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  • #91
    Re: Fergie

    Originally posted by WovenDarkness View Post

    Note to others:

    I promise to fulfill the preivious " * ". My mistake.
    how many times have your broken that one haha
    It's Britney Bitch! GIMME MORE!


    • #92
      Re: Fergie

      Taskmage i vote lock or atleast 3 more strikes for me >.>
      [FFXI Journal][Pld][War][Nin][Drg][Rng][Brd]


      • #93
        Re: Fergie

        Sev, you and I agree that, if people don't want to deal with some crap and if they don't like someone, just ignore them.

        I could just lock this but there is no immediate reason to do so.

        Talk about Fergie or don't talk at all.

        In the end i bet no one will be left here and we can all go home and write captions on cat pictures about it.
        signatures are for pussies mew mew mew, here's mine


        • #94
          Re: Fergie

          Why are we talking about this stuff? The other day it was Brittany, today its Fergie, next is going to be Paris and Ashley Simpson.

          And Fergie's alright, she's a little manly, but I'm pretty lax about my women.
          Twilightrose- THF/49 WAR/24 WHM/53 BLM/32 RNG/15 BST/25 NIN/27


          • #95
            Re: Fergie

            Originally posted by DieselBoy09 View Post
   is going to be Paris...
            She already had her turn... and so did many men as well. :-P


            • #96
              Re: Just To Let You Know

              Originally posted by ModelJunkie View Post
              Please don't call me a whore , I should report you
              I'm sorry but i have to step in here. your Togerland Profile has No 1 attention whore in it. Yet you do not complain to that forum about that. In fact from the sound of it you like that. yet as soon as someone disagrees with you , you are instantly looking for things to pick at them for to try and get one up, or BRING ATTENTION TO YOURSELF.

              I'm sorry but your bullshit, all your doing is bringing attention to yourself in the wrong light here. The world doesn't revolve around you, get used to it. if you keep with this attitude you'll get more comments from people that you wont like. In fact i know you wont like this post. Tough grow up, stop being a spoiled brat and use the forum for what it is, a information resource for FFXI.

              I am a grumpy git, and no i don't play FFXI all day as you have insinuated members do, in fact I can barely get an hour a night in. I work as an architect, I am a registered carer for a housebound friend, I used to be a part time firefighter (until our station was closed down) I am also a moderator on 2 other forums. We get alot of people seeking attention and it get boring. the last few posts have been reasonable, but how you started here didn't do yourself any justice. sit back watch how things work around here and think before you post and you will gain some respect from people.
              Last edited by Jarre; 09-20-2007, 12:21 AM.


              • #97
                Re: Fergie

                Jarre, did you know I allways loved you?
                signatures are for pussies mew mew mew, here's mine


                • #98
                  Re: Fergie

                  Originally posted by Balfree View Post
                  Jarre, did you know I allways loved you?
                  For a second there, I thought you said my real name.

                  I want to be loved.


                  • #99
                    Re: Fergie

                    Originally posted by Balfree View Post
                    Jarre, did you know I allways loved you?
                    shhh that was supposed to be a secret....


                    • Re: Fergie

                      Originally posted by Eohmer View Post
                      For a second there, I thought you said my real name.
                      I want to be loved.

                      It's ok eohmer I still love you for making me sigs, wanna make a new one =D.
                      [FFXI Journal][Pld][War][Nin][Drg][Rng][Brd]



                      • Re: Fergie

                        Originally posted by SevIfrit View Post
                        It's ok eohmer I still love you for making me sigs, wanna make a new one =D.
                        Maybe. :-P


                        • Re: Fergie

                          Originally posted by Eohmer View Post
                          Maybe. :-P
                          Yay eohmer, pm me if you can do it =D. Was suppose to have a lap top by now but ya class > laptop
                          [FFXI Journal][Pld][War][Nin][Drg][Rng][Brd]



                          • Re: Just To Let You Know

                            Originally posted by Jarre View Post
                            I'm sorry but i have to step in here. your Togerland Profile has No 1 attention whore in it. Yet you do not complain to that forum about that. In fact from the sound of it you like that. yet as soon as someone disagrees with you , you are instantly looking for things to pick at them for to try and get one up, or BRING ATTENTION TO YOURSELF.

