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  • #16
    Re: WoW?

    Originally posted by DakAttack View Post
    This is now a WoW vs FFXI thread.

    Roger that.

    (FFXI = Ugly Elvaan) VS (WoW = Ugly Elves) = Everyone loses.

    -The End-
    "In this world, the one who has the most fun is the winner!" C.B.
    Prishe's Knight 2004-Forever.



    • #17
      Re: WoW?

      Well I kind of liked the graphics in WoW they are more colorful and vibrant at least to me lol...That and I like that the Equip menu shows a full body view of your character. I dont really like it that your armor and weapon can break though...Oh and I think the Elves in WoW look better then the Elvaan and the Taru look better then the Gnomes lol...
      Originally posted by Silent Howler
      Vana'diel is a big world, so don't bite off more than you can chew.


      • #18
        Re: WoW?

        My first MMO was Final Fantasy XI, so I'm a little biased, but I much prefer FFXI over WoW. I actually quit WoW for a few months because it just seemed so goddamned disorganized to me. At the time, I was playing WoW with quite a few friends and coworkers, and it was just too chaotic; people ranged anywhere from lvl 4-5 (usually me, I'm always the lowbie ^^) all the way through 70. Looking back on it, that was probably a lot of the problem...since I've started playing again, I started a new character and have been keeping to myself, and I've been enjoying it more.

        However, I do like the way FFXI "works" better. As frustrating as it is to me spending hours of my life trying to get a party together, I'd rather be in a group where everyone is near the same level and everyone is going out with pretty much the same goals. You think less of yourself in a party situation and more as a group, at least I do anyways. Not only that, but when you get a character to 75 in FFXI, you OBVIOUSLY had to do quite a bit of painstaking work to get there, so people tend to take it more seriously (in my observations). When you die in FFXI, it SUCKS, so you try really freaking hard to not die. In WoW, it's like "oh well, I'm dead again", it's shrugged off and you get to running back to your corpse (once again, through personal observations, I'm sure there are people out there that do care if they die in WoW, but I never really played with them).

        However, WoW does have it's strengths to me, too. Getting equippable lowbie gear from mobs is nice (and it drops like crazy), as well as the much more customizable interface. And of course, it's much easier. WoW is my screwing around game, whereas when I'm on FFXI, it's time to get serious.

        At any rate, to each their own...if they have a good time playing whatever the hell they're playing, then I say go with it ^^
        Last edited by Effedup; 11-29-2007, 04:30 AM. Reason: I can't spell
        I'm a slow motion accident, lost in coffee rings and fingerprints...
        -Frou Frou, "Hear Me Out"

        Check out my blog! =>


        • #19
          Re: WoW?

          Well I kind of liked the graphics in WoW
          I don't mind the graphics in WoW either as long as I never have to see them again.


          • #20
            Re: WoW?

            I like FFXI because of the more in-depth story lines and missions. All WoW quests revolve around grinding or grinding or even the occasional grinding.

            I may be a bit biased against WoW because I played and started out (1) on a PVP server (Coilfang) as an Alli when the Horde is approx 60-70% advantage. That, if you're unfamiliar, means that you'll get ganked doing well... anything. I get ganked in town, when leaving town, when grinding, when questing (read grinding), when walking, when logging in, when riding the boat, when getting off the boat, when swimming, when in alliance territory, etc... I didn't find that fun--especially the corpse camping. It's not particularly amusing when 6 dudes that are level "skull" (which means "way the f' higher than you") sit on your body and wait for you to repop just to kill you again for the measly one honor point that they get.

            Anyway, WoW does have some cool aspects. First off, I liked the idea of soulbinding--it works wonders for the economy. The diabloesque random magical items are also cool. The game is a lot more active game play wise with a lot of fast hands and interesting control action albeit on a keyboard (I really like using the game controller). The boats and travel are awesome because of the...well...the not waiting 40 minutes thing. Some of the artistry is good in the sort of cartoony style and I found the graphics very smooth compared to what FFXI does to me on occasion (see Besieged), but I really dislike the blocky characters and rather lackluster clothing lines--very pedestrian. I like the crafting--hands off style stuff is much nicer, but the ebay-style AH is not my cup of tea, I prefer the backwards bid system FFXI uses, but both are blown out of the water by EVE's Commodities Exchange model which is, so far as I've seen, the best economic model I've been exposed to in the MMORPG world.


            • #21
              Re: WoW?

