Re: Hey, south-east US, bend over.
Perhaps if our economy wasn't crashing, which hadn't closed about 50% of the potential jobs in the small town I live in, I could consider making the two meet. Though, even if I had, I live about 10-15 minutes by car from the town proper, on very mountainous, curvy roads. There are no bike lanes, no metro, no carpooling services from this place to town, or even to the major areas where people around here go to get jobs.
I hate cities. I was faintly asthmatic as a child; I'm still sensitive to poor air quality. I was born with a heart murmur. The last thing I'm going to do is move to a metropolitan area and attempt to live there. I would have to massively uproot my entire life just to 'stick it to the oil company'.
As for driving the short distances: there are none around here, save the mailbox, with is just a short walk up the hill and we do walk that. And when I'm at work and I want to go to another store, I walk instead of drive most days.
If I lived closer to most everywhere I wanted/needed to go, I would walk or bike. I have friends that do. But in some more rural, out of the way parts of the US, it won't ever be feasible.
Originally posted by Feba
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I hate cities. I was faintly asthmatic as a child; I'm still sensitive to poor air quality. I was born with a heart murmur. The last thing I'm going to do is move to a metropolitan area and attempt to live there. I would have to massively uproot my entire life just to 'stick it to the oil company'.
As for driving the short distances: there are none around here, save the mailbox, with is just a short walk up the hill and we do walk that. And when I'm at work and I want to go to another store, I walk instead of drive most days.
If I lived closer to most everywhere I wanted/needed to go, I would walk or bike. I have friends that do. But in some more rural, out of the way parts of the US, it won't ever be feasible.