                            I'm sorry but your bullshit, all your doing is bringing attention to yourself in the wrong light here. The world doesn't revolve around you, get used to it. if you keep with this attitude you'll get more comments from people that you wont like. In fact i know you wont like this post. Tough grow up, stop being a spoiled brat and use the forum for what it is, a information resource for FFXI.

                            I am a grumpy git, and no i don't play FFXI all day as you have insinuated members do, in fact I can barely get an hour a night in. I work as an architect, I am a registered carer for a housebound friend, I used to be a part time firefighter (until our station was closed down) I am also a moderator on 2 other forums. We get alot of people seeking attention and it get boring. the last few posts have been reasonable, but how you started here didn't do yourself any justice. sit back watch how things work around here and think before you post and you will gain some respect from people.
                            Did I ever address you? No? Goodbye
                            It's Britney Bitch! GIMME MORE!


                            • Re: Fergie

                              Just a thought, since this is actually a FFXI forum in general, you could start off by, you know, participating in conversations regarding the game instead of posting about pop singers, models and pop trash in general that no one really cares about.

                              One topic about a pop star? OK, fine. More than that in a day? Pushing it. Making a new topic for more stuff people don't care about? Stop.

                              People don't like existing, worthwhile topics being shoved down or off of an existing front page for three to five topics that no one cares about, most of which could have condensed to one or two threads.

                              You've come to a gamer forum to geek out about pop stars and TV shows no one watches. Hell, the most time I've spent watching televison in the last five years was being in the hospital last May. Had I not spent five minutes to endure that crap they put on MTV, I probably even would have heard of Fergie. Had they not put a goddamn I.V. in my wrist, my head would have been in my DS the whole time and not turned on the TV at all.

                              And she's really not that good. A pop singer with a token rapper in a couple of their songs to help them push records out the door, because they wouldn't sell otherwise. Its a music industry cliche that I've grown tired of since before I stopped reviewing albums several years ago.

                              She'll probably be a washed-up pop-star turned game show host in a few years. That's where all the has-beens in comedy and music go now, and even they need big stars to make the show cool.

                              Well, Jeff Foxworthy still does pretty well comedy-wise, I'll give him that. Howie Mandell? Not so much.


                              • Re: Fergie

                                Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten View Post
                                Just a thought, since this is actually a FFXI forum in general, you could start off by, you know, participating in conversations regarding the game instead of posting about pop singers, models and pop trash in general that no one really cares about.

                                One topic about a pop star? OK, fine. More than that in a day? Pushing it. Making a new topic for more stuff people don't care about? Stop.

                                People don't like existing, worthwhile topics being shoved down or off of an existing front page for three to five topics that no one cares about, most of which could have condensed to one or two threads.

                                You've come to a gamer forum to geek out about pop stars and TV shows no one watches. Hell, the most time I've spent watching televison in the last five years was being in the hospital last May. Had I not spent five minutes to endure that crap they put on MTV, I probably even would have heard of Fergie. Had they not put a goddamn I.V. in my wrist, my head would have been in my DS the whole time and not turned on the TV at all.

                                And she's really not that good. A pop singer with a token rapper in a couple of their songs to help them push records out the door, because they wouldn't sell otherwise. Its a music industry cliche that I've grown tired of since before I stopped reviewing albums several years ago.

                                She'll probably be a washed-up pop-star turned game show host in a few years. That's where all the has-beens in comedy and music go now, and even they need big stars to make the show cool.

                                Well, Jeff Foxworthy still does pretty well comedy-wise, I'll give him that. Howie Mandell? Not so much.
                                If this topic does nothing for you
                                Just let it go and move to the next one lol
                                It's Britney Bitch! GIMME MORE!

