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Palin announced as Republican VP nominee.

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  • Re: Palin announced as Republican VP nominee.

    While you've got a point Feba about Bush being blamed for most of it, there was a time when if you weren't for Bush you were going to be lynched. Being against the Patriot Act and being against the whole debacle in Iraq was so anti patriotic that you might as well have been openly supporting the Taliban.

    So no, regardless of who the figure heads are, the people who voted for these actions and who were for these actions are just as much to blame IMO.

    As for the military spending, I would like to see a breakdown of the costs. I've seen enough of how people spin accounting to be suspicious that they're counting everything possible into that figure, and that they don't have the fixed costs separated from the variable costs. Pulling numbers out of the air here, but if a soldier gets paid $25 an hour (I know they don't but like I said, pulling numbers out of the air here) based in the U.S then he'll still get $25/hr based in Iraq, it's not fair to toss that into the "war expenses" The extra costs of supporting a soldier in Iraq that would not have been spent if he was elsewhere however, is fair to include.

    And yes I'm STILL pissed off about the reasons the B2 program was shut down. Heads should have rolled for that, that was crappy lying accounting going on there.

    I don't like Bush, but he's still better than Clinton. I view the Somali incident in a rather poor light. I'll also point out that I believe Clinton laid alot of the groundwork that Bush later used to invade Iraq, so I'm not only looking at Bush here.

    As far as the legality of the war in Iraq, and whether or not Bush should be impeached for it, I've this to say. One of the cease fire conditions for the Gulf War was that Iraq was supposed to destroy all biological weapons and to allow inspectors on the various sites. During Clinton's presidency, we had inspectors being thrown out of buildings, denied access, and I seem to remember at least one instance where an inspector went into a building where the people were destroying records that they were not supposed to, I could be wrong on that last bit. It's sticking in my mind that there was a village that was hit with biological weapons around this time, but I thought it was Dujail and if so that was prior to the Gulf War. There were other incidences that violated the cease fire agreement, mostly violating the no fly zones though I think.

    I'm not saying that the oil and revenge were a consideration, and I'm not saying they weren't. I am saying however that Saddam violated the cease fire agreements, and continuously violated them. However you look at it we did have every right to come back and finish the job.

    And I will point out again, most of these issues were during Clinton's time. Not saying he did anything bad, not saying he did anything good there. But I am saying that Bush wasn't in office yet as events started to lean back towards an invasion of Iraq.

    As I said earlier, there once was a time where if you weren't for Bush you were against America. Now it seems to be if you aren't against Bush you're against America. I refuse to go with the mob just because it's the "in" thing to do. The War in Iraq was not illegal, Saddam gave us every provocation to go back in there and we actually did launch multiple minor raids against him during Clinton's time. Did that make Saddam stop? No it did not. If minor raids didn't work what's the next step then?

    If you want to be mad at someone be mad at Saddam, who if he had followed the cease fire agreement that he had signed he wouldn't have gotten us into this mess.

    You have the right to remain silent, anything you say can and will be misqouted and then used against you.

    I don't have a big ego, it just has a large mouth.


    • Re: Palin announced as Republican VP nominee.

      You're missing the fine print in all of this though.

      The white house and the media can say all they want about the "war on terror" and "spreading democracy but as Ted Koppel put it on Charlie Rose, the only real reason for the War in Iraq was to stabilize the Persian Gulf.

      In that respect, I blame both the government and the auto industry for doing fuck all for the last 20-40 years to improve fuel efficiency and alternative fuels to lower (if not eliminate) America's dependency on foreign oil.

      If not for the potential economic devastation that would spark world wide from instability in the region (terrorists bombing oil fields, etc) I seriously doubt the U.S. would even give a shit about places like Syria and Iraq unless directly threatened by their governments.

      Basically we're all paying the price for serious short sightedness and instant gratification. Just imagine what would happen to most of these places if the USA and other countries (following suit after the development of hydrogen technology) stopped buying their oil.



      • Re: Palin announced as Republican VP nominee.

        I wish I could believe it was only about oil, but that's a broken record over a decade oil. Its only part of it. Last I checked, people in Iraq were kinda happy to have the old government out of power. Its a rough time, things are changing.

        We've been allies with Israel for quite some time. If we pull out, one of the more hated enemies in that region, who do you think the focus will shift to? Even Clinton saw the bigger picture, even if he was duped by Yassar Arafat, just as we all were.

        And the picture is only getting larger now. We could very well be headed toward things you've only read about in the history books. Cuban Missle Crisis, Cold War - that sort of thing. What really happens if we pull out of Iraq - our main foothold out there? A lot of shit could happen because of that - allies could be endangered, things could spiral into chaos.

        I realize people are sad that they get separated from thier families and that soldiers die out there, but the soldiers knew that going in. I have friends out there, too, they could die at any moment, but they're out there to serve this country and that's what they signed up for.

        I do like Joe Biden and think he will be a tremendous asset to Obama in this regard, but Obama can't just sit back and let Biden do all the talking and hopefully Biden won't have to.


        • Re: Palin announced as Republican VP nominee.

          Originally posted by Vyuru View Post
          While you've got a point Feba about Bush being blamed for most of it, there was a time when if you weren't for Bush you were going to be lynched. Being against the Patriot Act and being against the whole debacle in Iraq was so anti patriotic that you might as well have been openly supporting the Taliban.

          So no, regardless of who the figure heads are, the people who voted for these actions and who were for these actions are just as much to blame IMO.
          I don't disagree with you about where the blame lies, but the lynch mob mentality is another thing that Bush can (in imo should in this case) be blamed for.

