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Media's Political bias

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  • Media's Political bias

    Offshoot thread from here. Speaking on news channels and their political bias.

    Jwalton: I don't watch MSNBC often (atleast I try not to, its what they keep the tv in the waiting room on at work, so I'll occasionally see it when I'm walking through and very rarely sit there and watch it.), so I didn't see Olbermann retract his statement, but props to him for doing it.
    One of the biggest problems I had with mainstream media was how they handled the Scooter Libby fiasco. They wanted him strung up for something that he didn't even do. (Outing a covert agent). The fact is, she wasn't a covert agent. She hadn't been covert in 5 years which is required to still be considered a covert agent. He was indicted for "lying under oath". He said he first talked about it with Tim Russert, then Judith Miller came out and said he had talked to her about it about a week before. Basically, he was indicted and convicted because he couldn't remember who he talked to first about something from 3 years prior. Regardless of whether or not you believe he forgot who he talked to or that he was intentionally lying and hoping that a reporter hadn't taken notes, doesn't change that fact that mainstream media was campaigning to send him up the river because he was apparently willing to sell out a covert CIA agent to marginalize her husband's opinion on the war.

    As for something more current, look at the story about McCain having an affair. NYT ran a story from a source that was HIGHLY suspect and totally unconfirmed, then CNN picks it up and runs it without checking NYT's facts. Politically motivated or not, thats highly unprofessional.
    TBH, I don't watch much of any cable news channels anymore. I usually look at fox new's and cnn's websites once or twice a day and get the major highlights. If I want an informed political commentary I can call my friend who basically lives off the stuff. I wish there was a station that just ran straight facts with no spin or hidden political agenda. Ofcourse their ratings would probably be awful, but its nice to dream.
    As for MSNBC, mainly I only really see Chris Matthew's and Olbermann, both of whom are so over the top that I get the same gut reaction that most of ya'll seem to get from O'Reilly. However, I find Dan Abrams to be ok. The few times I've seen it, he's far more willing call out both sides on screw ups than either Chris or Keith.
    As for youtube vids, if you really want me to sift through tons of videos in hopes that I can find the specific thing I want, I may do it if I have time. I thought I'd more than shown my extreme laziness and lack of desire to link everything to back up what I didn't even consider to be an inflammatory post. (I'm getting called a liar for saying MSNBC and CNN are biased?)
    I RNG 75 I WAR 37 I NIN 38 I SAM 50 I Woodworking 92+2

    PSN: Caspian

  • #2
    Re: Media's Political bias

    No one was calling you a liar. Calm down.


    • #3
      Re: Media's Political bias

      liar liar pants on fire

      sig courtesy tgm
      retired -08


      • #4
        Re: Media's Political bias

        No one but MrMageo.


        • #5
          Re: Media's Political bias

          damn you mageo
          I'm fine, I didn't intend for that last bit to come off as me being upset, and I apologize if thats how it was taken. I meant it as a question, since like I said, I didn't think saying the other networks were quite biased was as controversial as it apparently is. I do not doubt Fox News has reported things in error (I recall an editorial posted on their website about the game Mass Effect. When the writer was called out on the fact the pretty much everything he was writing about was false, Fox basically got rid of the link from their site and forgot about it.) as I'm sure pretty much all other news gathering companies have done the same. Like I said, props to Olbermann for manning up and admitting he was wrong. Regardless of my personal feelings for the man, I still find it rather odd that he went from anchoring on Sports Center to having his own political and news show on MSNBC. Maybe its just me, iono.
          I RNG 75 I WAR 37 I NIN 38 I SAM 50 I Woodworking 92+2

          PSN: Caspian


          • #6
            Re: Media's Political bias

            CNN, FOX, etc are all culprits of reporting news with a bias, because it is what their viewers want. People wont watch the respective newscasts if they are like the ones they don't watch. Its like a soap opera they get attached to the charecters and want to see where the stories go. No news media is completley unbiased, they are all writen by someone who try as they might can not completley make it unbiased.

            I was taught when I took journalism in college that the best news is false news. It is the news that will bring people back to your station or paper for the next peice of info. You lead the public down the primrose path to keep them from viewing or learning something you dont want. Its a very tactful tool and is highley effective.

            For example

            Subject: Barack Obama
            Issue: Smoking
            Reason: Slander

            Smoking, the leading cause of lung and heart disease in americans today. A nation wide crackdown has been in effect for many years now outlawing smoking in private establishments. The White House has been smoke free for 2 decades, should it stay that way. The democratic Party dosent think so, one of their leading nominees is a smoker. Barack Obama has tried to keep his smoking under wraps through this entire campaign in hopes of keeping a clean image. Knowing 75% of americans dislike smoking and smokers his habbit could be a political downfall, so a cover up has been in place. The knowledge of his smoking has been leaked to us by a life long friend who wishes to remain unidentified. The history of his smoking dates back to his days when he was in a muslim school where he first picked up the habit. It is also reported that he has shared much time with Rev Jerimiah Wright both in and out of church smoking in public. Electing him to the white house will only bring many non smokers who vist there into contact with the cigarette smoke which is a known cancer causing agent. In attempt to keep the white house clean to elect this child hood smoker who picked his habbit up in a muslim school, and shared it with Dr wright, Obama should come clean on his smoking and seek help to quit.


            Something like that could be run, putting a bad image on his smoking as well as tying him to a muslim school and closer relations with Rev Wright. Its a false story as it has no real pretense, it would simply be used to conatin focus from other issues such as Barack Obama speaks out on his policy for Education etc.

            sig courtesy tgm
            retired -08


            • #7
              Re: Media's Political bias

              Originally posted by Caspian View Post
              damn you mageo
              I'm fine, I didn't intend for that last bit to come off as me being upset, and I apologize if thats how it was taken. I meant it as a question, since like I said, I didn't think saying the other networks were quite biased was as controversial as it apparently is. I do not doubt Fox News has reported things in error (I recall an editorial posted on their website about the game Mass Effect. When the writer was called out on the fact the pretty much everything he was writing about was false, Fox basically got rid of the link from their site and forgot about it.) as I'm sure pretty much all other news gathering companies have done the same. Like I said, props to Olbermann for manning up and admitting he was wrong. Regardless of my personal feelings for the man, I still find it rather odd that he went from anchoring on Sports Center to having his own political and news show on MSNBC. Maybe its just me, iono.
              It's not controversial. You weren't even the first person in the thread to say it. I'm still not sure why you felt this needed a new thread, as the first one has long since moved past it's original purpose.

              If you're going to say "The other networks do all the same things you guys are accusing Fox News of doing" then you need to back that statement up. People were posting videos and links to their examples of bad behavior. All that we asked was that you do the same.

