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[GM]Dave's feelings on Manthras

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  • #91
    Re: [GM]Dave's feelings on Manthras

    My mother thinks the sun rises and sets on my husband's a**. >< All because I "trained" him to do the dishes and sometimes the laundry. (And yes, you can ask him and he'll admit to being trained!) In her day, that was NEVER done by a man so she thinks he's the best thing since buttered bread. /sigh I think she likes him more than me! LOL
    Originally posted by Feba
    But I mean I do not mind a good looking man so long as I do not have to view his penis.
    Originally posted by Taskmage
    God I hate my periods. You think passing a clot through a vagina is bad? Try it with a penis.
    Originally posted by DakAttack
    ...I'm shitting dicks out of my eyeballs in excitement for the next bestgreating game of all time ever.


    • #92
      Re: [GM]Dave's feelings on Manthras

      Originally posted by TheGrandMom View Post
      My mother thinks the sun rises and sets on my husband's a**. >< All because I "trained" him to do the dishes and sometimes the laundry. (And yes, you can ask him and he'll admit to being trained!) In her day, that was NEVER done by a man so she thinks he's the best thing since buttered bread. /sigh I think she likes him more than me! LOL
      I received an anticipated "I told you so" comment from my mother when I divorced my husband.. Yes, those really do sting even when you know it is coming.


      • #93
        Re: [GM]Dave's feelings on Manthras

        My main is a guy, but sometimes I play on my sis's char, which is a girl. More then once I've been hit on, but when they ask me if I am a girl in rl, my reply is:

        "What do you want me to be?"

        They usually stop talking to me after that.
        Originally posted by Ellipses
        Really, it's just like pretty much every question about this game that begins with "Why." The answer is "Because."
        Originally posted by MCLV
        A subjob is like sex, you shouldn't have it untill your 18 but if you don't have it after 21 everyone laughs at you.
        More Sig:


        • #94
          Re: [GM]Dave's feelings on Manthras

          I can just imagine a conversation in FFXI going something like this..

          [Mithra walks up to the Auction House window. An Elvaan male sees her and walks over.]

          "Hey kitty cat, are you a real lady under that character?"

          [The Mithra's tail twitches, turning around to face the Elvaan.]

          "For the right amount of gil, I can be whatever you want me to be."


          • #95
            Re: [GM]Dave's feelings on Manthras

            Originally posted by Kittyneko View Post
            It's far from pathetic though.
            Yes, it is. As someone who has been there, quite honestly, it is.


            • #96
              Re: [GM]Dave's feelings on Manthras

              Originally posted by Kittyneko View Post
              I've had multiple friends online that thought they were in love with me. I'm not saying that as some kind of show off, because the truth is, they weren't actually in love. They were, how to say it right.. "quickly affected" perhaps, because I made a few nice comments or so.
              I've had this happen, too. And I always feel so bad about it, because I really do dislike hurting people, or feeling like I somehow gave them the wrong impression. That's why, more oft than not, I make it a point to mention that I have a boyfriend to any guys I meet in a MMO. That way maybe they won't take anything nice I say as a hint that I might be into them. I admit I have a habit of giving 'friends' online nicknames, and some people mistake those as terms of affection, but they aren't. Luckily, most guys I've nicknamed didn't take it the wrong way and assume I was into them. Like Thorf. I've called him Thorfie since nearly day one. It caught on to the point that he made a taru mule and named it Thorfie. Sev's always been 'Boss'. I don't even call my LotRO kin leader 'Boss', simply because Boss is Sev's name. Always will be.

              But I've had a couple of guys really like me (or at least thought they did), and get really hurt that I didn't feel the same, and I don't like seeing people hurt. Most of them got over it when I told them I didn't feel the same. I think one or two still have a thing for me, though, and it gets a bit -_-;.

              And usually it was brought on by nothing more than me trying to be nice. I generally am a rather 'sweet' person, unless I'm provoked or over-tired, in which case I become rather short and unpleasant to be around. I've just never seen any reason to be mean without just cause. But then that comes back to bite me in the ass sometimes, too, like when I got a random /tell from one of said guys who liked me.

              'I know you and Val are together, but ... do you like me even a little bit, in that way?'

              ...I mean, the answer was clearly no, and I told him that, but I felt so bad for him the entire day. It made me sad.
              "If you keep me waiting much longer, it damn well better be the end of the Galaxy." ~ Kaidan

              ~There's gonna come a day, and I can't wait to see your face...~


              • #97
                Re: [GM]Dave's feelings on Manthras

                Originally posted by Telera View Post
                I admit I have a habit of giving 'friends' online nicknames, and some people mistake those as terms of affection, but they aren't.
                you know, now that I think about it, I'm surprised I've never heard that before. Pretty much everyone I knew gave me a nickname at some point. Feba, as a name, seems to be well suited towards it.

                Originally posted by Telera View Post
                And usually it was brought on by nothing more than me trying to be nice.
                This is why I'm an asshole.

                And, I mean, the fact that I'm bitter about life and I hate all of you. But that's like a distant second.


                • #98
                  Re: [GM]Dave's feelings on Manthras

                  How cruel of you hurting online nerd guys who have never talked to real girls in their life.
                  There are painters who transform the sun into a yellow spot,
                  but there are others who with the help of their art and their intelligence
                  transform a yellow spot into the sun.

                  - Pablo Picasso


                  • #99
                    Re: [GM]Dave's feelings on Manthras

                    Originally posted by Jei View Post
                    How cruel of you hurting online nerd guys who have never talked to real girls in their life.
                    Yeah T_T..

                    wait, I can't agree, I did talk to girls in real life at highschool and college...