              Well yes, everything in EVE is driven by the economy. PVP, missions, mining, it all is about the economy. EVE also has the advantage of being twenty thousand years in the freakin' future, so they have a nice excuse for making the market far far better than you can achieve in old fantasy worlds.


              • #22
                Re: WoW?

                A friend of mine played EVE for quite a while, and I know for a fact I don't have the patience for THAT game. I thought FFXI was a freakin grind until I saw him working on his skills or whatever you call it. I actually had to log in for him a few times while he was out of town and learn skills for him, I can't remember exactly what it was he had me doing for him, but I do remember it took a week to learn one skill in real time. I was like, "Jesus...."

                Turned out he didn't have the patience either; he got ganked by pirates and they stole all his shit, so he gave up and went back to WoW...which is all good in my opinion 'cause he helps me out with my Warlock. ^^
                I'm a slow motion accident, lost in coffee rings and fingerprints...
                -Frou Frou, "Hear Me Out"

                Check out my blog! =>


                • #23
                  Re: WoW?

                  Effedup: EVE skills are actually a very intelligent system, when you see how they work. They aren't for everyone, but they basically eliminate the 'grind' of MMOs, although it could be argued that it just replaces EXP grinding with money grinding.

                  Basically, you set a skill to train, and it trains 24/7, even when you are offline. This allows everyone to progress at an equal pace-- although some skills take longer times, likely your friend was setting a week long skill because he was on vacation. At first, they are as quick as an hour, and as you train the skill to higher levels, they take longer, even into weeks. This keeps a fairness between experienced players and newbies, an experienced player could have many millions more skill points in something, but with a very marginal improvement over a newbie that only has a few million spread out over the basics, which keeps combat more even.

                  It's kinda hard to explain, but reading might help. It's not for everyone, some people like being able to make their character advance quicker at times, and some people hate being forced to wait, but it is a good system.

                  I personally find the problem in EVE to be more the gameplay, which is just kinda dull. Honestly, I'd say EVE is an excellent, excellent game, with the minor flaw being that they forgot to make it actually fun. Of course, that's just personal opinion, obviously there are plenty of people that find it exciting


                  • #24
                    Re: WoW?

                    I like WoW because it is fun. I like FFXI because it is fun. The horror.


                    • #25
                      Re: WoW?

                      Originally posted by Murphie View Post
                      I like WoW because it is fun. I like FFXI because it is fun. The horror.
                      This statment gives me a headache.

                      I actually play both. Been playing ffxi for a few years, just started playing WoW this summer and tonight will be the first time I've gotten to playin 5 weeks (laptop got stolen and it was the only thing that could run it properly). Biggest thing for WoW is that I can do quite a bit on my own. If i want to level, I just go out and level. Being self-sufficient with money is also nice.
                      As far as FFXI goes, I still have several good friends and I like that you do need parties to do stuff and is an opportunity to talk with them and have fun.
                      Have to agree with Murphie, both games are fun, and don't feel like if you play one then you aren't allowed to play the other.
                      I RNG 75 I WAR 37 I NIN 38 I SAM 50 I Woodworking 92+2

                      PSN: Caspian


                      • #26
                        Re: WoW?

                        This thread is now WoW vs FFXI vs EVE vs the state of Kansas.



                        • #27
                          Re: WoW?

                          Kansas gets 4th.
                          I RNG 75 I WAR 37 I NIN 38 I SAM 50 I Woodworking 92+2

                          PSN: Caspian


                          • #28
                            Re: WoW?

                            You know, the death part of WoW was mostly a tool. You could accomplish a lot that you couldn't in FFXI because of it. If you need to grab a chest from a group of enemies you could take one die, die, run back, raise, and take another down until they were all dead. Or you could raise out of their aggro range and continue where you were going.

                            I still think it's lame. It doesn't make much sense.


                            • #29
                              Re: WoW?

                              Originally posted by Caspian View Post
                              Have to agree with Murphie, both games are fun, and don't feel like if you play one then you aren't allowed to play the other.
                              This is basically the point I was trying to make. So many MMO gamers feel that it has to be all or nothing with the MMO of their choice. I don't get it.


                              • #30
                                Re: WoW?

                                Originally posted by Murphie View Post
                                This is basically the point I was trying to make. So many MMO gamers feel that it has to be all or nothing with the MMO of their choice. I don't get it.
                                Sour grapes. Same reason there are "console wars." Most people don't have the money for or otherwise can't justify paying two subscription fees, so to ease their decision they convince themselves that the thing they decided against is unwantable.
                                lagolakshmi on Guildwork :: Lago Aletheia on Lodestone

