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Yes We can

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  • #76
    Re: Yes We can

    I Bill Maher, did you see him on Lary King the other night? Though, he really is a little too full of himself even if he is right most of the time.

    I don't have anything against HRC personally, I just really don't feel this is her time and the DNC would have to be crazy not nominate Obama. At a time when there is so little faith in government, you need someone inspiring like him to take charge.



    • #77
      Re: Yes We can

      Bill can be a bit full of himself, yeah. I take him with a grain of salt, and I'm good to go. I didn't see his most recent Larry King appearance, which is too bad.

      Hillary isn't the candidate I'm supporting (because I don't feel she supports enough of my values), but that doesn't mean I hate her, or even that I'm ambivalent. It's far more gray an emotion.


      • #78
        Re: Yes We can

        I am sorry i just dont like Obama, I am voting for hillary for a few reasons. I have a feeling that obama is getting all of thease endorsments is because its the Fad and thing to do. I give the guy credit for his speaches, But there is a Diffrence from talking to actualy doing it.

        I also think that most of america for the Real election are very rasict and i would not be surprised if he trys to get assiianated in his 1st year..

        I think the guy is way to wet behind the ears. He says i will bring change, fine change is great but what Experence do you really have to put forth the motions to create change. I hate how everyone is getting on the bandwagon to endorse him; its a joke.

        I have watched all debates and when he gets a hard question he looks around and trys to bypass the question or even use the same answer as a another candiate.

        Also his Healthcare plan is a joke. Even if people can afford Health care most will not pay because the economy is shit right now. I would rather have HRC with her husband as support to fix this screwed up country then a guy saying he wants change and I CAN..


        • #79
          Re: Yes We can

          True Murphie, everyone I personally know either loves her or hates her.

          I know it was eight years ago and I won't remember it that well, but I really don't remember this much mudslinging between candidates of the same party in the primaries. And I agree, I think Romney is looking for the VP slot with McCain. Best guess, I think it will either be him or Giuliani. He needs someone who comes across as more conservative to help silence some of his Republican critics. Funny thing is, even though a lot of Republicans don't like him, they're still gonna vote for him come November.
          Another prediction: By June Ron Paul will leave the Republican party and end up running in the presidential election as a Libertarian. (Now that I say that he won't do it and I'll be eating crow)
          I RNG 75 I WAR 37 I NIN 38 I SAM 50 I Woodworking 92+2

          PSN: Caspian


          • #80
            Re: Yes We can

            Originally posted by Thoris View Post
            I think the guy is way to wet behind the ears. He says i will bring change, fine change is great but what Experence do you really have to put forth the motions to create change. I hate how everyone is getting on the bandwagon to endorse him; its a joke.
            And do tell, what experience does Hillary Clinton have that you speak of that Barack Obama apparently lacks? This should be precious.
            PSN & XBL ID: Meicyn
            Wii Code: 6847-2608-8630-2415


            • #81
              Re: Yes We can

              I don't think Clinton has a "love or hate" personality so much as "people that realize she's a cold bitch" and "people that don't realize/care that she's a cold bitch".
              I also think that most of america for the Real election are very rasict and i would not be surprised if he trys to get assiianated in his 1st year..
              Side note, racism really isn't that big of a problem for a presidential candidate.

              Black President More Likely than Mormon or Atheist » Outside The Beltway | OTB (I can't find the original Gallup site, but I have seen it before)

              There's a bigger hurdle there for Hillary than there is Obama.
              Last edited by Feba; 02-08-2008, 03:45 AM. Reason: Automerged Doublepost


              • #82
                Re: Yes We can

                I am sorry i just dont like Obama, I am voting for hillary for a few reasons. I have a feeling that obama is getting all of thease endorsments is because its the Fad and thing to do. I give the guy credit for his speaches, But there is a Diffrence from talking to actualy doing it.

                While some of your argument is perfectly valid, this isn't. HRC has done a lot of good for the country, no one will question that, but so has Barack. He helped fight a bill that criminalized abortions (he was the only Senator to do so when they were all asked. Where was Mrs. Women's Rights then hmm?) and in fact, she's distorted his record and outright lied about it on several occasions.

                Obama seems a lot more credible to me than she does to be perfectly honest. Don't forget the Clintons are quite comfortable with Corporate America. Hell, Bill gave the wealthy a 20% tax break as opposed to Bush Jr.'s 12%! Hilary also failed miserably to get health care reform pushed passed the Drug Companies' lobyists back when she was the First Lady.

                Meanwhile, Barack's done a lot of good in Illinois. He helped those steel workers in Chicago when they lost their jobs as a community organizer, and got a lot of things done as a state legislator in a bi-partisan way that no one thought possible.

                Also, let's not forget that none of these candidates has ever been VP or in any real position of power in the white house (First Lady doesn't count, sorry).

                Barack puts it best IMO. "You put the same old folks, with the same old tactics trying the same old things and somehow expect a different result!?"

                Yeah, I for one am tired of these 2 families being in the white house. Bill did a lot as president and IMO it was a damn shame he couldn't run again back in 2000, but it's the law. Right now it's Barack's time to shine.

                Like I've said, HRC does have some good ideas of her own (actually, the both of them have quite a few similarities in their policies but with key differences) but she just is not inspiring the way he is. She's not a leader. Maybe in 2012, but not this time woman.

