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Obama's Speech on Race & America

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  • #61
    Re: Obama's Speech on Race & America

    I prefer to call it slime. The man is slimey just like all politicians.

    As far as black Americans go, he's only recently gained ground and its because of pandering to them. All politicians do it.....give you what you need to or want to hear at that particular time to get you in their corner. Before that, you don't matter much but when they need a boost, you are THE MAN!
    Originally posted by Feba
    But I mean I do not mind a good looking man so long as I do not have to view his penis.
    Originally posted by Taskmage
    God I hate my periods. You think passing a clot through a vagina is bad? Try it with a penis.
    Originally posted by DakAttack
    ...I'm shitting dicks out of my eyeballs in excitement for the next bestgreating game of all time ever.


    • #62
      Re: Obama's Speech on Race & America

      Originally posted by Malacite View Post
      That speech was meant to remind people that racism is still a very real issue in the USA (and even here in Canada actually) and that we gotta stop pretending like it doesn't happen.

      I believe it was to show the man's character, and to emphasize his message of change and dealing with the challenges of today. He handled the "two most toxic topics in politics - Race and Religion" masterfully IMO, taking the moral high ground the whole time.

      This wasn't about his policies, it was about his convictions. And IMO, the man has certainly shown plenty of character over the course of the campaign and given us a pretty good idea of how he'll be in office.

      Oh yeah and god forbid anyone actually do any research of their own on these candidates. Yeah there's no denying that a lot of his speeches are about inspiring people, but that's what people really want to hear right now. After the utter lack of confidence in government Bush has created, you need someone who can rally the people. Believe me, he'll get a lot more into specifics once he's sealed up the nomination. And again, it's all laid out clearly on

      But I guess some people can't be bothered to look beyond their TV's or the tabloids for information.
      Your obvious intention with this particular speech is to sway people to the Obama camp by posting it. You intend for this speech inandof itself to do this for you. I have stated that the speech you have posted has no political substance and you suggest that I seek information elsewhere? If you want him elected why not post relevant informaiton instead of a demagogue speech?

      Nowhere, you will notice, have I said that Obama is a bad person. Nowhere, have I stated that he is any different than any other political candidate. In fact, all political candidates use demagoguery as a means to bring people into their camps. Speeches like this I compare to the suckers and condoms that people who were running for office in the Student Senate during college used. They give you stuff that makes you feel good and then you like them. That's what this speech is--it is the quintessential condom for suckers, and I will tell you that you can probably find a speech like this from every candidate on the ticket. How does that make me like Obama more than anyone else?

      Answer: It doesn't. I don't want his condoms--they have holes in them.

      As for racism being real, I don't doubt that. Just as I don't doubt that there are currently (illegal) slaves in the US. The point I'm trying to make is that race is already protected by The Constitution. What more laws are going to be made to make it better? What lovely freedoms are we going to take away to make our nation more Egalitarian?

      How do we determine who is disenfranchised?

      Who decides who benefits from the programs Mr. Obama makes?

      Will the Democrats warm and fuzzy Socialized Medicine Bill work or will it just put everyone's healthcare in the crapper?

      As far as party line policy is concerned, what makes Obama different than Mrs. Clinton?

      The speech you posted doesn't answer any of these questions. Therefore, I classify it as a waste of time. If you want to convince people that Obama is who they should vote for, perhaps you'll select a more substantial Youtube clip next time.

      And don't take the cop out that "people are lazy and won't go look for themselves". You're obviously pushing for Obama... Do it right! People are lazy bastards. If you want to convince people to vote for him, know how to defend your man! If you can't defend him, don't try to promote him because you will fail. Spoon Feed America! That's what they want.

      Other stuff:

      1. Shameless plug: My cousin is assisting Mr. Obama's camp (in some districts) with it's donation collection (He's being paid). He has a cool new toy for campaign promoter type people: Voter Solutions.
      2. My aunt was a Democratic Elector in the last election (she bowed out this year because she is too busy).
      3. I'm advocating Ron Paul and have refrained from saying anything about him on your thread about Obama.
      4. If RP doesn't end up on the Republican ticket, I'll probably vote for the Dems regardless of which horse they run.
      5. I'm favoring Mrs. Clinton on the ticket because she's the evil we know. We are already well aware that Mrs. Clinton likes money, real estate deals, and expensive hair cuts. That's what she'll do. What sort of sordid deeds will Mr. Obama do when confronted with the sea of corruption that is Whitehouse Politics?
      Last edited by Sabaron; 03-19-2008, 07:48 PM.


