So ... hey. Been awhile.
I dunno how much Sev's passed on to you, but it's kinda been crazy times for me. I've got a new baby on the way. First trimester was hell. @.@ Meanwhile, my youngest child that isn't still a part if his mother has been diagnosed as high-functioning autistic. Not as bad as it might sound but it's been a stress on the family. As for my own mental state, I'm on meds for depression now. Not much to say about that. I've got a second job now that I'm handling just slightly better than adminship here, writing game reviews for an old indie site.
And ehh, here comes my day job boss with another assignment to fill this blessed downtime with.
Anyway, just felt like dropping a line. I don't expect I'll be hanging out here a lot but I'll at least try to drop in on a regular basis to administrate so PM me if you need anything.
Oh, and to anyone wondering about the fate of a certain orange triangular cookie, it spend 3 months in the fridge before one of the kids found it. <.<; I know I know I'll get another one, it's in the queue.
I dunno how much Sev's passed on to you, but it's kinda been crazy times for me. I've got a new baby on the way. First trimester was hell. @.@ Meanwhile, my youngest child that isn't still a part if his mother has been diagnosed as high-functioning autistic. Not as bad as it might sound but it's been a stress on the family. As for my own mental state, I'm on meds for depression now. Not much to say about that. I've got a second job now that I'm handling just slightly better than adminship here, writing game reviews for an old indie site.
And ehh, here comes my day job boss with another assignment to fill this blessed downtime with.

Oh, and to anyone wondering about the fate of a certain orange triangular cookie, it spend 3 months in the fridge before one of the kids found it. <.<; I know I know I'll get another one, it's in the queue.