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Hey, south-east US, bend over.

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  • #46
    Re: Hey, south-east US, bend over.

    Originally posted by Phanex View Post
    One of the new spins on the global warming i'm hearing now, is that while it is part of Earth's cycle, what "we" are doing are speeding it up to a point where it's happening faster than normaly.

    Hurricanes are the earths way to keep cool, the oceans get warmer, produce more fuels for hurricanes to form. I remeber dangerous hurricans way before GW, but not nearly as many.
    I believe Earth is trying to solve the global warming process by more often and more active natural phenomenon, such as stronger hurricanes, earthquakes and vulcanic erruptions. Maybe that's her way of saying: Listen, you are not acting on all the signs I have been giving, so I have to do it myself, before it's too late. We are destroying our home planet and there is nothing we can do about it...
    Life is good, Final Fantasy is better...

    Silverlance on Leviathan (Hume MNK)


    • #47
      Re: Hey, south-east US, bend over.

      Originally posted by Mhurron View Post
      Hey Feba, if you ever get around to going outside you might notice that urban planning has residential areas built away from commercial and industrial parks.
      Yep. This (and everyone else) just serves to exercise my point perfectly: People don't consider their life as a whole. They look at a place to live, a place to work, and a way to get there. They don't consider them all together, despite the huge relations between them.

      But anyway, that wasn't the point. I never said "ride only bicycles"; although that's certainly possible and plenty of people do it. A huge amount of travel in the US is less than a few miles, and a huge percentage of that travel is done by car. I don't know how much of that is in good weather, but I'd bet it's at least decent for biking more often than not. Eliminating that, not to mention all of the people driving their kids into school, or to the mailbox, or to the neighbor's, and so on, would be a huge benefit-- on a personal level, because you're spending less money on gas (not to mention the obvious long-term health benefits of riding a bike, walking, rollerblading, or whatever else you do), on a societal level because using less gas is good for the country (less money going to importing oil, gas prices should fall), and a planetary level because you're doing less damage to the environment (both the direct benefit of zero carbon emissions and a far far lower amount of pollution produced in manufacturing and the indirect benefit of needing less drilling, less transporting of oil, and so on)

      I'm not saying "You should ride a bike uphill in 102°F heat against the wind to show those oil companies who's boss."; although I'm sure there are some out there that do that. I'm saying "use your feet whenever you can". It's clearly not the case in this country, and it's clearly not asking too much of people.


      • #48
        Re: Hey, south-east US, bend over.

        To be honest, Earth will survive pretty much anything we throw at it. It has been through far more severe disasters in it's history. The human race on the other hand is a blip on the length of time Earth has been in existence and if people continue on their current course then there is a real chance we will engineer our own distinction. Like I said though, the Earth will far outlast us, even if takes a few million years to repair itself.


        • #49
          Re: Hey, south-east US, bend over.

          Originally posted by Grizzlebeard View Post
          To be honest, Earth will survive pretty much anything we throw at it. It has been through far more severe disasters in it's history. The human race on the other hand is a blip on the length of time Earth has been in existence and if people continue on their current course then there is a real chance we will engineer our own distinction. Like I said though, the Earth will far outlast us, even if takes a few million years to repair itself.
          I agree with you on that, it has even been passed down since before humans began (exaggeration lol) That we in fact will create our own demise.


          • #50
            Re: Hey, south-east US, bend over.

            Originally posted by Saphiera View Post
            I agree with you on that, it has even been passed down since before humans began (exaggeration lol) That we in fact will create our own demise.
            I would like to agree, but was there, before mankind, any being on earth that poluted the air with all kinds of chemicals? Don't mention cows...with there methane flatulance... Was there anything that emptied the natural sources such as oil, gas, etc.? And how about the atom bomb?
            Life is good, Final Fantasy is better...

            Silverlance on Leviathan (Hume MNK)


            • #51
              I also agree that earth will withstand our mistreatment because as you said it for the reasons you said it. But even though our actions might not hurt the planet, it will hurt us as a race, more and more cases of cancer are an example of what is probably our fault.

              I brought up the point of global warming because as the name implies, the world will get warmer.. and Mhurron was saying its too hot outside to be riding a bike to work, I never brought up the planet into the conversation.

              While our actions are hurting the planet, we are probably feeling the consequences of our actions a lot more than the planet is, which is the point I was trying to make without bringing up environmental discussion. I know a hurricane wont harm the planet, but what will it do to a baby seal?

              The last documentary I watched on this subject brought up the fact that GW will happen regardless of what we humans do, but the fact that we aren't helping any is very much true, and the only ones who will pay are ourselves, with nicer tans and deader families.

              Originally posted by DrakenDame View Post
              I would like to agree, but was there, before mankind, any being on earth that poluted the air with all kinds of chemicals? Don't mention cows...with there methane flatulance... Was there anything that emptied the natural sources such as oil, gas, etc.? And how about the atom bomb?
              Mere peanuts.
              signatures are for pussies mew mew mew, here's mine


              • #52
                Re: Hey, south-east US, bend over.

                Originally posted by DrakenDame View Post
                I would like to agree, but was there, before mankind, any being on earth that poluted the air with all kinds of chemicals? Don't mention cows...with there methane flatulance... Was there anything that emptied the natural sources such as oil, gas, etc.? And how about the atom bomb?
                All of that requires a sentient being to put into motion. Humans are the only sentient beings in the history of our planets formation that we know of. So that being said I think you can figure out the conclusion to your question.

