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Hey, south-east US, bend over.

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  • #31
    Re: Hey, south-east US, bend over.

    Originally posted by Saphiera View Post
    I live in a little far away land called the Dessert.
    Sounds tasty.
    Originally posted by Armando
    No one at Square Enix has heard of Occam's Razor.
    Originally posted by Armando
    Nintendo always seems to have a legion of haters at the wings ready to jump in and prop up straw men about hardware and gimmicks and casuals.
    Originally posted by Taskmage



    Originally posted by Taskmage
    However much I am actually smart, I got that way by confronting how stupid I am.
    Matthew 16:15


    • #32
      Re: Hey, south-east US, bend over.

      Originally posted by Raydeus View Post
      And a motorcycle Enhances accident rate. So I'm not so sure I want to get one of those either.
      Only if you're not a good driver. If you wear the right clothing and protection and are a good driver, a motorcycle is as safe as can be. I've had one accident and that was caused by something totally out of my control. I was stopped at a stop sign and a guy in a Suburban turned onto my street but turned too tightly and broad sided me. He was drunk.
      Originally posted by Feba
      But I mean I do not mind a good looking man so long as I do not have to view his penis.
      Originally posted by Taskmage
      God I hate my periods. You think passing a clot through a vagina is bad? Try it with a penis.
      Originally posted by DakAttack
      ...I'm shitting dicks out of my eyeballs in excitement for the next bestgreating game of all time ever.


      • #33
        Re: Hey, south-east US, bend over.

        Originally posted by TheGrandMom View Post
        Only if you're not a good driver. If you wear the right clothing and protection and are a good driver, a motorcycle is as safe as can be. I've had one accident and that was caused by something totally out of my control. I was stopped at a stop sign and a guy in a Suburban turned onto my street but turned too tightly and broad sided me. He was drunk.
        You can take all the precautions in the world on a motorcycle. But it still doesn't protect you from the idiot driving the 3000 pound car next to you.

        Nin75, Bst75. Drk61, War61, Rdm40, All other jobs are 37. All 3 starting city missions completed. All Zilart missions completed. All CoP missions completed. TouA completed.


        • #34
          Re: Hey, south-east US, bend over.

          Originally posted by Mhurron View Post
          And keep the temperature under 75 so that we don't end up sweating buckets getting to work.
          Isn't it thanks to global warming (also partly to blame to gas consumption) that its way too hot outside?

          Sure going to work on a bike may be impossible or too much of a hassle to most of us, I know I ride my bike anywhere I can, but my office is inaccessible with a bike thanks to Europe's largest bridge, but I can still ride the bus or a train, which would save gas.
          signatures are for pussies mew mew mew, here's mine


          • #35
            Re: Hey, south-east US, bend over.

            Originally posted by little ninja View Post
            You can take all the precautions in the world on a motorcycle but it still doesn't protect you from the idiot driving the 3000 pound car next to you.

            This applies to any vehicle you would drive on the street. It doesn't matter if you're the best damn driver in the world, you still need to worry about the other assholes on the road with you.

            Also fixed your grammar for no reason other than it bugged me.

            500 hours in MS paint


            • #36
              Re: Hey, south-east US, bend over.

              Originally posted by Tickmeoff View Post
              This applies to any vehicle you would drive on the street. It doesn't matter if you're the best damn driver in the world, you still need to worry about the other assholes on the road with you.

              Also fixed your grammar for no reason other than it bugged me.
              Exactly. Any vehicle whether it be a car, motorcycle, bicycle, buggy, whatever faces all the same a-holes. Thats why I said if you are a good driver you don't have to worry as much. Personally, I feel that people who drive motorcycles or bicycles on the roads are more aware when they drive a car. I'm hypervigilant on a motorcycle and it carries over to when I drive a car.
              Originally posted by Feba
              But I mean I do not mind a good looking man so long as I do not have to view his penis.
              Originally posted by Taskmage
              God I hate my periods. You think passing a clot through a vagina is bad? Try it with a penis.
              Originally posted by DakAttack
              ...I'm shitting dicks out of my eyeballs in excitement for the next bestgreating game of all time ever.


