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Palin announced as Republican VP nominee.

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  • Re: Palin announced as Republican VP nominee.

    Originally posted by Malacite View Post
    Mc Cain and Palin want to overturn Row vs Wade (sp?) and criminalize all manner of abortion.
    I'm pretty sure that's just Palin. McCain is against abortion, but I don't think he wants to outlaw it in extreme cases (such as rape and incest, which Palin supports)


    • Re: Palin announced as Republican VP nominee.

      He was quoted saying he would I believe a few months ago.

      EDIT: McCain says Roe should be overturned - John McCain News -

      Wow, that's dated 2007... so yeah he's been planning this for a while.

      EDIT2: Also, the bitch was making light of Barack's time as a community organizer in her acceptance speech last night. That's gonna come back to bite her in the ass.
      Last edited by Malacite; 09-04-2008, 01:42 PM.



      • Re: Palin announced as Republican VP nominee.

        "Daily Show" Takes On The Sarah Palin Gender Card (VIDEO)

        It's a shame TDS doesn't have terrestrial broadcasts. They're harder on politicians than actual news media much of the time.


        • Re: Palin announced as Republican VP nominee.

          Well now that it's all over I can safely say the entire RNC was nothing more than a tirade of lies and bull shit. Palin, Romney, Huckabee and Guiliani need a fucking reality check something fierce.

          Also, apparently Palin doesn't believe in Global Warming

          Sarah Palin McCain VP Pick Doesn't Believe in Global Warming, Loves Oil Drilling -

          A Change in the Wind: Sarah Palin: Global Warming Doubter

          And if you missed The Daily Show from tonight you really missed out on some good zingers XD

          I can't wait for Larry King now, since his next guest is gonna be Michael Moore ^^



          • Re: Palin announced as Republican VP nominee.

            I liked the part where we found out Palin had a hidden effect, because apparently:

            After speech: Enhances Obama's fund raising rate.
            "In this world, the one who has the most fun is the winner!" C.B.
            Prishe's Knight 2004-Forever.



            • Re: Palin announced as Republican VP nominee.

              LOL the best part is how they ripped on the community organizer bit, then in an interveiw last night on CNN, they had a guy with a community organizer button who supports McCain/Palin.

              Lasts nights TDS was awesome with the "choice" segment, a half dozen republicans tried to back track when the TDS reporter got them into a corner where it was Palins daughters "choice" to have a kid. Apparently keeping the ability to choose and being pro-choice are vastly different. durr. who knew.

              sig courtesy tgm
              retired -08


              • Re: Palin announced as Republican VP nominee.

                I can't really remember the whole story, maybe Malacite can got CNN and get the real truth, about Obama's partial birth abortion suggestion. Something like, if the child survives this, the mother still has a right to kill it out of the womb. I sincerely hope I am wrong and just heard this entirely the wrong way.

                I can't stand politics and unfortunately lately I have been forced to watch this crap. The only show that was allowed at the Blood Services yesterday was CNN. They had Obama counter attacking the lady on what she said the other night. He is a smooth deflector. He can totally side step a question and have people applaud him. I guess most politicians do this.

                My favorite part was where the liberals (CNN) were discrediting Palin for not having as much experience as Biden. That cracked me up. I may know very little about this campaign but I do know that the Republicans say Obama is inexperience and the Democrats say McCain is old.

                Maybe if I am forced to watch the conservatives (Fox) I will have some more fodder to type about.
                Thanks Kazuki.
                Dragoon Equipment


                • Re: Palin announced as Republican VP nominee.

                  Originally posted by Skoal View Post
                  I can't really remember the whole story, maybe Malacite can got CNN and get the real truth, about Obama's partial birth abortion suggestion. Something like, if the child survives this, the mother still has a right to kill it out of the womb. I sincerely hope I am wrong and just heard this entirely the wrong way.

                  It's a really weird subject, I think it was outlined on his website at one point. I myself don't recall the exact details, but I do know that Barack is the most pro-choice Senator. There was a case a while back (I think in Michigan) where they tried to pass a law that would criminalize Abortions and a petition was sent out to all 100 Senators to do stop it, and Obama was the only one who came forward.

                  He also used this point against HRC in the primaries :3

                  Palin does have the executive experience, I don't think anyone can reasonably argue that. HOWEVER, she was only mayor of a town of 8-9 thousand people, and governor of one of the smallest states in the country (population wise) for just over a year. She's only been overseas once (which is extremely important as pointed out by David Gergen who is a former adviser to Clinton, Reagan, Ford and Nixon) where as Obama has traveled and lived over seas. Finally (I gotta get going for an appointment ><) Obama's been scrutinized by the media for nearly 2 years now running for the office. She's never even been on the national media stage before until last Friday, and a whole lot of shit has come out since.

