This may sound ridiculous to some of you, but bear with me.
I've been a member of the Ebaumsworld forums for almost four years now, where I've made a ton of internet relationships, some of whom I call my friends. I go there on my off time to relieve stress and chat with people about general stuff, much the same way I shoot the shit with you guys, just on EBWF, it's more of a general chat thing as opposed to just talking about games.
Well this evening when I got home from class I opened a thread to find out that a beloved member and moderator of the forum, someone I've known since I joined that forum, committed suicide last night. My heart is broken right now, I really loved him as a friend and I can't believe he was hurting so much that he felt the need to take his life.
Basically, I'm in a state of shock, and while all of us on EBWF are in the same general state of shock and grief, I needed to pour my heart out elsewhere.
I know it sounds incredibly lame to those of you who only come here for a couple minutes a day, but the people on my forums whom I've been close with for years are my friends. It hurts - a lot - to think that he'll never make another wisecrack at my expense again, or flirt with all the ladies. It may not have the same sting as someone that I've actually met in real life, but I'm still very saddened by losing him as a friend.
Well, I don't know what I hoped to acheive with this thread except to pour my heart out to some people whom I respect and also consider friends, also, maybe you guys have some insight? Would you feel the way I'm feeling now if someone from here or another popular community (hell, even FFXI) were suddenly dead? Am I crazy for feeling like I've lost a good friend here, even though I really only knew him from myspace and EBWF? Anyone else here feel the same way?
Please try to keep the flaming out, if you think I'm retarded that's fine but say it nicely.
I've been a member of the Ebaumsworld forums for almost four years now, where I've made a ton of internet relationships, some of whom I call my friends. I go there on my off time to relieve stress and chat with people about general stuff, much the same way I shoot the shit with you guys, just on EBWF, it's more of a general chat thing as opposed to just talking about games.
Well this evening when I got home from class I opened a thread to find out that a beloved member and moderator of the forum, someone I've known since I joined that forum, committed suicide last night. My heart is broken right now, I really loved him as a friend and I can't believe he was hurting so much that he felt the need to take his life.

I know it sounds incredibly lame to those of you who only come here for a couple minutes a day, but the people on my forums whom I've been close with for years are my friends. It hurts - a lot - to think that he'll never make another wisecrack at my expense again, or flirt with all the ladies. It may not have the same sting as someone that I've actually met in real life, but I'm still very saddened by losing him as a friend.
Well, I don't know what I hoped to acheive with this thread except to pour my heart out to some people whom I respect and also consider friends, also, maybe you guys have some insight? Would you feel the way I'm feeling now if someone from here or another popular community (hell, even FFXI) were suddenly dead? Am I crazy for feeling like I've lost a good friend here, even though I really only knew him from myspace and EBWF? Anyone else here feel the same way?
Please try to keep the flaming out, if you think I'm retarded that's fine but say it nicely.
