(14).

    Drug war: $36,647,169,301 (War On Drugs Clock)
    Terror war: $2.4trill (Cost of War on Terror | Homeland Security Market Research)

    Looks like we can totally afford another pointless and BS "war."

    PLD75 DRK60 lots of other levels.
    Shackle their minds when they're bent on the cross
    When ignorance reigns, life is lost


    • #17
      Re: Hackers infiltrate Palin's e-mail

      Originally posted by WovenDarkness View Post
      You really like Obama.
      No, I don't. I think he's OK, I think he's a smart guy who would be a capable leader, but frankly I distrust pretty much anyone who would run for president. It's a horrible system for this country in this day and age. I have never been an Obama supporter, though. I am a McCain opposer, because of his consistent record of lying and despicable practices, giving up the principles and policies that made him tolerable so he could use his party to gain power for himself, and the huge amount of proof he has submitted himself (such as Palin) that clearly shows that he doesn't give two shits about the country, as long as he gets what he wants.

      As for making the country more socialist (we're already plenty there), quite honestly, I consider that a far better alternative to McCain. I would much rather see huge amounts of my tax money and national debt going to SAVE AMERICAN LIVES through superior health care and TEACH AMERICAN CHILDREN through superior public education (including at the University level) than to see that same money being given to giant corporations in tax cuts and loopholes and being spent to wage war and repair OTHER countries. I would far rather see government money putting food on American tables than putting bullets in middle eastern heads.

      If my tax dollars are going to be helping anyone, I want it to be my friends and my family, the bulk of the country that makes up practically everyone all of us know. I don't want it going to tax cuts for the already well off. I don't want it going to promote wars we should not start, and then repairing countries we shouldn't have started wars in in the first place. Trickle-down does not work, it has not worked, and if we keep doing it we're only going to further the divide between the haves and have-nots.

      If you HONESTLY care about the principles this country was founded on, you would not be voting GOP. They have raped, bloodied, shred, and ignored the constitution at every possible moment. Freedom of speech; except when they dislike it. Freedom against unreasonable search and seizure; except when they want to know what you're up to. The idea that the founding fathers would like either political party is absurd, but the idea that the GOP is honestly closer is just not right. If you want to support the constitution, great, I support that. Vote for a third party. Vote libertarian. Find a party that ACTUALLY stands for principles you can agree with, instead of a party that you yourself loathe and freely admit to not liking. Find a politician you can agree with. Will they win the election? Not this time. Probably not next time. Probably not the time after that. But if you can consistently improve your numbers, get people into congress, gain influence, you can start to prove that you care, instead of putting up empty rhetoric.

      If you want to keep making assumptions and blatantly lying, you're welcome to it. It's a requirement for anything that wants to vote Republican. We're all used to it. When we start ignoring you, though, it doesn't mean you've won. We've just stopped caring about you.


      • #18
        Re: Hackers infiltrate Palin's e-mail

        Originally posted by Ameroth View Post
        Are you serious? Is he serious?

        You're announcing your plan to vote for the republican party after everything we've seen out of the last 8 years and turning around and accusing the other side of tossing "your" country into the toilet? Vote for who you want, but get a grasp on reality here. Lesser of two evils sure: a minority with a message (albeit unclear one) of change, or 72yr old, cancer infested war-monger that's sure to keep up the practices of our currently inept leader.

        People in this country are so wrapped up in their own partisan attitudes that they have total blinders on. Republicans: "Liberals have ruined this country, and they'll take your guns." Dems: "Conservatives are ruining this country, and they stop our abortions."

        Vote Ron Paul people, or write your own name in if you really want the lesser of all the evils.

        p.s. the founding fathers would be utterly appalled and disgusted with the current state of our country if they were alive today.
        Of course I'm serious. Saying that voting McCain will get me bush isn't entirely realistic. That's like saying voting for Obama would get me a Clinton. It might, but it remains to be proven. Unfortunately, only time will tell.

        As far as putting things in a toilet goes, Bush didn't put what the United States of America principly ought to stand for in there. He abused the power of his office, betraying not only it, but the American people as well as people around the globe. The guy is a first rate joke, no doubt about it. I dislike Bush immensely. With the coming election, he's finally coming out. Our realistic choices are either McCain or Obama. I should probably add in at this time that there are *zero* actual solutions to the problems America faces. While the problem may not be, I still have to lay the blame on partisan politics....and people. Let's for a second say that McCain is the same as Bush. Let's even say that everything about McCain is the same as Bush minus the war but including the Patriot Act, for all the evil that is....everything is going to run the same. That's bad. But the country that I live in still operates the same, albiet not in a manner that is actually "constitutional". Enter Obama. Obama wants to change things. Indeed Obama is change. It's the emergence of Socialism. Guys and gals, this is Mr. The government will supply. That's what I'm talking about. The way that the U.S. currently is gets thrown in the toilet. It's done. That's why I call it(voting for McCain) the lesser of the two evils.

