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  • Tattoos.

    I've been looking into tattoos off and on for a few years, as a few of you probably know.

    To get the thread rolling, if you got a tattoo, what would you get?

    Personally, I have no idea. anything I got I would want to be symmetrical (my body is, the art should be too) which rules out pretty much anything other than some symbols, logos, and such. I've considered a FSM, but that would be kinda silly even for my tastes. Also considered the Triforce + Eagles thing, but I'm not really a huge Zelda fan (I like it, but it's not my greatast game aevar pick) and I mean, putting a huge symbol on your body that is effectively permanent for something you're not really that big on doesn't seem like a good idea.

  • #2
    Re: Tattoos.

    If I could, I'd either get a triforce+eagles or a dragon, but I'm never going to get a tattoo. I don't think girls are good for that sort of thing.


    • #3
      Re: Tattoos.

      A piece of original art, probably created by a friend. If I ever got something. Which seems incredibly unlikely. But if!


      • #4
        Re: Tattoos.

        Originally posted by Eiyoko View Post
        I don't think girls are good for that sort of thing.
        Why not? The ratio of male:females who are tattooed is nearly the same, at least in the US. Hell, my mom has a tattoo. Which she got three years ago. If a 40 year old woman can put a cartoon character on her calf, you bet your ass you can get a tramp stamp.

        Originally posted by Murphie View Post
        A piece of original art, probably created by a friend.
        I would do this too, if only I had friends!


        • #5
          Re: Tattoos.

          My wife and I got stars on the inside of our wrists instead of engagement rings.

          edit: yeah, men don't wear engagement rings, do they... it's early :| still, it was cheaper than buying a big rock!
          Last edited by Marquisxion; 05-03-2008, 10:06 PM.


          • #6
            Re: Tattoos.

            years ago I got a tribal design on my upper left arm and shoulder. Now it seems like most are going this route. Over the years random people come up to me an ask me about it. They claim that when they gaze apon it for a period of time it seems as though the shape is constantly changing..

            Nin75, Bst75. Drk61, War61, Rdm40, All other jobs are 37. All 3 starting city missions completed. All Zilart missions completed. All CoP missions completed. TouA completed.


            • #7
              Re: Tattoos.

              I'm working on a sleeve that's going to cost about $2000 total when it's done. It's a mural of Dante's Inferno starting on my right palm and spiraling around my arm onto my back. I should post pics when it's finished.


              • #8
                Re: Tattoos.

                Originally posted by dirtyclown View Post
                I'm working on a sleeve that's going to cost about $2000

                Originally posted by dirtyclown View Post
                It's a mural of Dante's Inferno starting on my right palm and spiraling around my arm onto my back.
                That's interesting too.


                • #9
                  Re: Tattoos.

                  I have 3 tattoos... one is a tribal version of the face of jesus christ. I got it for my 18th birthday and it was my first tattoo because I am a very religious person and god has always come first:

                  2nd is a Phoenix because I have been through so much shit in my life and somehow I have come out a new person each time ... I will burn by my mistakes but I will rise up again to succeed!

                  and my 3rd one... is of my Initials MW. The design is something I made and I looked at every day for about a month and I still loved it. I got my initials for a couple reasons: 1) You are who you are! And I will always be me! 2) my father asked me on fathers day last year to change my last name to anything other than what it was... I refused... I will always have my last name! Its a long story but my father was never really there for me .... and LAST REASON... because it just looked freakin awesome!!! I showed my personality!



                  • #10
                    Re: Tattoos.

                    Originally posted by Spazz View Post
                    one is a tribal version of the face of jesus christ.
                    That is simultaneously one of the most abstract and emotive images of jesus I've ever seen.

                    And your initials tattoo kinda reminds me of ambigrams.


                    • #11
                      Re: Tattoos.

                      Those are awesome, Spazz.

                      I want to get something like dirtyclown's planning but I don't have it fully concepted out. It'd be an igqira-like design going from the back of my left hand to my eye, but rather than being all tribal lines I'd want to integrate some personally meaningful symbols like Spazz has. My self-image is still pretty mercurial though, so maybe I still have a bit of growing up to do before I know what those symbols are.
                      lagolakshmi on Guildwork :: Lago Aletheia on Lodestone


                      • #12
                        Re: Tattoos.

                        what i want:
                        2 snakes, each would begin on one of my wrists winding around my arm to my back over the shoulder trhen down to my chest where they would rear up facinf each other hissing. one would be a cobra the other a rattler. inside the snakes scale design, would be hidden words, in one HATE in the other PAIN. in the center of my chest between the 2 snakes would be a poisoned black heart dripping black and red blood.

                        what i got:

                        on my left fore arm is a small scorpionm i got to cover somthing stupid i did to myself as a kid...

                        on my left should is a Letter A in a circle designed into a dream catcher of sorts. it stands for my first intial, as well as my religion and prefference in goverment...
                        Death and taxes...
                        Death and taxes...
                        DEATH and taxes...
                        I think I like it.


                        • #13
                          Re: Tattoos.

                          I have a celtic knot armband around (all the way around) my upper arm, which I had done as a permanent memorial to my mother who died 10 years ago. I also have 5 piercings (nipples, tongue and 2 in my left ear). I dont know what the rest of you feel but this shit is addictive. You may be initially trepid about getting your first but after that you will just want more.

                          I do want another tattoo which would be a dragon on my back with the head looking over my right shoulder, the tail curling around my leg with the tip ending on my right foot. Trouble is I dont want a traditional dragon or an oriental style I would like it to fit with the celtic theme Ihave on my arm.

                          Just remember as feba alluded to that you must pick something you are going to love forever.


                          • #14
                            Re: Tattoos.

                            I think it should be the name of your mother or such in chinese symbols, or a symbol of peace, something like that.

                            No doubt you're going to regret a Zelda tattoo at one point.

                            War75 Thf75 Pld75 Sam75 Mnk75 Rdm75 Nin75 Bard 75


                            • #15
                              Re: Tattoos.

                              I've been playing this game for years and not got around to it yet, partly because I don't want to have anything done till I have myself back in shape. I have two tattoos semi planned.

                              I really love the early art style from fairy tale illustration (mostly 1900 to about 1940 I think. I have a book to take with me incase I eventually find an artist who would do something in the style for me. It's not perfect for what I want but the closest artist I could find: Kay Nielson

                              What I am thinking at the moment is a large asymetric piece on my back that curves around on hip and one shoulder. I'm pretty sure I want grasses (I love green), leaves, flowers (some poppies? definitely no roses and no pink), definitely a bumble bee buzzing around in there somewhere.

                              The other thing I would really like is something abstract in white or just off white on the inside of one wrist/lower arm. A ex-friend designed me something I loved but obviously can't really use that now. My skin is very pale so I anything in black isn't going to look right and I like the idea of a tattoo that is almost like a water mark or a light shadow.
                              Signature courtesy of Selphiie the Enchantress

