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Who are you buying what for the holidays?

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  • Who are you buying what for the holidays?

    There are lots of interesting gifts out there, and I'd like to see what some people are giving this year.

    My family has decided not to bother giving gifts this year, since it's just a pain and waste of money. I might get some small gifts for a few friends though. Probably somethin' like Wii Points or a CD if I do.

  • #2
    Re: Who are you buying what for the holidays?

    A little present for my brother I am waiting to be delivered is 1.5" digital photo display neckchain thingy it has a LCD screen and can store 80 photos (converted with the given software) as he goes to paris alot with his work, it'll be nice to keep some photos of his kids and wife on there.

    My usual xmas shoippign for my family is (their all music and film lovers) so its latest music of artistss they like and fiilms. amazon does very well out of me at xmas.

    then theirs my best friend, where we give funny gifts or very practical ones. this year I'm giving him this as he likes to lsien to music to gt to sleep with. the only problem is his GF likes it quiet. So this will kill 2 birds with one stone.

    An I'm hopefully getting from various people the last series 5,6 & 7 of DS9 on DVD and the new jean Michel Jarre DVD and a new car stereo.


    • #3
      Re: Who are you buying what for the holidays?

      I have a general, unspoken agreement with most people I care about that we don't do holiday gifts, because random budget constraints always seem to leave somebody out of the loop or feeling guilty.

      My boyfriend's family, though, is stubborn and solidly entrenched in their Yule traditions, and there is massive drama if there aren't presents exchanged. So his brother and sister will likely get DVDs and CDs, the sister's girlfriend will get a season or two of DS9, his mom will get some sort of console RPG and/or vampire-related fiction, and his dad will get an Amazon gift certificate, because nobody knows where to find the oddball, Ren-faire obscurities he asks for.

      And December 28th is my nine-year anniversary with said boyfriend, so I'ma try to do something to surprise him.
      Ellipses on Fenrir
      There is no rush. If you're not willing to take your time, don't be surprised when no one wants to give you much of theirs.
      . . .


      • #4
        Re: Who are you buying what for the holidays?

        nobody knows where to find the oddball, Ren-faire obscurities he asks for.
        My parents met at a ren fest. If you want, you could PM me, and I'll see what I can find.

        Also, boyfriend? ..., are you female or gay? I never realized that.


        • #5
          Re: Who are you buying what for the holidays?

          Originally posted by Feba View Post
          My parents met at a ren fest. If you want, you could PM me, and I'll see what I can find.
          Also, boyfriend? ..., are you female or gay? I never realized that.
          It's really not worth the trouble. It's always some horribly specific drum or shirt or something he saw in one place, and can't remember where, but if it's not exactly what he had in mind, it's not good enough. Thanks, though.

          I'm gay.
          Ellipses on Fenrir
          There is no rush. If you're not willing to take your time, don't be surprised when no one wants to give you much of theirs.
          . . .


          • #6
            Re: Who are you buying what for the holidays?

            Isn't everyone these days?

            My family and I haven't exchanged gifts for years, though I still get a little something for my neices and nephews, as I can generally take care of that with a minimum of cost.

            I usually buy something inexpensive and christmas-y for my best friend's mother and grandmother, since I have celebrated the past 10 holidays with them. Just as a way of saying thanks.

            I might take my pal out for lunch or something, but otherwise, I don't really do gifts anymore.


            • #7
              Re: Who are you buying what for the holidays?

              Originally posted by Ellipses View Post
              the sister's girlfriend will get a season or two of DS9
              You don't like them huh?

              Originally posted by Ellipses View Post
              And December 28th is my nine-year anniversary with said boyfriend, so I'ma try to do something to surprise him.
              Tell him you're straight?
              I use a Mac because I'm just better than you are.

              HTTP Error 418 - I'm A Teapot - The resulting entity body MAY be short and stout.



              • #8
                Re: Who are you buying what for the holidays?

                I was kinda wondering what was up with the two mentions of DS9 gifts within as many posts.

                Especially considering TNG is far better.


                • #9
                  Re: Who are you buying what for the holidays?

