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Palin announced as Republican VP nominee.

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  • #76
    Re: Palin announced as Republican VP nominee.

    Lately my first source of news is the BBC RSS feed built into Firefox. (What can I say, I don't watch much TV.) The BBC doesn't have much of an ax to grind with any Yank politician as far as I know, although I'm sure they'd prefer if we picked someone not batshit insane to preside over our massive arsenal of nuclear weapons.

    If you take the BBC as a standard of neutrality, non-Internet US media range from biased right, to strongly biased right, to Fox News. A few decades of whining about the liberal media and editorial control by conservative corporate owners have *completely annihilated* any liberal viewpoint from the US media. (Or more precisely, driven it into taking refuge on the Internet.)
    Defeated: Maat, Divine Might, Fenrir, Kirin, Cactrot Rapido, Xolotl, Diabolos Prime, Kurrea, 9/10 Dynamis Bosses (missing Tav), Promathia, Proto-Ultima, Proto-Omega, 4 Jailers, Apocalypse Nigh, 6/6 Nyzul Bosses
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    • #77
      Re: Palin announced as Republican VP nominee.

      Originally posted by Feba
      Because she does not even understand the office she has been offered, and she doesn't even have a full term as governor of a very small state (population-wise) to back her up.
      The country somehow stayed together through Chester A. Arthur's administration, and it can be argued that she has more political experience than FDR did when he was sworn in (certainly more than when he was nominated VP).

      Originally posted by Feba
      To answer a few questions at once here, while she could probably handle the 'signing bills into law' bit, there is a lot more that she has little if any exposure to. Even as she was being introduced yesterday, there were people in the media worrying that she was going to suffer because she simply hadn't been in the national spotlight before. If she had to take presidential office, how would she handle talks with foreign leaders? How many of those countries does she even know about? And how could she speak honestly, when she doesn't understand what goes on in her own country?
      Wow, you must know her really well.

      Seriously, if Palin doesn't give McCain an edge, the way the media and Democrats are treating her practically gives him the presidency. Keep calling her an ignorant backwater; that'll win ya the common man!

      EDIT: I just read some of the other conversations in this thread, and Kitalrez's post makes me cry for our country. If you guys want to know how our federal government is supposed to be run, there's a handy little guide. I can't remember what it's called right now, but it's a real quick read.
      Last edited by Cometgreen; 08-30-2008, 09:41 PM.


      • #78
        Re: Palin announced as Republican VP nominee.

        Originally posted by Karinya View Post
        A few decades of whining about the liberal media and editorial control by conservative corporate owners have *completely annihilated* any liberal viewpoint from the US media. (Or more precisely, driven it into taking refuge on the Internet.)
        Quite simply bullshit, not to mention as paranoid as it sounds.


        • #79
          Re: Palin announced as Republican VP nominee.

          CNN's got a good rep though. I don't nesecarily believe EVERYTHING they say, but they do have good people and guests on there like David Gergen (former advisor to the last 4 presidents starting with Bill)

          Being Canadian I also tune into our own take on things as well as MSNBC and the BBC.



          • #80
            Re: Palin announced as Republican VP nominee.

            Originally posted by Cometgreen View Post
            The country somehow stayed together through Chester A. Arthur's administration, and it can be argued that she has more political experience than FDR did when he was sworn in (certainly more than when he was nominated VP).
            Oh please. They already had experience. Taken from Wikipedia:

            Arthur became principal of North Pownal Academy in North Pownal, Vermont in 1849. He studied law and was admitted to the bar in 1854. Arthur commenced practice in New York City. He was one of the attorneys who successfully defended Elizabeth Jennings Graham, who was tried after being denied seating on a bus due to her race. Arthur also took an active part in the reorganization of the state militia.

            During the American Civil War, Arthur served as acting quartermaster general of the state in 1861 and was widely praised for his service. He was later commissioned as inspector general, and appointed quartermaster general with the rank of brigadier general and served until 1862. After the war, he resumed the practice of law in New York City. With the help of Arthur's patron and political boss Roscoe Conkling, Arthur was appointed by President Ulysses Grant as Collector of the Port of New York from 1871 to 1878.

            This was an extremely lucrative and powerful position at the time, and several of Arthur's predecessors had run afoul of the law while serving as collector. Honorable in his personal life and his public career, Arthur sided with the Stalwarts in the Republican Party, which firmly believed in the spoils system even as it was coming under vehement attack from reformers. He insisted upon honest administration of the Customs House but nevertheless staffed it with more employees than it really needed, retaining some for their loyalty as party workers rather than for their skill as public servants.
            and FDR:

            Franklin D. Roosevelt - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

            He had already been a State Senator in New York, Assistant Secretary of the Navy, served as Governor of New York, and in general was well known about. He had a base to work with. He had to work to earn his votes, and prove himself to voters. He was not simply put up for the job.