      • #63
        Re: Obama's Speech on Race & America

        Just because there are laws in place though doesn't automatically fix it. This is a big issue that's really gotta be addressed on a broader scale than just simple law making Sabaron. At leas that's my interpretation.

        And if people actually bothered to read his plans on his website they'd see that they're actually very long and detailed. He really can't go into full detail in his speeches (or he'd be going on and on for hours), so he just touches on them while trying to inspire us. It works for me.

        Barack Obama | Change We Can Believe In | Issues


        And it goes into even more detail @ the bottom. Do you honestly expect him to fully go into all that @ a rally? Trust me, the crowd would get pretty bored after a while.

        Now I'm not saying he shouldn't address the issues, but he should probably instead try to promote his website more and inform the people to inform themselves (Hey what do ya know, a self-help message. That ought to turn some conservative heads)

        I gotta say I really do find the negative remarks towards his speeches very offensive. You don't hear anyone talking shit about Lincoln 'sor JFK's speeches.



        • #64
          Re: Obama's Speech on Race & America

          Originally posted by Pai Pai Master View Post
          I'd rather be led by an intelligent liar than a lying idiot.
          In my view, the choice has always been picking the lesser of two lying idiots.

          I don't want Hillary Clinton in this race at all. First and foremost I hate, hate, hate dynasty presidencies. Don't care of its a formor Vice-President running or the First Lady or the son of a previous president, its just poor voter logic to follow up with someone related to the previous president who had poor policies. Bush was linked to Regan, Bush led into Clinton and then we had that moron for eight years, then the son of Bush for eight more. Poor foreign policy all around since Regan left office. Not that I look back fondly on Regan, I was too young to remember, but Bush > Clinton > Bush I keenly remember no real progress being made.

          Bush in trouble? Send out the troops. Clinton in a scandal? Let's do something in Middle East for a little bit, worked for Bush when he had it bad. Bush Jr. carries on daddy's war. Hillary would just follow that up with firing off more rockets and sending out more troops to die for no good reason like her husband did. Make things worse instead of better like in Somalia.

          Then there's just the singular fact she does not appreciate the full meaning of the First Ammendment. This will always affect my vote, its the Ammendment that gives all others meaning and if its subverted, so are all the rest. Its fine if she wants to try to take M rated games out of the hands of minors, but she wants to find ways to regulate the content itself, too. That's a dangerous precedent to set forth since its an artistic medium and art is speech. If we start controlling what the people of our nation see in any medium, then free press, free speech and democracy in general is threatened. First it will be content control in a game, then televison and newspapers, then textbooks in schools. Very fucking dangerous.

          I might sound a bit extreme there, but I've always been thankful that our supreme court justices - regardless of party affiliations - have been able to see past the bullshit and party lines to protect our First Ammendment time and again. Still people who wish to control a medium or how its distributed are dangerous to our democracy and its the biggest reason I don't want Hillary in office. Democrat or Republican, you step on the First Ammendment for whatever reason and you've lost my vote.

          I don't care how much of a media darling Obama and McCain are, the fact is that they value our speech and Hillary is willing to sacrifice freedoms for "protecting the children."

          Here's a better idea, Hillary - promote parental responsibility.


          • #65
            Re: Obama's Speech on Race & America

            Originally posted by Malacite View Post
            I gotta say I really do find the negative remarks towards his speeches very offensive. You don't hear anyone talking shit about Lincoln 'sor JFK's speeches.

            They want you to feel like that. It means you won't leave him when others try to turn you away. You've been cowed. Defend with logic, not with insults. Saying that you find me calling him a demagogue offensive simply affirms the fact that you're not working based on what you think but how you feel.

            Feelings are irrelevant. You can't win an argument by crying.