                    Adventures of Akashimo Hakubi & Nekoai Nanashi


                    • Re: [GM]Dave's feelings on Manthras

                      Originally posted by Akashimo View Post
                      wait, I can't agree, I did talk to girls in real life at highschool and college...
                      Fat chicks don't count.


                      • Re: [GM]Dave's feelings on Manthras

                        Originally posted by Feba View Post
                        Fat chicks don't count.


                        • Re: [GM]Dave's feelings on Manthras

                          Originally posted by Feba View Post
                          Fat chicks don't count.
                          Actually no.
                          Most of them were those too good for you skinny to average build chicks and the skinny to average nerdy ones who come to anime club or just come on days when we play DDR.
                          Adventures of Akashimo Hakubi & Nekoai Nanashi


                          • Re: [GM]Dave's feelings on Manthras

                            A whole other side though, which I kind of brought up earlier;

                            As a mithra or any kind female player, in a situation where it might become obvious to the people around you(party, linkshell, etc.) that you're either really female or pretend to be, and thus draw a lot of attention to yourself from certain people. Not only can nice comment affect someone more than you want it to, but also you easily start to annoy people. There were times in my long playtime that I've wished I wouldn't have a Mithra character with an almost girly-like name, simply to be less in the center of attention sometimes.
                            Because you draw attention, people that don't care much for you get annoyed, especially, and this is really annoying; when you make a critical comment about something.

                            Sometimes a party player, if you comment on something they do or how they do, it might rise the feeling to them which they encounter in real life (usually even for no reason) as well, the feeling of "girls don't like me" and they get annoyed and start to go extremely defensive and sometimes offensive as well.

                            In a linkshell, I've noticed that it's best to not talk as much as others.

                            In my current HNM-Endgame linkshell, I've had my good share of this.
                            The linkshell also has a sub-linkshell for Dynamis, as do a lot endgame linkshells. One of the first events I did, was Dynamis. I introduced myself into the linkshell careful with just a "Hello" and "thanks for inviting me."
                            Ok, so naturally, during the first event I did (which was a Dynamis-Xarcabard) some people start to talk with me and such, getting to know eachother, that's all good.
                            There was one guy though that seemed particularly interested in me. We talked normal, where we lived and about the linkshell and so on, I can't remember precisely anymore. However, I do remember at some point saying: "online relationships aren't my thing, I have some good friends, but more than that, I wouldn't want." He seemed to not like that comment but i'm not sure. However, the Dynamis was about over. Turns out he's a real-life friend to half of the sackholders(aka: Officers) and old member of the linkshell.
                            I think I was camping the Yagudo NM (Mee Deggi the Punisher) in Castle Oztroja late at night the next day, together with another member from that linkshell. When this person I talked to in Dynamis the otherday, suddenly started to talk in linkshell about how I was supposed to have hacked someone's FFXI account ago, he insulted me and said he was going to get me kicked, before I could explain that I know absolutely nothing what he's talking about. When I did, he wouldn't listen.. From there on, it appears he has told his real-life friends about this, along with a lot of other stories which I got thrown against me much later. Never have I been asked anything.

                            When I joined a while back, there were several (2 or 3) male players that didn't take long for them to add me on MSN or so and
                            somewhat tell me they like me, after a bit of talking.
                            This wasn't so bad in first place, untill they've started mentioning me in linkshell conversations some way or another. It annoys other people and from there basically anything (jokes) I say they can pick up as annoying. And well, then things can go from one thing to another real quick, to a point where it isn't fun anymore to be in the LS. I got dragged in sometimes to some little problems between members that I had nothing to do with. It's hard to explain yourself on that point either, people certainly won't ask me and I really don't want to annoy even more people simply by talking. There's a lot of nice people in the LS and a few that just seem.. weird to me.

                            Either way, being in the LS outside events isn't fun anymore, I have had a nice and really big social ls since a long while, never had a problem at all. It's just that sometimes you have to be really careful, cause you can dragged into things really easily, and before you know it even have a bad reputation. And that's when rumors come along.. which reminds me of another post I made yesterday about rumours.

                            Sometimes it sucks to play this game as a Mithra. But then again.. screw them jerks judging me before they know me.
                            Last edited by Kittyneko; 04-20-2008, 06:03 AM.

                            War75 Thf75 Pld75 Sam75 Mnk75 Rdm75 Nin75 Bard 75


                            • Re: [GM]Dave's feelings on Manthras

                              In my old guild on World of Warcraft, my husband was an officer and a raid leader. On many occasions I would be grouping with players from the guild and I would get badgered into situations where people would ask me if I liked them and if I had ever thought of leaving my husband for someone else.

                              Granted I did get divorced, it was not because I was off hooking up with guys I met in an online game. I am not sure how things are in FFXI, but world travels quickly around a WoW server when a "real girl" is outed. Suddenly random players are messaging you their phone numbers and you are getting random gold and gifts sent to your mailbox.

                              I was planning on making a Mithra when I started playing FFXI again, but I am not sure I want to.. Maybe I should make a Galka and just save myself the trouble!


                              • Re: [GM]Dave's feelings on Manthras

                                play the race you wanted, don't let other things influence you -.-

                                if you get harassed call a GM/Black list them
                                if you get gifts that you did not ask for return them

                                I hate it that some guys cant keep it in check long enough to even think -.-
                                Kain (FFIV): I am aware of my actions, but can do nothing about them.