              • #37
                Re: Hey, south-east US, bend over.

                I don't know, I've seen and heard-about a lot of accidents related to motorcycles.

                Of course it depends on the driver, but you are way more vulnerable than when you are driving a car, and that makes a huge difference when it comes to the degree of damage you'll take in those situations.
                "In this world, the one who has the most fun is the winner!" C.B.
                Prishe's Knight 2004-Forever.



                • #38
                  Re: Hey, south-east US, bend over.

                  Originally posted by Raydeus View Post
                  I don't know, I've seen and heard-about a lot of accidents related to motorcycles.
                  Statistically in the Uk out of the large number of motorbike accidents that happen on our roads 86% (proven figure feba from the Lincolnshire Road safety Partnership) are caused by the bikers themselves. The 2 main causes were speed and dangerous overtaking. Int eh local rag last week there was an artical on speeding bikes. On one day 7 bikers were caught speeding by a stealth police bike on a 60mph road with the following speeds.

                  90mph, 92mph, 102mph, 130mph, 123mph, 112mph, 134mph.

                  In Lincolnshire we have one of the highest death rates on the roads in the UK, 70% of thsoe being motorbikes.

                  as for the fuel thing......

                  I am currently paying £1.09 a litre = $1.96 = 3.79litres to the US gallon = $7.45/US gallon. This has gone down a little bit from what it was a couple of months back. when the Uk was suffering the highest cost of fuel BP and Shell recorded their highest 1st quartre profits which were in excess of £4billion (7,208,869,812.00) its sickening.


                  • #39
                    Re: Hey, south-east US, bend over.

                    The Bike thing:

                    It not just the work distance or weather factor, but also the fact that its just not safe to share the roads with cars. Not every state has roads built with lanes for people on bikes or people that wish to jog or run. And all the precautions, wearing reflectors or bright clothing doesn't mean shit on a dark, foggy morning, you're still not safe.


                    • #40
                      Re: Hey, south-east US, bend over.

                      Originally posted by Balfree View Post
                      Isn't it thanks to global warming (also partly to blame to gas consumption) that its way too hot outside?

                      Sure going to work on a bike may be impossible or too much of a hassle to most of us, I know I ride my bike anywhere I can, but my office is inaccessible with a bike thanks to Europe's largest bridge, but I can still ride the bus or a train, which would save gas.
                      "Global Warming" Is a myth. At least the part about us causing it.
                      For the bus part, yeah I wish there were buses around here. Only major citys seem to have a bus route here in the US.

                      Originally posted by TheGrandMom View Post
                      Only if you're not a good driver. If you wear the right clothing and protection and are a good driver, a motorcycle is as safe as can be. I've had one accident and that was caused by something totally out of my control. I was stopped at a stop sign and a guy in a Suburban turned onto my street but turned too tightly and broad sided me. He was drunk.
                      My dad was in a motorcycle accident and lost his leg b/c of it.


                      • #41
                        Re: Hey, south-east US, bend over.

                        Originally posted by Saphiera View Post
                        "Global Warming" Is a myth. At least the part about us causing it.
                        Its not a myth, its just the facts regarding it are taken to extreme hyperbole. We don't have the data to look at this issue from over 100 years ago because the technology didn't exist at the time.

                        We know there have been some kinds of changes, but we don't really know the rate of these changes and people tend to overestimate the rate of change.

                        Its like the religious fanatics who always say we're living in the final days. They look at biblical prophecies and try to apply it to the context of whats happening in the world today. Global warming is the same, its the same kind of kook using scientific data and applying it to the timeframe he lives in. They want to feel special.


                        • #42
                          Re: Hey, south-east US, bend over.