          Originally posted by Vyuru View Post
          If you want to be mad at someone be mad at Saddam, who if he had followed the cease fire agreement that he had signed he wouldn't have gotten us into this mess.
          Well, three things.

          One, just because someone gives you grounds to go to war doesn't mean that going to war is a good idea. Sometimes you just have to turn the other cheek. The way Syria is responding to US raids there recently is a pretty good example-- Damascus is pissed, but they realize that any retaliation at this point is going to do far more harm than good.

          Two, just because going to war is a good idea doesn't mean that a lengthy occupation is a good idea. The Iraqi government should've taken over its own self defense a long time ago.

          Three, just because a lengthy occupation is a good idea doesn't mean that the execution of that occupation hasn't been horribly, horribly executed.

          Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten View Post
          And the picture is only getting larger now. We could very well be headed toward things you've only read about in the history books. Cuban Missle Crisis, Cold War - that sort of thing. What really happens if we pull out of Iraq - our main foothold out there? A lot of shit could happen because of that - allies could be endangered, things could spiral into chaos.
          This could be true. However, the US really needs to stop acting like the world's police. We shouldn't be friends either-- honestly, we are all neighbors. If you're nice to us, we'll be nice to you. Help you work on a fence or a renovation project. If you're rambunctious, throw a loud party, we'll ask you nicely to quiet down, and if you don't stop then we'll deal with it in a sane and reasonable way.

          Also, sometimes you just have to accept that you can't stop every bad thing from happening. The US didn't interfere in WW2 until WW2 interfered in the US. Obviously we need to protect our allies, but we can't hope to stop every civil war, every struggle for a line on a map. Sorta like with kids-- you know that whatever you let them do, any number of bad things could happen at any time. But that doesn't mean you keep them at home in a padded room; you let them live. Sometimes, they die. You have to live with the fact that we never can and never will live in a completely safe world.


          • Re: Palin announced as Republican VP nominee.

            Originally posted by Feba View Post
            The US didn't interfere in WW2 until WW2 interfered in the US.
            As a side note, the Nazis pissed off the wrong people (The Mafia) which is how the allies got a lot of their intel. Mob spies were critical to the war effort, but you never see that mentioned in the books or on TV. I'd like to know why. It's not like anyone's advocating the mob so much as acknowledging the whole truth.

            I'd also like to point out something that a lot of people miss in regards to Iran. It's not the PM who wields surpeme power, it's the Iotola. (sp?) It's pretty shitty that there will probably never be peace in the region. I generally consider myself an optimist but I really just don't it happening short of one side being nuked off the face of the Earth.

            "BLAH BLAH BLAH TIDAL WAVE!!!"


            • Re: Palin announced as Republican VP nominee.

              Also, sometimes you just have to accept that you can't stop every bad thing from happening. The US didn't interfere in WW2 until WW2 interfered in the US. Obviously we need to protect our allies, but we can't hope to stop every civil war, every struggle for a line on a map. Sorta like with kids-- you know that whatever you let them do, any number of bad things could happen at any time. But that doesn't mean you keep them at home in a padded room; you let them live. Sometimes, they die. You have to live with the fact that we never can and never will live in a completely safe world.
              Kind of like Hitlers appeasement back in 1936? Could have stopped him right there, that sure would have changed things.

              But no countries decided to let Germany kick start the worlds economy. But they fucked up and Germany got a lot bigger a lot faster and controlled all of Europe for nearly 4 years.

              But it could have been nipped in the bud.

              What happens when the arab nations decide hey WTF lets ally together and wipe Israel of the map. Up until 5 years ago you'd have had Iraq, Iran, Syria, Jordan,Lebanon, Egypt, UAE, Pakistan. Thats a pretty good size alliance. Would need the help of China or Russia, but the wouldn't play on the same side. But once you unleash china, all bets are off. Whatever side China plays on is going to win, but like Russia in the 40's it will just swallow the region.

              Or you can go put 180, 000 troops in the area+ Afghanistan UN troops (hmmm all western allies to interesting), Suck up all the oil and keep things peaceful over there. By taking the oil it hurts the middle east countries supply for war. By surrounding Iran it keeps them at bay, they will not take a 2 front war.

              It is a tactical move. Its the same thing as russia maneuvering to get another port on the black sea. Its so they can move their pieces. It is like a game of chess, and the west saw a couple moves ahead and made an unpredictable move. Now the east is trying to counter. Its been going on forever. Its just a quieter cold war.

              So anyhow. It needed to happen, its just it hasn't been played out properly.

              sig courtesy tgm
              retired -08


              • Re: Palin announced as Republican VP nominee.

                Originally posted by Feba
                The US didn't interfere in WW2 until WW2 interfered in the US.
                Thanks for making my point for me, saves me a lot of time.

                BTW, we didn't interfere, we were drawn in. Big difference. If anything, interfering would have been a better idea.

                That said - Kinda think this thread has run its course. This thread came back as nothing more than to beat on Palin's dead horse corpse. Its kinda like a dog's old chew toy now. Doggie needs a new Rush Limbaugh plushie or something, because American just revived his career. Thanks for that, because I was totally not sick of the guy being around

                Has we elected McCain, Limbaugh and his ilk would be writhing in agony - I would have liked that very much.
                Last edited by Omgwtfbbqkitten; 11-08-2008, 05:37 PM.


                • Re: Palin announced as Republican VP nominee.

                  Yeah I agree, I vote it closed. And someone needs to kill Rush.

                  "BLAH BLAH BLAH TIDAL WAVE!!!"


                  • Re: Palin announced as Republican VP nominee.

                    Ohkay, then. Election's over, everyone's said their piece, and with the uncalled for death threat, I think it's time we tucked this child into bed before the grenade explodes.

                    Topic closed.


