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FYI: The world ends next Wednesday

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  • #61
    Re: FYI: The world ends next Wednesday

    Originally posted by Jarre View Post
    should be taken a little more seriously, they say it's 'big bang' wednesday and it's not like we've not been warned: see the picture!

    (goes to hide under the stairs

    If we open a dimensional rift tomorrow and facehugger things start showing up, I hope the workplace is well-stocked with crowbars.


    • #62
      Re: FYI: The world ends next Wednesday

      I've got plenty of them around my work center.

      As well as plenty of guns.


      • #63
        Re: FYI: The world ends next Wednesday

        [ame=]YouTube - R.E.M. - It's The End Of The World As We Know It (And I...[/ame]

        Lenny Bruce is not afraid.


        • #64
          Re: FYI: The world ends next Wednesday

          Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten View Post
          If we open a dimensional rift tomorrow and facehugger things start showing up, I hope the workplace is well-stocked with crowbars.
          blog.reddit -- what's new on reddit: Crowbar, headcrab, and Half-Life strategy guide shipped to CERN
          I use a Mac because I'm just better than you are.

          HTTP Error 418 - I'm A Teapot - The resulting entity body MAY be short and stout.



          • #65
            Re: FYI: The world ends next Wednesday

            Originally posted by Balfree View Post
            [emo]Its alright, the world has already ended for me.[/emo]
            totally brilliant this really made me lol
            "Square Music for a Round World"
            Final Fantasy Radio


            • #66
              Re: FYI: The world ends next Wednesday

              is the world over yet ?
              signatures are for pussies mew mew mew, here's mine


              • #67
                Re: FYI: The world ends next Wednesday

                According to the handy link Mhurron gave us, NO.


                • #68
                  Re: FYI: The world ends next Wednesday

                  so much for wednesday.. (from the BBC news)

                  The first - clockwise - beam completed its first circuit of the underground tunnel at just before 0930 BST. The second - anti-clockwise - beam successfully circled the ring after 1400 BST.

                  The beams have not yet been run continuously. So far, they have been stopped, or "dumped", after just a handful of circuits.

                  By Wednesday evening, engineers hope to inject clockwise and anti-clockwise protons again, but this time they will "close the orbit", letting the beams run continuously for a few seconds each.

                  Cern has not yet announced when it plans to carry out the first collisions, but the BBC understands that low-energy collisions could happen in the next few days.

                  So basically Friday at the earliest they'll do the first beam collision experiment but at low power, so the end of the world preachers will be preaching for the next week or so by the sound of it.

                  (key BST = British summer time which is GMT+1 so work it out to your time)


                  • #69
                    Re: FYI: The world ends next Wednesday

                    I'M ALIVE!!!!

                    I'M ALIVE!!!!
                    Originally posted by Feba
                    But I mean I do not mind a good looking man so long as I do not have to view his penis.
                    Originally posted by Taskmage
                    God I hate my periods. You think passing a clot through a vagina is bad? Try it with a penis.
                    Originally posted by DakAttack
                    ...I'm shitting dicks out of my eyeballs in excitement for the next bestgreating game of all time ever.


                    • #70
                      Re: FYI: The world ends next Wednesday


                      everything is always late, now we have to wait until Friday ...
                      "Square Music for a Round World"
                      Final Fantasy Radio


                      • #71
                        Re: FYI: The world ends next Wednesday

                        Believe me I'm still alive
                        I'm doing science and I'm still alive
                        I feel fantastic and I'm still alive
                        While you're dieing I'll be still alive
                        and when you're dead I will be still alive
                        Still alive
                        Still alive
                        Wii Number - 2810 2423 4673 3261 - Please PM me if you add me!
                        How to ask smart questions:

                        Boom! (On SCH75/RDM)


                        • #72
                          Re: FYI: The world ends next Wednesday

                          Originally posted by Balfree View Post
                          [emo]Its alright, the world has already ended for me.[/emo]
                          well played

                          Wii code: 6851 9579 6989 9039


                          • #73
                            Re: FYI: The world ends next Wednesday

                            Am I in the 5th dimension of Zondor now?
                            ~~~BLM SAM RNG NIN PLD~~~


                            • #74
                              Re: FYI: The world ends next Wednesday

                              I didn't see this posted but rest assured... if the LHC doesn't kill us, we'll find a way

                              The 5 Scientific Experiments Most Likely to End the World |

                              Wii code: 6851 9579 6989 9039


                              • #75
                                Re: FYI: The world ends next Wednesday

                                For anyone interested in what the Hadron Collider will actually do, here:

                                CERN - LHC: Facts and figures

                                This link will lead to CERN, which will explain all the minor details and what these physicists hope to discover. This is truely a remarkable time in human history, if all goes well, not only will physics questions be answered, but also philosophical questions.

                                The scientists working on this machine are in many ways like Presocratics and Sophists, if all goes well they could very possibly and undeniably DISPROVE the existence of the "One God". Thanks to this machine, humanity will hit another "Growth Spurt" as it did in ancient Greece. Politics will change, your very idea of Mathematics, Physics, Philosophy and Religion will change.

                                As for the Doomsayers, there is very VERY little chance of a "Black Hole" forming. As quoted in the Original Link that began this Topic,

                                "If it were possible to create a dangerous black hole by simply bashing atomic particles together, this would have happened naturally long ago, and we wouldn't be here to build this particle accelerator in the first place. So we are safe.
                                In fact, what the scientists at CERN really fear is not the end of the world, but that their machine simply isn't big or powerful enough to uncover anything new - that to probe the deepest secrets of the cosmos they will have to ask for yet more cash to build something on an even greater scale. "
                                - Mike Hanlon

                                So, we do not really need to be worried about "The End of the World". The people engineering this machine have intellegence FAR beyond mine or your (maybe yours, I don't know how smart you are) understanding. But after seeing the pics it kind of looks like a MAKO CANNON.

                                As for 2012, if you interpret prophecy correctly, it is not the end of the world, it is merely the return of Quezecotl (A Mayan God). Supposedly his return will trigger a higher plane of understaning. . .

                                Hadron Collider = Quezecotl? >.>
                                If you obey all the rules, you miss all the fun.