                          Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten View Post
                          Its not a myth, its just the facts regarding it are taken to extreme hyperbole. We don't have the data to look at this issue from over 100 years ago because the technology didn't exist at the time.

                          We know there have been some kinds of changes, but we don't really know the rate of these changes and people tend to overestimate the rate of change.

                          Its like the religious fanatics who always say we're living in the final days. They look at biblical prophecies and try to apply it to the context of whats happening in the world today. Global warming is the same, its the same kind of kook using scientific data and applying it to the timeframe he lives in. They want to feel special.
                          About the bible history repeats itself. If the people claiming the bible applies to our time century they are wrong. Technically speaking it would have all happened 100 years ago. Since technically speaking its the 21'st century and not the 20'th.

                          As far as global warming, yes you are correct but dont forget about the evidence that global warming has been apart of the Earth's cycle before.


                          • #43
                            Re: Hey, south-east US, bend over.

                            I can't say if its a myth or not, I've only seen "evidence" that its true and dangerous, not the opposite, so maybe the naysayers should be more out there than they are now because they're not getting their point across.

                            Some say Hurricanes are one of the consequences of GW, I don't know if its true or not, all I know is if it is, and if GW already happened in the past, the Hurricanes back then probably wouldn't have caused as much damage then than they do today because countries are larger and cities are bigger and have more people in them than they did before, I think. So while things were OK before, who knows what it might do to nowadays's busier, "larger" world"?

                            Also don't forget: I'm too lazy to investigate and then I come to these forums talking without any fundamental facts so go easy on me

                            About the dangers of biking outside... very true, but people will ask for better roads and bigger salaries, but do they bother about more bike tracks? And sure its dangerous, but if I stop doing something because its dangerous, then I'm better off not leaving the house and living afraid of everything.
                            signatures are for pussies mew mew mew, here's mine


                            • #44
                              Re: Hey, south-east US, bend over.

                              Originally posted by Balfree View Post
                              I can't say if its a myth or not, I've only seen "evidence" that its true and dangerous, not the opposite, so maybe the naysayers should be more out there than they are now because they're not getting their point across.

                              Some say Hurricanes are one of the consequences of GW, I don't know if its true or not, all I know is if it is, and if GW already happened in the past, the Hurricanes back then probably wouldn't have caused as much damage then than they do today because countries are larger and cities are bigger and have more people in them than they did before, I think. So while things were OK before, who knows what it might do to nowadays's busier, "larger" world"?

                              Also don't forget: I'm too lazy to investigate and then I come to these forums talking without any fundamental facts so go easy on me

                              About the dangers of biking outside... very true, but people will ask for better roads and bigger salaries, but do they bother about more bike tracks? And sure its dangerous, but if I stop doing something because its dangerous, then I'm better off not leaving the house and living afraid of everything.
                              haha dont worry I"ll go easy on you =] But as far as the countries being bigger, actually its quite the opposite our continents are sinking and breaking apart. Year by year they get further and further apart from eachother. Way back when the earth was going through the same events as now (repeated of course) The continents where in fact intact.

                              Now, Hurricanes - storms - Lightening - tornados are all part of the balance of negative and posative charges in the earth that help with polution brought on by Volcanic eruptions. The earth causes more polution to its skies than we can even breach. Dont get me wrong that is not the ticket to say its ok. But the events we see unfolding are in fact part of the earths natural cycle. Should we be scared? Hell yes it can effect us greatly. Should we put the blame all on humanity? No I think not.


                              • #45
                                Re: Hey, south-east US, bend over.

                                One of the new spins on the global warming i'm hearing now, is that while it is part of Earth's cycle, what "we" are doing are speeding it up to a point where it's happening faster than normaly.

                                Hurricanes are the earths way to keep cool, the oceans get warmer, produce more fuels for hurricanes to form. I remeber dangerous hurricans way before GW, but not nearly as many.

