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  • #31
    Re: lolChina

    Originally posted by MrMageo View Post
    I think that its not so much of an over portection as much as it is a "not being around" protection. Most familys now a-days have both parents working 9-5's just to break even each month. They rarely see jimmy and sally save for dinner.

    Kids spend an equal amount of time away from home as Mom and Dad in the care of others. Teachers are considered glorified babysiters around here and babysiters are usually the stay at home mom who takes in 5-6 kids during the day. The parents worry because they don't see how the events unfold because they can't witness them.
    I dunno, my mom was a single mother for most of the time I lived at home, from pre-k to midway through high school. She worked 3rd shift at the Post Office, so the only time I really got to spend any appreciable amount of time with my mother at all was sundays and summers...but she was still involved in my life, and believe me...if I screwed up I heard about it, maybe not at the exact moment, but I still got what was coming to me eventually. If parent's really want to be a part of their children's lives, they figure out a way. I'm sure it wasn't easy for my mother to make Parent/Teacher conferences on 4 hours of sleep out of 48 (literally, ask your mail carrier)...but she did it. I'm sure she hated the fact that a lot of the time our only interaction was a wave goodbye as I went to bed and she went to work. The thing is, she taught me how to take care of myself. To deal with shit when the shit goes wrong, to be accountable for my own actions. Basically, she taught me everything that it seems like hardly anyone is teaching kids anymore, regardless of the circumstances. When I failed an assignment (not very often, but I've gotten an F or two in my time) the teacher didn't factor, my lolself-esteem didn't factor...and honestly, I deserved every F I got, whether from not following directions or simply blowing it off...and my mother seriously must have the best bullshit detector in the universe.

    You're dead on about teachers being considered glorified babysitters, I have a few family members that are teachers and it's a constant complaint. Letter's sent home to no response, voicemail after voicemail left with never a call back. These are always the same parent's that scream bloody murder when they discover 3/4 of the way through the year that little junior has a 16 average in chemistry and demand that there be some way for him to pass, because summer school just doesn't fit in with their trip to the Bahama's this July. It's disgusting...if they'd have actually LOOKED at the report card instead of just signing it all year long, then things would be different. But don't blame junior, heaven's no. It's obviously all the teacher's fault. Junior just can't handle the pressure, poor baby.

    Anyways, sorry I wrote a book, it's just something I feel strongly about.
    I'm a slow motion accident, lost in coffee rings and fingerprints...
    -Frou Frou, "Hear Me Out"

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    • #32
      Re: lolChina

      My mom was same way pulling double shifts at a grocery store no less and raising 3 sons, we are all decent kids highschool grads and college by our own choice. The best part about growing up was getting hurt, but moms number 1 rule was the ambulence doesn't work on weekends so if you get hurt to bad your going to have to walk. I miss being a kid

      sig courtesy tgm
      retired -08


      • #33
        Re: lolChina

        Originally posted by MrMageo View Post
        ...but moms number 1 rule was the ambulence doesn't work on weekends so if you get hurt to bad your going to have to walk.

        That's good stuff. Your mom sounds like cool people.