        What you and I percieve as the lesser of the two evils differs a bit. I'm not really into making a statement just for the effect of making a statement. As such, I wouldn't write Ron Paul in. It's the whole "wasted vote" concept. For giggles, keep tabs after the election. You'll find out how many people wrote Hillary in. Watch for it, it's coming.

        p.s. the founding fathers would be utterly appalled and disgusted with the current state of our country if they were alive today.
        I agree with that. ...wait a sec. Quick question:

        Seeing as you can contrast what America has become with what the founding fathers of this country had intended, how is it that(and I'm assuming here) you'd rather put a Socialist in office vs. someone who isn't? Think about that for a second. Is that the change that you really want? Do you really want Socialism? (Entirely not a flame. I'm honestly curious.)
        Feba, I had to stop reading your post when you said that you would rather vote Socialism than McCain. Dude, that was so horrifying that I actually shuddered. Socialism? I find that absolutely scary. I'm so shocked that I don't want to read the rest of your post or reply to any more of it until I calm down some. I'm not angry, I'm just shocked to the core of my being. You have my word, I'll get back to it though. As for now, I'm gonna boot up FFXI and let what you've said melt from my mind for a few hours. Until then man, until then.
        Last edited by WovenDarkness; 09-20-2008, 06:04 PM. Reason: Automerged Doublepost


        • #19
          Re: Hackers infiltrate Palin's e-mail

          Originally posted by WovenDarkness View Post
          you'd rather put a Socialist in office vs. someone who isn't? Think about that for a second. Is that the change that you really want? Do you really want Socialism? (Entirely not a flame. I'm honestly curious.)
          I don't recall indicating I supported Obama as a candidate, assuming that's who you're referring to as "socialist." To which I ask you present evidence to prove Obama is a socialist and would run the country as such. Don't twist people's words into your own ignorance.

          PLD75 DRK60 lots of other levels.
          Shackle their minds when they're bent on the cross
          When ignorance reigns, life is lost


          • #20
            Re: Hackers infiltrate Palin's e-mail

            Originally posted by WovenDarkness View Post
            Socialism? I find that absolutely scary.
            Quite frankly, it's because you've been conditioned to equate socialism with evil, which is not the case.

            We're not talking government dominated and controlled life. We're not talking single party government, and the gradual decay of human rights. We're not talking about abuse or ignorance of democracy. Ironically, those are the things that the GOP has provided us, over the past eight years especially, but that's not the point.

            We're talking about resources we can provide to help those who cannot. Not welfare, not a free ride, but helping those less fortunate. And yes, I will say again, both parties are going to tax us and burn huge amounts of money, I would much rather that money go towards helping the American people than helping American corporations and those who run them, and waging wars without cause.

            See Socialized medicine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia and Universal health care - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ; Tax payers covering health care is hardly a huge leap for a developed country (let alone the institutions which say the US is the ONLY industrialized nation NOT to provide it)

            And yes, I would much rather live in a state which is honestly socialist than one which claims to support the free market and deregulation-- right up until it becomes a major news issue, and he decides that he'd be more likely to gain power if he told people that he WOULD regulate things instead. I would rather have someone who is consistent in a belief I disagree with than someone who lies and distorts their own opinions so much that the only thing I can be sure of is that they will cover their ass before they even think about mine.

            However, Obama is not socialist. Providing basic rights (medicine, food, shelter... you know, things humans need to live) and making everyone equally well off are very different.

            If you disagree with socialism, that's just fine. I have some reservations about it myself. There are parts of me that like the idea of a free market, and there are parts of me that like the idea of communism, so I can more than understand (I say 'idea of' because as far as I know no country on the planet actually has a free market, and I'm pretty sure that communism has never actually been implemented in anything other than name). However, unless you're incredibly rich and selfish, I don't see why you would find it disturbing, let alone 'absolutely scary'.

            EDIT: wanted to take some time to find these
            Originally posted by WovenDarkness View Post
            Saying that voting McCain will get me bush isn't entirely realistic.

            That's hardly the entire case, it's a short little blip that gets the basics out there. There's more to look up, and I highly encourage you to. There's much, much more out there.
            Last edited by Feba; 09-20-2008, 06:49 PM.


            • #21
              Re: Hackers infiltrate Palin's e-mail

              Originally posted by WovenDarkness View Post
              Like some people here would say. I don't think that means what you think it does.

              PS > Do you check your closet before going to sleep just in case there's a scary red hiding in there?
              Edit > Just wanted to add something, the way I see it this election is pretty much between:

              Experience (as in many decades of being in the goverment and doing pretty much nothing to improve things, while relying on already old and unchangeble practices)


              Judgement (as in being able to make the right choices regardless of experience, which is what a cabinet is for anyway)

              IMO That is why Obama became so popular. He doesn't have that much experience, that's true. But he has demonstrated he posseses good judgement, which is what is needed the most at this time in US history (specially considering how fast things are changing).

              Everything that was set in stone has simply stopped working, and the system is starting to show all it's flaws at an accelerated rate. Companies that were taken for granted are going down, the US power which was supposed to be rock solid is not only self-destructing but is also starting to be challenged by new player nations that weren't even on the international map a decade or two ago, among many other things.

              It's not a sky is falling scenario, but more like a signal that a change is needed. The US can't afford to keep going with 50 year old practices anymore. And Obama is the best option right now to get that kind of change going. Simple as that.
              Last edited by Raydeus; 09-20-2008, 07:03 PM. Reason: Automerged Doublepost
              "In this world, the one who has the most fun is the winner!" C.B.
              Prishe's Knight 2004-Forever.