            Originally posted by Cometgreen View Post
            Keep calling her an ignorant backwater;
            Oh please. Nobody has insulted her on the basis of living in Alaska-- they've just pointed out that it has not given her anywhere near enough experience and knowledge to take the presidency.

            But yes, she is ignorant. Not because she's from Alaska. I'm sure there are plenty of smart and well informed people, no matter how deep you go into the wild. She's just not one of them. State will sue over polar bear listing, Palin says: Polar Bear News | for one, she supports creationism, she doesn't know what the vice president does (again, see the video at the beginning of this thread).


            • #81
              Re: Palin announced as Republican VP nominee.

              Shit Feba do you use a shovel to throw the shit you toss around or your hands?

              How long has Palin been on the job? What 3 days, and oh my she is out working for votes too. People all ready know about her as well, and she is well liked in the republican community. She is also the governor, and was a mayor. (stacks up pretty good to Mr. FDR's blurb you added)

              Arthur's Political Experience adds up to a grand total of nothing. He had never led a city or a state. He was further down the ladder than even Palin.

              How you can refute what does being a mayor of a city of 9'000 mean. Well being a mayor means you have to make some form of executive decisions, you have to listen to your council and act on the decisions they put forth. There is a lot of work as a mayor (probably even more so than being in a party that does it for you as governor or president or VP).

              Like seriously how can you speak for the people of the united states? Are they providing you with information hourly or something? So you've posted a dozen or so links to things that several people comment in. So 50 people don't like her thats leaves about 150 million to make up their minds. Please let me know when you get those letters, Ill pull up in a shit truck so you can shovel more to everyone.

              sig courtesy tgm
              retired -08


              • #82
                Re: Palin announced as Republican VP nominee.

                That's quite enough. If you kids can't play nice, get out of the sandbox.

       Forum Super Moderator


                • #83
                  Re: Palin announced as Republican VP nominee.

                  Originally posted by MrMageo View Post
                  She is also the governor, and was a mayor. (stacks up pretty good to Mr. FDR's blurb you added)
                  Not a bit. Being mayor of a town of 9000 is not presidential experience. Being governor of a state of 600,000 (to put that in perspective, quite a large amount of Americans live in COUNTIES with larger populations. If all of Alaska were a SINGLE CITY, it would barely make it into the top 20 in population.) does not COMPARE to being the governor of New York. And again, someone who has to work to earn votes instead of being simply put on the ticket by nature has more experience because they must be able to stand up in debates and in town halls and not make an ass of themselves.

                  The rest of your post is even more ridiculous. I'd be happy to debate this matter further with someone who understands at least the basics of statistics and American politics, though, so if anyone is unconvinced by what I've said and can state a rational point, please do.


                  • #84
                    Re: Palin announced as Republican VP nominee.

                    As much as it pains me, Feba is totally correct.

                    This is a lady who ran a town of just barely 9000 people and has only run Alaska for two years.

                    Comparitively speaking, the Burrough Chief of the Bronx has 73 times as much managerial experience as he oversees a population of millions and that's just 1/5th of NYC as a whole. The fact is, she has essentially NO experience. She is anti-gay, and ERA, anti-abortion, anti just about everything the middle of the country is pro. She is the lowest form of pandering to the Hillary voters I've ever seen as IF they are all going to vote for her becuse she's a hockey mom. But at least she will cement the NRA vote - Jeez did you see all the things she likes to kill? Caribou, Moose, Bear - and she LOVES fur!!! No wonder McCain likes her, she's just as bloodthirsty as he is.

                    The thought that this woman, whos first question was "What does a VP do?" is just one melanoma riddled heartbeat away from the Presidency should send us all screaming for the hills.

                    John McCain may be completely out of the loop, but I didn't think he was actually LOOPY until this pick. At least it will be fun to watch Joe Biden cut her to pieces at the VP Debate.
                    Last edited by The Mauva Syndicate; 08-31-2008, 02:14 PM.

                    (\ /)
                    ( . . )
                    ...Somebunny loves you....

                    ...That's "Little Washu", Bub....


                    • #85
                      Re: Palin announced as Republican VP nominee.

                      The amount of people has nothing to do with it. You still need to enact the same sort of things. IE. Education, Security, Health no matter how many people your "taking care" of.

                      Not to mention the majority of the work in all "figure head" areas of government is done by the various committees not the figure head themselves. This means, that the real people who need the experience are the ones who draw up the proposals that they wish to have enacted.

                      Real leadership comes from the organization of these various committees , Since Palin has experience with various committees from being a mayor and a guv'na she could very easily organize the various washington committees if need did arise hell, the president doesn't even organize the committees all they do is select the heads of the cabinet, who in turn select there own people.