                EDIT: Racism really isn't an issue for Obama. Just take a look at the states he won on Super Tuesday.

                "BLAH BLAH BLAH TIDAL WAVE!!!"


                • #83
                  Re: Yes We can

                  Maybe in 2012
                  In my experience, women become bitchier with age, not the inverse.


                  • #84
                    Re: Yes We can

                    If Obama does win this time around, she probably won't be running again until 2016.
                    I RNG 75 I WAR 37 I NIN 38 I SAM 50 I Woodworking 92+2

                    PSN: Caspian


                    • #85
                      Re: Yes We can

                      Heh you're probably right XD

                      Also, they just showed several polls on CNN, and they all show the same thing; Barack would fare a lot better than she would against Mc Cain.

                      There was info on the super tuesday votes as well. Barack won the youth vote in 19/20 states! The voter turnout was huge too, with Georgia Quadrupaling and Tennessee tripling it's turnout. Calinforina had 85,000 more coming out. This is just nuts! It's also a great thing for Democracy in the country to see all these young people becoming interested. Barack = Lightning in a bottle.

                      "BLAH BLAH BLAH TIDAL WAVE!!!"


                      • #86
                        Re: Yes We can

                        McCain's going to have a hell of a time. Far right conservatives don't have a voice this election, and they're taking shots at McCain without the Democrats' help at all... and it's only February. Ann "Snobby Bitch" Coulter said she'd rather vote for Hillary Clinton than McCain, for example.

                        Obama's chances are improving by the day, and I don't mind one bit.
                        PSN & XBL ID: Meicyn
                        Wii Code: 6847-2608-8630-2415


                        • #87
                          Re: Yes We can

                          Ann Coulter makes me laugh. Fyi, she says stuff just to get reactions. Think of her as the female conservative Howard Stern.
                          Yeah, the last polls I saw showed her as losing to McCain, but he would lose to Obama. Keep in mind, though, that those polls are still fairly full of crap. Its still too early for people to make educated decisions on who they're going to vote for in 8 months. There still aren't any definite candidates for either party and the inter-party debating and mudslinging hasn't even started yet. Remember, exit polls even showed Kerry as being the definite winner in the last election.
                          I do hope that if the Democrats win, that the Republicans will lose graciously and not demand days of recounts to prove that they lost. Thats not what the country needs.

                          Please let there not be some stupid crap about hanging chads and "confusing" ballots this year.
                          I RNG 75 I WAR 37 I NIN 38 I SAM 50 I Woodworking 92+2

                          PSN: Caspian


                          • #88
                            Re: Yes We can

                            The thing is, those polls are reliable.

                            Why? Because Obama's the only one who really reaches out to everyone. Young, Old, Repbulicans, Democrats, Independents etc Obama hits home with all of them.

                            Independents are really key here too. They love both Mc Cain and Obama, but given the choice they tend to go for Obama. That's what would kill Hilary.

                            Oh and does anyone else find it interesting that Obama does a lot better than Hilary with educated and generally better off people? What exactly does that imply anyway? It's as if CNN and whomever it is conducting these surveys are suggesting her voters are, well, stupid which I doubt very much is the case.

                            Though to be fair, more often than not when I see someone on TV trying to say why HRC is the better nominee, their reasons are often very, very poor if not outright false.

                            "BLAH BLAH BLAH TIDAL WAVE!!!"


                            • #89
                              Re: Yes We can

                              They may be reliable right now, but you never know whats going to happen in the next 8 months.
                              Howard Dean was doing really well until he got excited and yelled. People are a fickle bunch. All it takes is one moment of forgetting where you are and your'e done. And that can happen to anyone, despite their charisma.

                              Also, Hillary's hole crying thing could end up being really bad for her down the road if she gets the nomination. Yeah, it helped to humanize her, but a lot of people's concern about a female president is that they would be too emotional. Regardless of whether or not you agree with that, there are people who do believe that and will have some serious concerns about someone who broke down because they didn't win one state's primary.
                              I RNG 75 I WAR 37 I NIN 38 I SAM 50 I Woodworking 92+2

                              PSN: Caspian


                              • #90
                                Re: Yes We can

                                Heh, I was about to bring that up. I seriously doubt she'll be able to deal with the kind of crap Bill did. And oh my god, did Bill have to suffer through a lot of shit. Phone calls at every hour from Republicans saying "We're gonna take you down, you haven't seen anything yet."

                                Never mind on the world stage. I just don't see her faring nearly as well as Barack would with the other world leaders, especially the dictators. Let's not forget that back in New Hampshire, just prior to the crying fit, her own people were abandoning her and she herself was ready to throw in the towel!

                                Barack's never given up from day one, or changed his message. (unlike literally all the other candidates who have stolen just about everything from him, most notably his theme of change) Even on the internet, HRC's website didn't come up until after her BS (and it was BS, a bunch of women changing their minds at the last minute) win in N.H., nor did she have any presence on facebook until then.

                                Barack's has been up from day one, and HRC's site is even structured very similarly. I mean god damn, can none of these candidates come up with ideas of their own?!

                                Oh wait, that's right. They see what works (Barack) and try to put their own spin on it. It disgusts me to no end, and it's all the more reason for him to win.

                                "BLAH BLAH BLAH TIDAL WAVE!!!"

