Originally posted by NYTimes
Summary: The FBI will receive the power to commit warrant-less searches and investigations of American citizens who have not been defined as having any clear basis for suspect of wrong-doings/illegal activities.
Though not surprising, this is still unnerving. Basically, the FBI is about to receive the power to fully investigate American citizens without any substantial evidence to suggest any wrong-doings. They claim this will continue to help in the prevention of terrorist activities.
How far are you, as an American, willing to let your civil liberties slide to "protect" you from any kind of terrorism afoot? Do you have a problem with warrant-less searches of your private records by the government? Do you think this is yet another blow to the failing civil liberties our Constitution guarantees?
Personally, I am 100%, totally against the concept of warrant-less, un-provoked searches/investigations of American people. The founding fathers didn't draft the Bill of Rights with the 4th amendment (Protection against unjust search and seizure) included for no reason. As far as I'm concerned, a citizen needs to have been involved in illegal activities, or conspiracy to commit illegal activities before a government-based investigation should be allowed.