                      Like I said before anyone can be a president, the real power lies in the party, and if the republicans(who are probably the most dominant political party in the western world) feel they need youth on McCain's right hand then Id say it was a good choice. They pay people alot of money to make the right choices, and in the end it is going to come down to the parties policies, like it always does. Given the last 8 years Id say the dem's have a pretty good chance at winning, but its not because of biden or obama, or palin or McCain, it is because of 8 years of outrageous spending a stupid war, forsaking the homeland, out sourcing, and your typical everyday Republican Douchebaggery that comes up everytime they get more than a single term. But its not the presidents. It is the parties, all the president has is a nice signiture and a firm handshake, leave the rest to the bureaucracy.
                      Last edited by MrMageo; 08-31-2008, 05:06 PM.

                      sig courtesy tgm
                      retired -08


                      • #86
                        Re: Palin announced as Republican VP nominee.

                        Originally posted by The Mauva Syndicate View Post
                        This is a lady who ran a town of just barely 9000 people and has only run Alaska for one year.
                        FTFY. She's only just starting her 2nd year.

                        And I reiterate; Mc Cain met this woman once before handing her the VP slot. Romney is much better suited for this, especially since the economy is his strong suit, but the two of them just do not get along. And I'm sure the fact that he's a Mormon bothers people unfortunately - _ -' (even though 3/5 of the most successful CEO's in the country are Mormon...)

                        Bottomline; the Experience argument is now officially off the table, lest the Republicans look like even bigger assholes. Oh yeah apparently Dick's gonna speak out at the convention with GW after all (he originally was reported saying that he would not attend). Lastly, I tip my hat to Arnold, for deciding that the problems with C.A.'s budget is more important than the GOP convention. Dear lord it's nice to see a politician with Ethics and Priorities.

                        "BLAH BLAH BLAH TIDAL WAVE!!!"


                        • #87
                          Re: Palin announced as Republican VP nominee.

                          Well, they've announced that Bristol, her 17 year old daughter, is pregnant, to dispel the whole "Trig is actually her granddaughter" thing that was going around. Even if we drop the suspicious details that doesn't explain away, that leads them right back to Water Breakgate, and leads people to wonder what the hell she was doing flying back to Alaska; not to mention the entire "So, how well did abstinence education work out for your daughter?" bit and the question of why in the world a parent would choose to subject their child to that kind of media circus. This also looks pretty damning on her as a mother from my perspective-- her minor child is pregnant, she has a four month old (with Downs Syndrome to boot) that needs her care, and despite all of this (doubtlessly internal as well as external) drama going on in her family, Palin thinks it's just peachy to drop it for her career?

                          Also, apparently when she was elected mayor, she fired the police chief. Why? Because he didn't support her in the election. That's undeniable corruption, even if she had been telling the truth about troopergate.

                          Honestly, the more I look at this, the more I'm wondering what the hell McCain was thinking. So far, the most plausible theory I can imagine is that he's not serious, and is either trying very hard to throw the election without being obvious about it, or intends to use it as an excuse to pick a VP he would be more comfortable with. For the former, he simply doesn't like what the Republican Party has become, and wants to keep them from winning (this would actually explain quite a few things, and fit with Senator McCain pretty well); the latter would presumably be a way to get someone he wants while having an easy excuse to give the base.
                          Last edited by Feba; 09-01-2008, 01:40 PM.


                          • #88
                            Re: Palin announced as Republican VP nominee.

                            When I first saw that McCain picked Palin, I was shocked. I never supported him in the first place, but I didn't think he would do something so... stupid. Now with this thing about her daughter, it just seems to me that McCain has practically committed political suicide.
                            Originally posted by Ellipses
                            Really, it's just like pretty much every question about this game that begins with "Why." The answer is "Because."
                            Originally posted by MCLV
                            A subjob is like sex, you shouldn't have it untill your 18 but if you don't have it after 21 everyone laughs at you.
                            More Sig:


                            • #89
                              Re: Palin announced as Republican VP nominee.

                              The police chief was her sister's ex-husband.

                              McCain wasn't thinking. Chances are he wanted Lieberman or someone else, and the powers that be decided for him that a woman like Palin would be more politically beneficial.
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                              • #90
                                Re: Palin announced as Republican VP nominee.

                                Lieberman would have sunk him outright though (nuts! almost had it in the bag) being pro-choice and generally disliked by the party.

                                And WTF Palin wants to teach creationism in schools and ban sex education & contraception on school. Uh, news flash; abstinence doesn't work. Hormones > Decrepit Ideas and Notions

                                "BLAH BLAH BLAH TIDAL WAVE!!!"

