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Baby Grace and WoW

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  • Baby Grace and WoW

    I heard this on the news last night. When the news anchor was explaining it, he said World of Witchcraft instead of the correct name of the game. He also mentioned it was a 'violent online game'.

    Where's Jack Thompson? I havent seen his ridiculous mug pop up in a while lately.

    Anyhow, its sad. These two need to rot away somewhere.
    Omni@Remora: NIN75 RNG75 MNK75 COR75 BST64 BRD53
    ♪♫ San d'Oria Complete ♪♫ ZM Complete ♪♫ CoP Complete ♪♫ AM Complete ♪♫

  • #2
    Re: Baby Grace and WoW

    Originally posted by Omni View Post
    Where's Jack Thompson?
    In front of a Florida Bar ethics committee.
    I use a Mac because I'm just better than you are.

    HTTP Error 418 - I'm A Teapot - The resulting entity body MAY be short and stout.



    • #3
      Re: Baby Grace and WoW

      He usually gets some spot on Fox news or something after anything like this happens. Crying and making retarded claims about how video games are evil, blah blah, etc.

      Just surprised I havent seen him spewing his crap all over the media yet.
      Omni@Remora: NIN75 RNG75 MNK75 COR75 BST64 BRD53
      ♪♫ San d'Oria Complete ♪♫ ZM Complete ♪♫ CoP Complete ♪♫ AM Complete ♪♫


      • #4
        Re: Baby Grace and WoW

        He's going to be a little tied up for a bit
        I use a Mac because I'm just better than you are.

        HTTP Error 418 - I'm A Teapot - The resulting entity body MAY be short and stout.



        • #5
          Re: Baby Grace and WoW

          Omni@Remora: NIN75 RNG75 MNK75 COR75 BST64 BRD53
          ♪♫ San d'Oria Complete ♪♫ ZM Complete ♪♫ CoP Complete ♪♫ AM Complete ♪♫


          • #6
            Re: Baby Grace and WoW

            I've known a few people WoW drove to the point of cutting themselves and getting violent. Mostly because they go through the same six hour dungeon for half a year and never get the two-stat-point-upgrade axe they've been coveting since seeing the sparkley graphics for it.
            There will be cake.


            • #7
              Re: Baby Grace and WoW

              Patch's post reminds me of some bards waiting on Cannions.

              I hate this whole evil by association thing we have. We can never just blame it on the people, there's always some inanimate object that made them do it.
              lagolakshmi on Guildwork :: Lago Aletheia on Lodestone


              • #8
                Re: Baby Grace and WoW

                Idiots cant accept responsibility. It's easier to blame something that cant explain itself.
                Omni@Remora: NIN75 RNG75 MNK75 COR75 BST64 BRD53
                ♪♫ San d'Oria Complete ♪♫ ZM Complete ♪♫ CoP Complete ♪♫ AM Complete ♪♫


                • #9
                  Re: Baby Grace and WoW

                  I thought it was Guns don't kill people, people kill people. Or are we blaming guns now?
                  Hacked on 9/9/09
                  FFXIAH - Omniblast


                  • #10
                    Re: Baby Grace and WoW

                    Charlton Heston doesn't speakout or wield a Winchester for video games so we don't blame guns but do blame video games.

                    Btw, I've read the article four times, other then saying they met in WoW what do games have to do with the whole story? Did another story say a Night Elf made them do it?
                    I use a Mac because I'm just better than you are.

                    HTTP Error 418 - I'm A Teapot - The resulting entity body MAY be short and stout.



                    • #11
                      Re: Baby Grace and WoW

                      Well, I think the fact they even mentioned that they met in WoW sorta implies something. How they met, who the heck cares imo?

                      However, the news story last night on TV made it seem like the beating and violence associated with the murder was somehow related to the violence of WoW.
                      Omni@Remora: NIN75 RNG75 MNK75 COR75 BST64 BRD53
                      ♪♫ San d'Oria Complete ♪♫ ZM Complete ♪♫ CoP Complete ♪♫ AM Complete ♪♫


                      • #12
                        Re: Baby Grace and WoW

                        I got this story through word of mouth at work and when I heard it WoW was used as a meeting place to plan acts of brutality. The media didn't actually say any of that, but making that connection, however tenuous, was bad enough. Remember those sniping incidents awhile back where the killer left behind tarot cards that said "I am god" which the media immediately connected with "god mode" in violent video games?
                        lagolakshmi on Guildwork :: Lago Aletheia on Lodestone