                  I honestly have a strong feeling she's gonna get eaten alive sooner or later, either by Biden in the VP debates or by the Media.

                  EDIT: Well, I've been doing my own searching for opinions on this woman and holy crap, there are a lot of women who think she's a filthy bitch and represents everything that's wrong with the Republican Party (and I'm being kind here; the rancor towards her is unbelievable)

                  The rest of the world doesn't look too kindly on her either. I think it's safe to say she'd only further damage foreign relations.
                  Last edited by TheGrandMom; 09-09-2008, 10:00 AM. Reason: please refrain from using the "c" word

                  "BLAH BLAH BLAH TIDAL WAVE!!!"


                  • Re: Palin announced as Republican VP nominee.

                    CAT FIGHT!

                    Hillary's taking on Palin on behalf of Barack! O.O

                    "BLAH BLAH BLAH TIDAL WAVE!!!"


                    • Re: Palin announced as Republican VP nominee.

                      And now on top of wanting to force women to carry and give birth to unwanted pregnancies resulting from rape, it comes out that while she was mayor, she allowed the police to charge $300-1200 to VICTIMS of rape for testing; until it was finally outlawed in 2000 by the then Governor. The police chief she appointed complained that the bill would cause an extra $14,000 a month for the town.

                      So she can get $26 million dollars for a town of 6000 people, but she can't spare $14,000 to help solve crimes, not even rape? Charging to fingerprint after a burglary would be awful enough; but to test after a rape?!

                      I honestly have no guilt about calling Palin a pro-rape politician right now. It's incredible that she's even governor; although I highly doubt that she ever would've been reelected.


                      • Re: Palin announced as Republican VP nominee.

                        She's a bitch.
                        Last edited by TheGrandMom; 09-09-2008, 10:01 AM. Reason: please refrain from using the "c" word

                        "BLAH BLAH BLAH TIDAL WAVE!!!"


                        • Re: Palin announced as Republican VP nominee.

                          Its amazing how in less than two weeks, Palin goes from someone nobody even knew about to the most evil bitch in the world. And here I thought that was Hillary.

                          Feba, did you know that the abortions that take place because of rape barely even account for 1% of all abortions? And then we're talking about Alaska, where there aren't as many women in ratio to men as the rest of the country.

                          Additionally why should the fetus/baby be aborted because of this and just as importantly, why do pro-choice supporters want taxpayers to cover it? Not the fetus/baby's fault, its not the fault of the people. I fail to see how rape justifies abortion, really.

                          Its unfortunate for the woman as well, but as long as Roe V. Wade stands, Palin can't do a damn thing about her choice and last I checked, the Supreme Court has done nothing about it with the justices that Republican presidents have appointed to it. Its gone nowhere for decades. As VP, Palin wouldn't be able appoint justices, only McCain could. Given McCain's desire to bring quite a few democrats into his administration, I doubt the abortion issue would even get anywhere this time either.

                          I will agree that charging to do a test (I'm assuming DNA test) after a rape is quite disturbing, though. I think that is something that could be covered by taxpayer dollars, though I'd have to wonder how much that would mean statistically state by state.

                          At any rate, thanks for confirming a dummy issue like abortion gets you guys wound up. Its not going anywhere because it can't and won't go anywhere, its a political tool and a really stupid issue to get worked up over.

                          I'm just curious where all the other dirt on the other three candidates is and why Palin in particular is the favorite target right now. I do know that some people from MSNBC were fired once they were found putting out false information about Palin. Whether this is a reaction to Obama and McCain's blasting of the media over the Palin coverage or a violation of MSNBC's standards is anyone's guess, but I'd assume both played a role.

                          Nice to see one outlet of the media acting responsible, at any rate.

                          Moving on to foreign policy. Its funny we get really wound up about the experience of Palin or Obama on these particular issues when they'll have members of thier appointed cabinet to send out there, too. The question should really be who these people would be and what thier qualifications are because they'll usually be doing that work for the president and vice president more often than not.

                          Bush and Clinton definately needed people more experienced with it than they were, seeing as they were complete morons on the matter.
                          Last edited by Omgwtfbbqkitten; 09-09-2008, 12:02 AM.


                          • Re: Palin announced as Republican VP nominee.

                            Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten View Post
                            Feba, did you know that the abortions that take place because of rape barely even account for 1% of all abortions? And then we're talking about Alaska, where there aren't as many women in ratio to men as the rest of the country.
                            So because it's ok to make people suffer, as long as you're not making as many of them suffer?

                            Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten View Post
                            I fail to see how rape justifies abortion, really.
                            And how does religion justify forcing rape victims to carry and support the offspring of their attacker? Or any unwanted fetus, for that matter. Remember that the US is, constitutionally, a secular country.