            • #66
              Re: Obama's Speech on Race & America

              Originally posted by Sabaron View Post
              His point has no real merit, but he has successfully trolled you (and me) into arguing about it for several posts.
              Originally posted by Sabaron View Post
              I just wanted to point out that derailment was what Feba was (probably) shooting for.
              Originally posted by Sabaron View Post
              The whole point of my original argument has nothing to do with Slavery, Feba simply drew the issue out to troll the thread.
              Oh, please. Don't get so pissy just because someone called you on being wrong. If you had admitted you were wrong, there would've been nothing to talk about, would there?

              Originally posted by Sabaron View Post
              Your original post is in support of Feba who is attempting to argue that slavery exists and therefore is a political issue (implicitly).
              Ah, putting words in other people's mouths. No, here's what happened:

              Malacite: "There are no living slaves in the US."
              Feba: "That's wrong."

              That has absolutely nothing to do with whether it's a political issue or not, does it? I was simply correcting you on that.

              Originally posted by Sabaron View Post
              These are all cases of illegal slavery.
              So it's only slavery as long as the government says it's A-OK, huh?

              Originally posted by Murphie View Post
              this whole thing started because Sabaron started talking about how there isn't any legal slavery.
              Wrong. This started because Sabaron said there were no living slaves in the US, which is a blatant mistruth. He said nothing about those slaving being legal.

              And then Feba was all "nuh uh!" and most of us were like "yeah huh!" No one is denying that illegal slavery is going on.
              Actually, Murphie, you did.
              Originally posted by Murphie View Post
              There are no slaves.
              If you weren't denying that illegal slavery was going on, you were just blowing a lot of smoke. That was the entire point, and that was made very clear on the first page. Anyone who was discussing slavery after my second post was talking about illegal slavery, there's really no way you could be confused about it.


              • #67
                Re: Obama's Speech on Race & America

                Originally posted by Feba View Post
                Point conceded, but still irrelevant. I have already provided sufficient correction. For the record, I wasn't intending to sound "pissy."

                Oh and more for you Malacite.

                Don't take my posts the wrong way, I don't dislike you. I'm very, very particular about the ways I allow people to influence the political leanings of others (and myself by extension), and I really, really, really hate demagoguery. If you wish to attempt to sway others in your direction, you have to be prepared.

                Lincoln was an excellent orator and most likely used demagoguery to influence others. Not all of his policies where as white as new T-shirts and historical figures tend to accrue an air of incorruptibility and magnanimity over time. JFK is looked upon similarly. If he hadn't died, however, we wouldn't necessarily remember him so fondly. I don't idealize political figures, dead or alive. You can find fault with many writings. Remember, that most politicians don't have entirely new ideas, they often espouse and adapt the ideas of others.

                Obama hasn't been elected yet. He deserves no majesty until after we see what (if any) great things he does.
                Last edited by Sabaron; 03-19-2008, 08:17 PM.


                • #68
                  Re: Obama's Speech on Race & America

                  It's not just his speeches though. See, I view them as is hook, and it's a great tactic that works wonderfully. It wasn't until after I'd heard him speak early on in the campaign that I figured I'd take it upon myself (wish more people would have the intelligence to do so) and do some research on the guy.

                  I read his book "The Audacity of Hope" (GREAT read btw) and I've been meaning to pick up his other book "Dreams of My Father" for a while now. And to be honest, I didn't even know he had a website at first. I just randomly popped in one day about 5 months ago and BAM there it was.

                  I got to reading about his positions, and that in combination with how he has conducted himself on TV is what sold me on the man. I really think this guy is the real deal, and there's nothing wrong with his style (despite what many imply to the contrary. Go **** yourself HRC you conniving hypocrite)

                  Like I said before, there is almost no faith in the US government these days. Bush's approval ratings are proof enough of that (and there's mountains more if that isn't enough) and so we really do need someone like this. Hell, Bush got elected and the guy sounds like a cornered (retarded) animal whenever he speaks in public, and turned out to be completely full of crap and incompetent.

                  Barack on the other hand, is eloquent and IMO has delivered the goods thus far and will continue to do so. God forbid if people have to do a little work on their end to see for themselves that this man is genuine.

                  "BLAH BLAH BLAH TIDAL WAVE!!!"


                  • #69
                    Re: Obama's Speech on Race & America

                    So much political shit going on... I figured, why not throw in my two cents...

