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Church to protest Heath Ledger funeral.

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  • #61
    Re: Church to protest Heath Ledger funeral.

    This is the thread that never ends
    No it goes on and on my friends
    Some people started posting in it not knowing what it was
    And they'll continue posting in it forever just because
    This is the thread that never ends
    *chorus continues to repeat line by line*

    Wii code: 6851 9579 6989 9039


    • #62
      Re: Church to protest Heath Ledger funeral.

      Haven't read the whole thread, and a full response would be pretty pointless since these discussions never change anyone's opinion only only serve to excite and anger other people. So, I'll just say one thing and then most likely leave it alone.
      Yes, right now people fight over religion than anything else. Simply because its the thing that most people are most passionate about. Did anyone see the South Park 3-parter or whatever where Cartman goes to the future to get a Wii and all religion is gone but there's three groups at war with eachother over what they should call themselves? Yes, its a comedy but it makes a good point. Getting rid of religion wouldn't eliminate the radical people. There wouldn't be religious zealots, but there would be fanatics of some other type. You can take the religion out of the crazy, but you can't take the crazy out of the population.
      People do wrong things whether in the name of God or common sense or their own sense of morality.
      Don't be fooled by the media. I'm sure everyone has read the stories in the news or known people who claim to be religious and ignore all its teachings, but I can assure you there are plenty of good people who try their hardest everyday to live good lives and help people.
      I RNG 75 I WAR 37 I NIN 38 I SAM 50 I Woodworking 92+2

      PSN: Caspian


      • #63
        Re: Church to protest Heath Ledger funeral.

        Originally posted by eticket109 View Post
        This is the thread that never ends
        No it goes on and on my friends
        Some people started posting in it not knowing what it was
        And they'll continue posting in it forever just because
        This is the thread that never ends
        *chorus continues to repeat line by line*
        I hate Lamb Chop.
        I use a Mac because I'm just better than you are.

        HTTP Error 418 - I'm A Teapot - The resulting entity body MAY be short and stout.



        • #64
          Re: Church to protest Heath Ledger funeral.

          Baptist church is congregational, which means they have no central government and each church follows the bible and teaching a little differently. Its a Baptist principle that homosexuality "sodomy" is a forgivable sin by Christ. Baptist's believe in the "second coming of Christ" that Christ will come down to earth, reward the believers for the good they have done and GOD will resurect the dead and cast judgement on the souls pretty much as GOOD and LOST.

          This batshit crazy Baptist leader somehow is under the impression that she has the right to cast judgement on a person, when, by the principle of her own denominiation, is GODs job. This woman is a sad example of any type of christian.

          It disgusts me when some people try to deface a person after they died. How cowardly can a person be!? Why wouldn't she just protest the guy while he was alive!? Rhetorical questions ofcourse.
          Apothecary Owner
          BLM 75
          RDM 75


          • #65
            Re: Church to protest Heath Ledger funeral.

            I just read this.

            That is fucked up.
            Last edited by Electricity Gone Human; 01-25-2008, 02:41 PM. Reason: removal of typo


            • #66
              Re: Church to protest Heath Ledger funeral.

              When it comes to most controversial matters like this, I am usually rather apathetic. If you want to be gay, fine, thats you choice. Straight? Also okay. Catholic, Baptist, Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist? Whatever. Have fun.

              When people go so far as to try and push their beliefs on others, or even to the point where you are boycotting or picketing a persons funeral because they held different views(or in this case, simply pretending to have different views for a movie) is simply disgusting. I just can't stand people like that. It's sickening...
              Originally posted by Ellipses
              Really, it's just like pretty much every question about this game that begins with "Why." The answer is "Because."
              Originally posted by MCLV
              A subjob is like sex, you shouldn't have it untill your 18 but if you don't have it after 21 everyone laughs at you.
              More Sig:


              • #67
                I was just pointing out that the majority of people who do follow religion shouldn't be judged in the same vein as these ass hats.
                Oh, definitely. There's a large difference between a hate group or a cult and a devout religious person. I know at least one family member that has way too much interest in their religion for their own good (Mother's side has some 7th Day Adventists, father's side is Jehovah's Witness. Now you see why I got sick of it.), but I would never even think of comparing them to this group. There's a big difference between someone who's life revolves around their faith and someone who uses their faith to hurt others. And no, sending annoying pamphlets about how I'm going to burn in hell forever doesn't really hurt me.

                Actually, that brings me to an interesting story, which also involves the point I was talking about.

                I was at a wedding for someone related to my father's family. As they are Jehovah's Witnesses, it was taking place in one of their kingdom halls. The bridal party was running very late (30 minutes or so at the time, they wound up being like 2 hours late), so I decided to read through some of the pamphlets the church had there. I picked a few of them up, and went back to my seat. After I read through them, I tore them up and started to fold them into various origami things and make paper airplanes. My aunt looked at me, and half-jokingly said I shouldn't be tearing up the literature in a church, because I'd burn in hell.

                So I looked at her and told her that the pamphlets were about how there was no such thing as hell. This person, who has been in this church nearly her entire life, who's parents preached these ideas and travelled around to various conferences and such for it frequently, had absolutely no idea. She was caught quite off-guard.

