Georgia signs ceasefire with Russia, Russian troops to stay in disputed provinces
So, the war is over... sort of. Russia stays, Georgia stops shooting at them, Russia doesn't have to recognize Georgia's ownership of the breakaway provinces. Also, Georgia blames the West for blocking their entry into NATO and allowing Russia to seize this opportunity to invade. Hey, we're in the middle east, Russia's back in Europe... yup, back to the good old days of my youth.
Welcome back to the '80's, folks. Looks like we're going back to the Cold War. I for one will welcome the return of stonewashed jeans and new wave punk.
So, the war is over... sort of. Russia stays, Georgia stops shooting at them, Russia doesn't have to recognize Georgia's ownership of the breakaway provinces. Also, Georgia blames the West for blocking their entry into NATO and allowing Russia to seize this opportunity to invade. Hey, we're in the middle east, Russia's back in Europe... yup, back to the good old days of my youth.
Welcome back to the '80's, folks. Looks like we're going back to the Cold War. I for one will welcome the return of stonewashed jeans and new wave punk.