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When refugees come...

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  • When refugees come...

    Due to the devastation in myanmar several thousand refugees are finding their way to Minnesota. What does this mean for the locals? It means alot.

    Now I know that federal government will do what it can but where the feds can't go the state will pick up the slack. Now, for those recently unemployed or have been unemployed it means that there will be a greater shortage of jobs than there is now for the locals. Longer wait times for state cash/food/medical assistance. All in all it will create more hoops to jump thru to get the help the locals might need.

    I'm not in disagreement with refugees coming to the state i live in but its going to create an even more stressfull enviroment for the locals to live in which is not in my best interest. I just wish there was more of a humanitarian effort in the states than over seas. Yeah some of us enjoy helping other people but just like most occuarances "help" only goes so far. I sometimes think the US as the parent with the silver spoon. Sometimes there's a need for the feeding by the silver spoon sometimes it's not called for and I think the US feeds to much.

    During vietnam MN saw a surge of refugees, during 9-11 and Op "Shock'n'Awe" we saw a surge, during Katrina MN had a surge and now.

    The few things I'm not looking forward to is the homless rate going up but also job availibility, unemployment rate and the crime rate spiking again. We're just now seeing a decrease from the increase in crime from when the Katrina victims were here. Well a decrease in rape, assault, auto theft and robbery not all crimes.

    but yeah, just some concerns and a small rant.

    Keeping Purgonorgo Isle clothing optional sine 2004

  • #2
    Re: When refugees come...

    I think the bigger concern should be trying to find out who the hell is lying to all those people to get them to think Minnesota is a good place to live.


    • #3
      Re: When refugees come...

      You live in a small world.

      PLD75 DRK60 lots of other levels.
      Shackle their minds when they're bent on the cross
      When ignorance reigns, life is lost


      • #4
        Re: When refugees come...

        Originally posted by Feba View Post
        I think the bigger concern should be trying to find out who the hell is lying to all those people to get them to think Minnesota is a good place to live.
        God bless you feba. Its still snowing and mid spring... >.>
        Originally posted by Ameroth View Post
        You live in a small world.
        Last edited by Malevolent; 05-06-2008, 05:02 AM. Reason: Automerged Doublepost

        Keeping Purgonorgo Isle clothing optional sine 2004


        • #5
          Re: When refugees come...

          We are having that problem in teh Uk, with our government opening the doors for asylum seekers. Now they don't know how many are actually in the country. They claim lots of benefits paid by the taxpayer, refuse to work, but still get their benefits, they also get priority housing by the local councils (because the government pay the councils more to house them than our normal citizens!!!!) This doesn;t apply to all though.

          The only advantage is that the jobs like fruit, potatoes picking etc etc. which no one in our country wants to do as a job (most people prefer to just be on the dole and jobless than do that) are filled by these people desperate to work so at least some actually work and not take up jobs that people WANT. ( they still take jobs that people who are jobless could do, but don't want to) In my city we ahve a diverse community which consists of English with a majority minority population of Polish and Portugese. there have been a few problems and it is noted that a crime spike has happened, but luckily relations between the communities seems to be ok. It is well known that we unfortunatley have a chav society here in the UK of lazy fuckwits that don;t wish to work and go on a life of crime to enjoy their luxories. The asylum seekers in alot of cases are blamed for anything negative, whether its true or not. yes some will add to teh crime, but you will find that its just an excuse to blame on what really is happenign in your region with its inhabitants.


          • #6
            Re: When refugees come...

            Originally posted by Jarre View Post
            yes some will add to teh crime, but you will find that its just an excuse to blame on what really is happenign in your region with its inhabitants.
            I won't blame the refugees entirely on the increase of crime but with the increase of the population (in some cases over population) there will to be an increase of crime by both sides locals and refugees wherever and whenever.
            Jarre since you're in the UK (I'm guessing) what do you think of this. --->

            New UK immigration rules announced
            Details of rules controlling the number of skilled migrants from outside the European Economic Area working in the UK are due to be revealed later.
            Ministers say the rules would have cut skilled migrants last year from outside the EEA (the EU plus Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein) by 12%.
            From the autumn such migrants will need to accrue the required number of points to enter Britain.
            Points will be awarded according to qualifications and salary prospects.
            Non-EEA applicants for jobs in the UK will have to have the correct number of points as well as a job offer from an employer.
            Employers will also be required to show they cannot recruit skilled resident workers.
            The Home Office says that in the 12 months to last September, 65,000 skilled workers from outside the EEA were allowed in, but that under the new rules there would have been almost 8,000 fewer.
            Details will also be revealed later about how many points entertainers and sportsmen and women will need to come to the UK on short-term contracts.
            The Home Office has said such workers attending one-off events, such as the Edinburgh International Festival, will not require points, but will need a visitors' visa.
            The new immigration points system, which is based on education, previous salary and age, was announced two years ago.
            The Home Office says the aim of the system, being phased in this year, is to ensure that only those with the skills most in need gain entry to the UK.
            Staged introduction
            The more skills a worker has, and the more those skills are in demand, the more points they will gain, increasing the likelihood of entry.
            The first stage of the new points-based system, which applies to highly-skilled workers already in the country who want to extend their stay, came into force in February.
            The second set of requirements, details of which will be announced today, will focus on skilled workers and filling gaps in the labour market. An independent committee will advise ministers on which skills the economy needs. Other stages covering temporary workers, young people and students will be introduced later.

            its interesting to say the least...
            Last edited by Malevolent; 05-06-2008, 07:00 AM. Reason: Automerged Doublepost

            Keeping Purgonorgo Isle clothing optional sine 2004


            • #7
              Re: When refugees come...

              Its about time, they brought in thousands of Doctors from abroad that medical students who spent thousands on their education found that when they qualified there was no jobs for them. It is the same with other professions where students are now competing for jobs with skilled migrants and the skilled migrants are happy to accept a lower salary to get a job, so guess what, the Uk citizen misses out.

              The points system works in other countrys but as a Uk citizen I beleive it is too late and only being implimened due to elections n a few years, they could have done something much sooner but miles of red tape and the EU "human rights act" have been really crippling what we can and can't do.