                People, good people can be very ignorant of the ideals they hold so dear. And her religion wasn't something that was a very light subject in her life-- the way I understand it, her marriage was basically an arranged marriage to bring two families in the church closer, or something like that. Her ex, father of two of my cousins, was gay.

                I can assure you there are plenty of good people who try their hardest everyday to live good lives and help people.
                Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that someone is bad for not sticking to the religious ideals they hold up. I have my own ideals on morals and how the world should be, I sure as hell do a horrible job of sticking to them. That does not change the fact that most religious views are simply warped to the advantage of the person preaching them, though.

                I'd like to clarify that I am not intending to paint all Christians with the same brush. I am referring to people like the Phelps clan, Dr. Laura, and other ultra-conservative folks who espouse this particular belief,
                Actually, I'm pretty sure Dr. Laura changed her mind for whatever reason, and has basically done a full 180 on the issue, and apologized.

                Of course, it's not like I listen to her show.

                at least, not anymore.
                Last edited by Caspian; 01-25-2008, 03:29 PM.


                • #68
                  Re: Church to protest Heath Ledger funeral.

                  Yeah, the whole "there is no hell" thing, while the idea has been around for awhile, has really gained more acceptance in the whole post-modern era. I think it started because someone who was religious but afraid they might end up in hell wanted to alleviate their fears so found a way to interpret the Bible as using Hell as a metaphor. Basically its a belief to avoid any ultimate consequences for your actions.

                  Murphie: What was your boss's reasoning for saying there was no such thing as homosexuality? I don't think I've ever heard that before.
                  I RNG 75 I WAR 37 I NIN 38 I SAM 50 I Woodworking 92+2

                  PSN: Caspian


                  • #69
                    Re: Church to protest Heath Ledger funeral.

                    He was batshit crazy?

                    He said it was just that people thought they were gay, but they really weren't. They were denying their true heterosexual nature. It was all a conspiracy, apparently.

                    I should mention that he was a pentecostal preacher, and was only working at the bank until his congregation could afford an actual church so they wouldn't have to meet in the basement of the local community center anymore.

                    EDIT: Also, I'm giving Onionsoldier the benefit of the doubt here, but "want to be?" seriously?


                    • #70
                      Re: Church to protest Heath Ledger funeral.

                      I think it started because someone who was religious but afraid they might end up in hell wanted to alleviate their fears so found a way to interpret the Bible as using Hell as a metaphor
                      Which is similar to what I'm talking about-- in the same way people pick and choose what they want to follow, the bible is a large enough text that you can warp and interpret it in nearly any way you choose. I don't need to list the sorts of atrocities people have said the bible claims ok.

                      What was your boss's reasoning for saying there was no such thing as homosexuality? I don't think I've ever heard that before.
                      Actually, I've heard of this, a few times. The ones I've heard consider homosexuality a sham that people do to piss off God, like how a kid will do stupid shit to 'rebel' against their parents. Kinda like the same ones that quote that psalm about how everyone knows god exists, and people that claim he isn't are some sort of evil.

                      It seems to be a method for dehumanizing people they don't agree with.


                      • #71
                        Re: Church to protest Heath Ledger funeral.

                        Picketing a guys funeral because he played a gay cowboy? Harsh. Though looking through the track record for this group, they don't really seem a friendly bunch. :-(. I think it says it all that they picketed at the funerals of soldiers to be honest. In England, even some (possibly minute, I admit) of the lowest forms of life here have respect for that issue.


                        • #72
                          Re: Church to protest Heath Ledger funeral.

                          EDIT: Also, I'm giving Onionsoldier the benefit of the doubt here, but "want to be?" seriously?
                          I think he means to say, what you do with your life is your business, and as long as you're not hurting anyone, they can fuck right off.


                          • #73
                            Re: Church to protest Heath Ledger funeral.

                            Well like I said, benefit of the doubt.


                            • #74
                              Re: Church to protest Heath Ledger funeral.

                              As a gay 23 year old my life is not easy, i did go to church and the temple and was going to have my barmitsva; but i decided not to do it because its not what i believe in. Just because i don't believe in religion does mean i don't believe in A God.

                              When I say " i don't believe in any Religion" i get pointed and looked upon as i am a atheist.

                              I believe in Self power and what is right and wrong. I also believe that everyone is here for a reason. You can say Destiny. But every choice you make effects your fate and the outcome of your life.

                              On a side note, I work at GameStop i am a Assist manager, I was robbed on Tuesday at Gun Point. Now i have a Heart condition, i was very scared and my heart was hurting from stress and being scared. My Boss tells a Friend the next day That i am a Pussy and i am no better then a women Because i am gay.

                              Now customers were in the store and over heard this conversation and told me about it. They also told me my boss is telling coworkers that iw as crying.

                              Now how would you feel if your own boss is saying these things about you.

                              He also told me, "You are the reason why Heath Leadger died, you and your liberal Media

                              Forgot to mention he is a very Religious Republican


                              • #75
                                Re: Church to protest Heath Ledger funeral.

                                Now how would you feel if your own boss is saying these things about you.