                  Cds like always. My family, especially my brothers enjoy music, but they don't listen to it as much as I and don't know what to buy, so typically I round them up some cds I know they'd enjoy and throw one in for my little brother that is from my collection.
                  Twilightrose- THF/49 WAR/24 WHM/53 BLM/32 RNG/15 BST/25 NIN/27


                  • #10
                    Re: Who are you buying what for the holidays?

                    Originally posted by Feba View Post
                    I was kinda wondering what was up with the two mentions of DS9 gifts within as many posts.
                    Especially considering TNG is far better.
                    hmmm Go to place something abd happens then happy ending.... Go to place soemthing bad happens, then happy ending. There was no long story arc in TNG.

                    DS9 However had the dominion war, and various storylines runnign teh course of teh 7 series it spawned. I liked the fact it was much darker than TNG and also set in a single place meant they could create a good story arc. Its the same reason why I liked Babylon5.

                    Oh on the present front Ellipse, it depends how much you want to spend on him. There are some great "days out" ou can buy where you can go carting, if old enough drive a sports car, go rafting, helicopter flight etc. there about £100-£150 here int eh uk but I'm sure they'd be much cheaper other there in teh us. for some ifdeas look at some in teh Uk there is to offer here at Iwantoneofthose Just somethign different and soemthign you both could enjoy together.


                    • #11
                      Re: Who are you buying what for the holidays?

                      DS9 was it for me back in the day. It was the Star Trek that got me onto Star Trek, although Picard does have a special place in my heart. Cisco is just it.
                      Twilightrose- THF/49 WAR/24 WHM/53 BLM/32 RNG/15 BST/25 NIN/27


                      • #12
                        Re: Who are you buying what for the holidays?

                        I'm buying myself ...

                        for the holiday

                        ---> $1099.99

                        In the moonlight, your face it glows.. like a thousand diamonds, I suppose.
                        And your hair flows like.. The ocean breeze...
                        Not a million fights could make me hate you, you’re invincible.
                        Yeah, It’s true.
                        It’s in your eyes, where I find peace.

                        [I love you, Rebecca :D!]


                        • #13
                          Re: Who are you buying what for the holidays?

                          I still think Voyager was better than DS9, which was better than TNG.
                          Well I'm sure if they updated the graphics of TNG it would be better than Voyager. Well whatever. To each their own.
                          I enjoyed more of the Time Traveling episodes, especially "Relativity" the one where Seven of Nine had to travel back in time to save Voyager. There was another one too, a Season Finale where they traveled to 1990's of Earth and tried to stop someone from destroying the 29th century. I forgot what episode that was called.
                          Hacked on 9/9/09
                          FFXIAH - Omniblast


                          • #14
                            Re: Who are you buying what for the holidays?

                            Tipsy: Too much
                            \ /
                            / \
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                            / / \ \



                            • #15
                              Re: Who are you buying what for the holidays?

                              Well here is my list of what I hopefully will be getting my friends and family.

                              Mom: a Trike (if you dont know what it is go look it up lol...)
                              Dad: I dont know yet, hes always hard to shop for.
                              Brother: Probly just some clothes and gift cards.
                              Boyfriend/Best Friend: The New ipod nano (blue)/Something specail.

                              for me I would like a Wii or a Ps3, but I would rather have a Wii to be honest, seems more fun. Even though last year, I got a labtop lol..
                              Originally posted by Ellipses View Post
                              It's really not worth the trouble. It's always some horribly specific drum or shirt or something he saw in one place, and can't remember where, but if it's not exactly what he had in mind, it's not good enough. Thanks, though.

                              I'm gay.
                              If I was you (sense I am gay to and have a boyfriend of only 2 years) But who cares I am only 18 lol. But, I would buy him some nice jewls and take him out on a romantic night with just the two of you. Something specail, sense you guys have been together for a long time. Atleast thats what I would do.
                              Last edited by Soulsaver; 12-04-2007, 01:50 PM. Reason: Automerged Doublepost
                              Originally posted by Silent Howler
                              Vana'diel is a big world, so don't bite off more than you can chew.