                            If you believe life begins at conception, sure, abortion is wrong. That is a belief, however, not a fact. You could argue that it begins earlier (to the point of criminalizing masturbation or even a woman having her period as 'destroying life'), or that it begins later (to the point of infanticide); that is not for the law to decide, that is for the person to decide.

                            Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten View Post
                            At any rate, thanks for confirming a dummy issue like abortion gets you guys wound up.
                            It's not abortion. It is Palin actively taking care of rapists at the expense of their victims. If you're a rapist, great, I can see how this would be your ticket, BBQ. McCain has shown his own disdain for women, and Palin strongly reinforces that. The fact is that while it isn't one of the main issues, it is an important one, whether you like it or not. Does it take a backseat to economical, and foreign issues? Yes. But whether it is or is not legal has a big impact on the lives of everyone in the country. And whether it's likely to happen or not is also irrelevant-- you wouldn't elect a president who supports invading Mexico. Even if it's not likely to happen, that doesn't make it any more reasonable a position to hold.

                            It's not an issue of abortion. See Electoral Projections Done Right: Sarah Palin: Compassionate Conservative? -- a small majority of Americans are pro-abortion. However a large majority (70-80%+) of Americans think that they should be legal in cases where they're a result of rape or incest.

                            McCain/Palin has been a consistently anti-women ticket. McCain voted against an equal pay bill because he was afraid it would lead to more lawsuits, commenting in the process that 'women need more education and training' if they want equal pay. They are anti-sex education and birth control; and I think you'll agree with me that if they actually wanted to stop abortion that would be a much better place to start than criminalizing it which would simply make the procedure more dangerous and illegal. Hell, John McCain from a few years back agrees with me there! McCain jokes about rape; and that's to say nothing of his off-colour-at-best remarks about Chelsea Clinton (which many newspapers thought too offensive to print) or Palin's remarks about Obama and Hillary.

                            Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten View Post
                            I think that is something that could be covered by taxpayer dollars, though I'd have to wonder how much that would mean statistically state by state.
                            Well, again the Police Chief complained that it could cost up to $14,000 a year for their town. The tests cost $300-1200 each, it seems. But either way, it's a small price to pay to solve a crime (and again, honestly, the police force is funded by taxpayer money for a reason. There is ABSOLUTELY NO REASON that the VICTIM should have to pay costs in order for justice to be carried out.)


                            • Re: Palin announced as Republican VP nominee.

                              Originally posted by Feba View Post
                              There is ABSOLUTELY NO REASON that the VICTIM should have to pay costs in order for justice to be carried out.)
                              No but it IS in complete agreement with the Republican mindset - it simply NEVER OCCURS to most in the GOP that they might be putting a financial hardship on people -

                              Just like College funding. The GOP never thinks about that for two reaosns - 1) they dont have a problem paying for whatever school they want (witness George Bush went to Yale and Harvard - and you can too if your parents are multimillionaires) it simply never occurs to them that anyone might not be able to do that, and so they consider programs to help the "Underprivleged" as those of os who SHOULD know our place in society (i.e. THE BOTTOM) need to stay there and like it. And 2) it's not for US, it's for THEM - the aristocracy of wealth that the GOP perpetuates.

                              The sad fact is that they are pandering to the drooling classes now, and that may just win them the election. These are not educated voters, nor are they capable fo following the complex issues that face us now - all the rovians do (erm, McCains) is translate into easily digestible soundbytes little snippets (most of which turn out to be lies). But what amazes me the most is how many lower income folks vote Republican - WHY? the GOP isn;t EVER going to do anything for you, no help, no assistance, noteven a kind word. But the drooling classes rally around with their "Nobama" stickers (all due to the color of his skin - the rascism hiding as GOP "support" is sickening).

                              Here's something else I've noticed - On CNN they refer to Senator McCain as "Senator McCain" and they refer to Senator Obama as "Obama" - as if he's freakin' Madonna - is he not a Senator? Does he not deserve the same respect?

                              If McCain is elected god (of your choice) help us all. And I don't just mean Americans - when the Nukes are flying overhead all the EU sanctions and blithering will be for naught.

                              (\ /)
                              ( . . )
                              ...Somebunny loves you....

                              ...That's "Little Washu", Bub....


                              • Re: Palin announced as Republican VP nominee.

                                Originally posted by The Mauva Syndicate View Post
                                when the Nukes are flying overhead
                                [ame=]YouTube - Bomb bomb bomb, bomb bomb Iran[/ame]

                                The one upside I see to a McCain presidency is that it would probably make it very easy to flee the country as a refugee.