                Originally posted by Balfree View Post
                I I know a hurricane wont harm the planet, but what will it do to a baby seal?
                Baby seal T-T


                • #53
                  Re: Hey, south-east US, bend over.

                  Sentient! That's the word I was looking for (I'm dutch, hence the not-so-large-vocalubary... ) Thanks Spahiera!
                  Yes, I just answered my own question.

                  Balfree says a GW will happen, no matter what we do. I agree, as Ice ages will happen too, in regular intervalls. Is that the Earth's way of regulating her temperature?
                  Life is good, Final Fantasy is better...

                  Silverlance on Leviathan (Hume MNK)


                  • #54
                    Re: Hey, south-east US, bend over.

                    There's one splattered on your roof.
                    signatures are for pussies mew mew mew, here's mine


                    • #55
                      Re: Hey, south-east US, bend over.

                      Originally posted by Saphiera View Post
                      Humans are the only sentient beings in the history of our planets formation that we know of.
                      No, we aren't. See Sentience - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                      Even beyond semantics, though, that's not true. There are the old cousins of humans (Neanderthals, Homo erectus), and there are plenty of signs of intelligence in modern day animals (Monkeys, especially tool-makers; Dolphins, etc.)


                      • #56
                        Re: Hey, south-east US, bend over.

                        Originally posted by Feba View Post
                        No, we aren't. See Sentience - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                        Even beyond semantics, though, that's not true. There are the old cousins of humans (Neanderthals, Homo erectus), and there are plenty of signs of intelligence in modern day animals (Monkeys, especially tool-makers; Dolphins, etc.)
                        Yes but every other being on this planet lacks what we essentially have, free will the decision to choose. Animals 9/10 act on pure instinct. Cousins of humans are esentially the building blocks for humanity that have evolved down a different path.


                        • #57
                          Re: Hey, south-east US, bend over.

                          Originally posted by Saphiera View Post
                          Yes but every other being on this planet lacks what we essentially have, free will the decision to choose.
                          Frankly, bullshit. There's no reason to believe that we're somehow magically better than anything else on the planet.


                          • #58
                            Re: Hey, south-east US, bend over.

                            Originally posted by Feba View Post
                            Frankly, bullshit. There's no reason to believe that we're somehow magically better than anything else on the planet.
                            Nowhere have I said that we are "Better" than anything els on this planet. Please do not obtain the ignorance to "Put words in my mouth". Instead you can expand your mind and learn on what I have said and the knowledge I have bestowed upon the people reading this thread.

                            If you would like to keep insisting that we are not "Better" than anything els on this planet. Please walk with me in a sense to the realm of "created in his own image" We in fact may not poses the physical body such as the one we like to refer to as God. But instead are a replica of the endless knowledge left to us by our founding father. Our creator so to speak has allowed us to gain and learn from the world around us with more on the plane of conscious thought. The evolution of our fellow earthlings is based purely on instinct and environmental habits. That is what sets us apart.
                            Last edited by Luna; 09-15-2008, 07:44 AM.


                            • #59
                              Re: Hey, south-east US, bend over.

                              Just because we use better tools and have bigger brains it doesn't mean we aren't living purely on instinct and environmental habits.

                              You just need to look at the diversity of human and animal cultures to realize we are the same thing. Heck ants have bigger presence on earth than humans don't they? So just by bio-mass alone, it's their planet, not ours.

                              There's absolutely nothing that indicates humans are anything more special than any other species on this planet.

                              We are just noisier.

                              (And if you could ask all the other species what they think about us they would probably reply with a "meh")
                              "In this world, the one who has the most fun is the winner!" C.B.
                              Prishe's Knight 2004-Forever.



                              • #60
                                Re: Hey, south-east US, bend over.

                                Originally posted by Raydeus View Post
                                Just because we use better tools and have bigger brains it doesn't mean we aren't living purely on instinct and environmental habits.

                                You just need to look at the diversity of human and animal cultures to realize we are the same thing. Heck ants have bigger presence on earth than humans don't they? So just by bio-mass alone, it's their planet, not ours.

                                There's absolutely nothing that indicates humans are anything more special than any other species on this planet.
                                AGAIN where did I say we are "better" than anything els on this planet I'd like for someone to quote me and prove my insinuation wrong.

                                If my assumption is right you are clearly misunderstanding me; In the presence that what I state about humanity makes us better than anything els that lives here. IF you are amusing that and just trying to discuss my debate without any type of credence would lead me to believe that you are only trying to argue with no strength.

                                I hope you can read and comprehend this:
                                The major differences are actually in the genetic code. If you know what introns and exons are, you'll understand, but just to be safe I'll explain them. Exons are regions of the genome that we know code for something, we may even know what that something is. Introns are regions that don't look like they code for anything. They could be regions of repetition or simply stretches of DNA with an odd lineup of nucleotides. The fact is that humans don't just have a lot of these, it's actually a whole lot more than any other animal. This applies to chimps as well. The brain being more evolved is true, humans have a lot more thinking ability than most any animal. At the same time, none of this disproves evolution, though it does make human beings an oddly larger step away from other animals than any other.
                                EDIT: Again sorry about this lol, Humans are severely weak but we in fact have the intelligence to make up for it. That is what makes us strong and is one of the many reasons we are different NOT BETTER (do not misunderstand me) than any other being on this planet.
                                Last edited by Luna; 09-15-2008, 08:07 AM.

