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Oh Hell Yes! I Called It Baby!

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  • Oh Hell Yes! I Called It Baby!



  • #2
    Re: Oh Hell Yes! I Called It Baby!


    Damn, that's gonna be one hell of a pair of bosses.


    • #3
      Re: Oh Hell Yes! I Called It Baby!

      I thought I'd taken a wrong turn to KI for a second there.


      • #4
        Re: Oh Hell Yes! I Called It Baby!

        I was sold on Obama when I saw him dancing. I have totally ripped off his dance and use it at clubs now.
        Thanks Kazuki.
        Dragoon Equipment


        • #5
          Re: Oh Hell Yes! I Called It Baby!

          I think a younger more appealing person would be alot better than old farts, at least he might eb able to address the issues that "modern america" needs to address.


          • #6
            Re: Oh Hell Yes! I Called It Baby!

            I thought Ron Paul was the craziest person running, but Huckabee is starting to give him a run for his money.


            • #7
              Re: Oh Hell Yes! I Called It Baby!

              I actually really like him, I got to meet him for a minute when he spoke at my college back when he was running for Congress(gogo IL candidate!), I don't know how capable he is but he's certainly personable and seems to not have his head as far up his ass as our previous leadership...
              Callysto of RamuhCaithsith - 75 RDM / BRD / COR / PLD / WAR / SCH / DRK

              Formerly Callisto of Ramuh. | Retired 5.28.10

              Callisto Broadwurst of Palamecia


              • #8
                Re: Oh Hell Yes! I Called It Baby!

                Murphie: The third party guy always seems crazy.


                • #9
                  Re: Oh Hell Yes! I Called It Baby!

                  Do you have a crazy party running for president? In teh Uk there are the 3 main runners, labour (currently in office) conservative, and liberal democrat, then there is the green party (environmentalists), British national Party (racisists) Independant parties and then finally the "Monster raving loony party" who always put forward a candidate. Here is their website. Yes we british are mad but anyone can form a political party as long as they have the funding and pass certain rules of conduct.


                  • #10
                    Re: Oh Hell Yes! I Called It Baby!

                    Why do people think Ron Paul is crazy? He's just anti-establishment. There are quite a few people who are in favor of Bottom-up government instead of Top-Down. It's called Anti-Federalism, but it hasn't been popular in a very very long time. Centralization creates waste and over-broad generalization. I'm in favor of trimming the Fed down to a very lean thing--basically disentangling them from any issue that could be handled at the state or local level. Ron Paul isn't really a Republican as far as the way he votes. He votes along similar lines to Libertarians, and he's neither an idiot nor crazy. He won't get the nomination though, so we'll just end up with column A or column B Spendocrats or Spendublicans and our economy will dump further into the crapper. That is not to say that even if Ron Paul were elected President that there would be any difference. He would come with a Republican Congress, which means that none of the stuff he actually advocates would ever even be made into a bill and he'd just spend 90% of his time vetoing things.


                    • #11
                      Re: Oh Hell Yes! I Called It Baby!

                      Ron Paul is a very good guy with a LOT of good notions;

                      Like cutting back operations across sees and military bases, and instead dealing with the problems AT HOME. I mean come on, help your own people and interests as a nation before dealing with crap abroad.

                      At least in Canada Stephen Harper is kicking ass and taking names. Now it's the USA's turn to follow suit and pull itself out of the hole that Bush and Corporate American have dug.

                      DO IT OBAMA!

                      "BLAH BLAH BLAH TIDAL WAVE!!!"


                      • #12
                        Re: Oh Hell Yes! I Called It Baby!

                        Originally posted by Feba View Post
                        Murphie: The third party guy always seems crazy.
                        Well, true, but Ron Paul is like, extra crazy. Then again, he's basically a Libertarian, which - crazy.

                        Malacite, your complete misunderstanding of what Ron Paul wants to do is astounding. I don't have the time or inclination to correct you fully, but feel free to check over at Penny Arcade, where several threads have done the work for me.


                        • #13
                          Re: Oh Hell Yes! I Called It Baby!

                          So he's just another faker? I mean he did say some things that made a lot of sense, but I still have to give my full support to Obama.

                          In order of preference:

                          Obama, Edwards, Huckabee, the rest.

                          "BLAH BLAH BLAH TIDAL WAVE!!!"


                          • #14
                            Re: Oh Hell Yes! I Called It Baby!

                            Originally posted by Murphie View Post
                            Well, true, but Ron Paul is like, extra crazy. Then again, he's basically a Libertarian, which - crazy.

                            Malacite, your complete misunderstanding of what Ron Paul wants to do is astounding. I don't have the time or inclination to correct you fully, but feel free to check over at Penny Arcade, where several threads have done the work for me.
                            The Gold Standard thing? That's not necessarily the direction it will go--if you want, you can already buy "a second currency"... It's called friggin gold coins... They already have them. The US makes them. How is "having a secondary gold standard currency" any different from what we have now? Answer? It's not. The value of the dollar is based on "faith and trust in the US Government" which means it's just paper. If the government of the US dissolves, all your paper is just paper. Now, currency value is based on the relative amount of currency in circulation and on GDP comparisons, demand for it, etc.

                            In the end, what you base the value of your currency on is irrelevant. It's essentially a tool for determining the relative values of goods and services. Ron Paul thinks that changing the way currency circulates will help improve it's value. I'm not certain that's the case. Also, the gold standard thing does not appear in his platform. He's in favor of reforming the way currency is handled but not necessarily it's foundation.


                            The idea that is reflected in the OP target is based on statements Paul made in the 70's.....which is a bit behind the times, also Paul stated that he wouldn't go back onto the gold standard even then... Paul is an advocate of the Austrian School of Economics which you can read about extensively online if you like. Alan Greenspan is a "Randroid" in that his economics are based on the writings of Ayn Rand. Economic theories abound and are quite varied.


                            • #15
                              Re: Oh Hell Yes! I Called It Baby!

                              Why do people think Ron Paul is crazy? He's just anti-establishment.
                              Because you have to be crazy to be anti-establishment and still think you can get elected in this country.

                              Then again, he's basically a Libertarian, which - crazy.
                              Hey, screw you