                    I have no problem with a woman running our great nation, as long as its not Hillary. Hillary has been caught multiple times lying, breaking campaign laws, and has done nothing but bash everyone around her. She doesnt even admit to her own mistakes! I can not and will not trust in a PERSON (race or gender doesnt matter) who can look in the mirror and say "Im perfect!" Her politics are not only shady but I also find that making things mandatory is just as bad as the worst HNM LS in FFXI. Making stuff mandatory and restricting certain things will only make matters worse.

                    Obama.... well... lets just say that I love his speeches. They are very well spoken and very motivating. I do agree that his speeches should include a bit more politics, but he has addressed many issues on his website. I do like that Obama has said that he has made bad judgment calls in the past and has even made mistakes that he wishes he could change. That to me makes him more... human. I do agree with everything he said in his speech on race... there is too much drama and issue to be pushed aside. We do need to deal with issues... however, we can not forget our priorities.

                    Now... with all that being said. NO... I am not a democrat. I'm a republican who just happens to not like any of the republican candidates. LOL



                    • #70
                      Re: Obama's Speech on Race & America

                      Honestly, the only reason I'd go with Obama is because he's the lesser of the evils.

                      I mean, HRC is a lying bitch who's basically trying to win the election by copying what other people are doing and hoping it works.

                      McCain is four more years of Bush.

                      Obama at least has no problem admitting his mistakes (and even revealing them), although who knows if that will carry over once he's in office.

                      Really, though, it's impossible for me to trust any political candidate who doesn't intend to remove the 'candidate' part from politics.


                      • #71
                        Re: Obama's Speech on Race & America

                        You're impossible to please though Feba

                        "BLAH BLAH BLAH TIDAL WAVE!!!"


                        • #72
                          Re: Obama's Speech on Race & America

                          Originally posted by Feba View Post
                          Honestly, the only reason I'd go with Obama is because he's the lesser of the evils.
                          I would say he's the lesser known of two evils. He hasn't been an icon long enough for him to have terribly much dirt, but he has a good shot to win the nomination still. The Democrats love to bill him as the Untarnished One. Hillary's dirt is known--all of her streaked undies have been hanging in the breeze for 16 years now... You already know exactly what you'll get.


                          • #73
                            Re: Obama's Speech on Race & America

                            Correction, McCain is four more years of Bush if he manages to live through his term.
                            PSN ID - PaiPai Gamertag - PaiPaiMaster Steam ID: Pai Pai Master
                            Rockman - Fairy

                            WIN8-1/ZM (Clear)/PM (Clear)/AM (Clear)/WotG3/ACP1
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                            FINAL FANTASY XIII, Starcraft 2 Beta


                            • #74
                              Re: Obama's Speech on Race & America

                              Malacite: It's not that I'm impossible to please, it's just that the amount of candidates who are going to vote exactly the same way I would is exceedingly slim.
                              Originally posted by Sabaron View Post
                              I would say he's the lesser known of two evils. He hasn't been an icon long enough for him to have terribly much dirt,
                              I would disagree, there's plenty of negative stuff to say about him. It's just that nobody is focusing on it. Plus, if you're judging them purely off policy, he seems to be pretty open with his.
                              Last edited by Feba; 03-19-2008, 11:29 PM. Reason: Automerged Doublepost


                              • #75
                                Re: Obama's Speech on Race & America

                                Well for me being a member of the Armed Forces (USAF -- 1997-now) I am in total disbelief when it comes to any of the candidates stating that they gonna pull our troops out of iraq. Should we have gone there in the first place, well while I have no faith in the Civilian side of our chain of command, I strongly believe in the Joint cheifs of staff and our military. I personally feel that it is a waist of resources but that decision is made and I have faith that no matter what the direction we are lead in, our US military will and does get the job done on a daily bases. AS one of the military Ihope that my brothers and sisters in arms do come home soon, but to sit here and hear a politician go on about how they gonna bring them home, well I say shut up and do something already. Also keep in mind that when it comes to the military acting on something, the president is not the only person at the table making the decisions about where, when and how the military reacts. Screw this election, will I vote? Yes I will do my civic duty and vote for one of these A holes, do I believe them,? hell no! Whoever gets elected just needs to step up and do something about it when the time comes. Beacuse I will tell you one thing for sure, whoever becomes Presdient, they damn sure better deliver on that one promise to draw down, because Ican garuntee you if they don't, they will not make it a second term and that is a fact.
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