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Official bored at work / just shooting the shit / no rails to derail thread

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  • Re: Official bored at work / just shooting the shit / no rails to derail thread

    So I came into a cheap CPU upgrade for my desktop. Went from a Pentium D 3.2GHz to a Xeon 3040 1.86.
    I use a Mac because I'm just better than you are.

    HTTP Error 418 - I'm A Teapot - The resulting entity body MAY be short and stout.



    • Re: Official bored at work / just shooting the shit / no rails to derail thread

      Originally posted by Mhurron View Post

      It can't, faith does....and applying the teachings to your life. At least that's what I was taught.
      Originally posted by Feba
      But I mean I do not mind a good looking man so long as I do not have to view his penis.
      Originally posted by Taskmage
      God I hate my periods. You think passing a clot through a vagina is bad? Try it with a penis.
      Originally posted by DakAttack
      ...I'm shitting dicks out of my eyeballs in excitement for the next bestgreating game of all time ever.


      • Re: Official bored at work / just shooting the shit / no rails to derail thread

        "Let's integral from 10 to 13 of 2xdx."

        "Let me be your derivative and lie tangent to your curves."

        "I'd like to crawl in your dungeon."

        "What's the drop rate on your pants?"

        ITT nerdy pick-up lines.
        Originally posted by Armando
        No one at Square Enix has heard of Occam's Razor.
        Originally posted by Armando
        Nintendo always seems to have a legion of haters at the wings ready to jump in and prop up straw men about hardware and gimmicks and casuals.
        Originally posted by Taskmage



        Originally posted by Taskmage
        However much I am actually smart, I got that way by confronting how stupid I am.
        Matthew 16:15


        • Re: Official bored at work / just shooting the shit / no rails to derail thread

          Originally posted by Yellow Mage View Post
          "What's the drop rate on your pants?"
          {New Sig in the works}
          "There will come a day when the world will realize that Superman can no longer create miracles. If my name was Superman, that day would be today." 4/29/2009 - Me

          Originally posted by Aksannyi
          "Hello! 100+3 Leathercrafting, your materials, 5k! Mention code LTH74 for a special discount!" - they'd get blisted by everyone they sent that to.
          Originally posted by Solymir
          What do you have against Ants? Is iVirus some new Apple product?


          • Re: Official bored at work / just shooting the shit / no rails to derail thread

            My laptop has passed on. Of course, taking with it my resume, a ton of digital art, a ton of unfinished writing projects, my iTunes library, and my sanity.

            The resume can be recovered from my e-mail, though I'll have to copypasta the whole thing back into Photoshop since I've lost the .psd. As for the artwork, what was unfinished will never be finished as I can't recreate .psds out of .pngs/.jpgs. And the writing is also gone /sigh ... I hope to recover the data but fuck me, this sucks. And I've been told you can't retrieve your music data from your iPod without iTunes, though that one I haven't verified yet, but damn ... that's like 1300 songs. FFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUU-

            Yeah, yeah, back up your shit ... hard to do when your CD-ROM drive doesn't work and neither do your USB ports. Fucking POS...

            I'm not really sure what the hell happened. I never turn it off because I've had issues with it starting up in the past, so I went to bed Thursday night and when I woke up Friday, it was in this neverending loop of attempting to start (I'd hear the fan kick on for a sec or two, then cut back off). I really don't know what could cause it, but I called geek squad just to see if they'd recommend anything I hadn't tried (they didn't) and they eventually told me they'd come look at it for the low price of $299.99 to which I laughed in their face and said I'd just get another laptop for that price. Holy shit, what a ripoff.

            So yay. -.-
            ~Mama Gamer~~Quitted July 2009/Bannt October 2009~~Excellence LS~
            ~I has a blog~~
            ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~


            • Re: Official bored at work / just shooting the shit / no rails to derail thread

              I use a Mac because I'm just better than you are.

              HTTP Error 418 - I'm A Teapot - The resulting entity body MAY be short and stout.



              • Re: Official bored at work / just shooting the shit / no rails to derail thread

                Originally posted by Aksannyi View Post
                hard to do when your CD-ROM drive doesn't work and neither do your USB ports.
                Backup over network


                • Re: Official bored at work / just shooting the shit / no rails to derail thread

                  Originally posted by Aksannyi View Post
                  My laptop has passed on. Of course, taking with it my resume, a ton of digital art, a ton of unfinished writing projects, my iTunes library, and my sanity.

                  The resume can be recovered from my e-mail, though I'll have to copypasta the whole thing back into Photoshop since I've lost the .psd. As for the artwork, what was unfinished will never be finished as I can't recreate .psds out of .pngs/.jpgs. And the writing is also gone /sigh ... I hope to recover the data but fuck me, this sucks. And I've been told you can't retrieve your music data from your iPod without iTunes, though that one I haven't verified yet, but damn ... that's like 1300 songs. FFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUU-

                  Yeah, yeah, back up your shit ... hard to do when your CD-ROM drive doesn't work and neither do your USB ports. Fucking POS...

                  I'm not really sure what the hell happened. I never turn it off because I've had issues with it starting up in the past, so I went to bed Thursday night and when I woke up Friday, it was in this neverending loop of attempting to start (I'd hear the fan kick on for a sec or two, then cut back off). I really don't know what could cause it, but I called geek squad just to see if they'd recommend anything I hadn't tried (they didn't) and they eventually told me they'd come look at it for the low price of $299.99 to which I laughed in their face and said I'd just get another laptop for that price. Holy shit, what a ripoff.

                  So yay. -.-
                  Maybe Best Buy can help?


                  • Re: Official bored at work / just shooting the shit / no rails to derail thread

                    Originally posted by DakAttack View Post
                    Maybe Best Buy can help?
                    Maybe there will be peace in the Middle East.
                    I use a Mac because I'm just better than you are.

                    HTTP Error 418 - I'm A Teapot - The resulting entity body MAY be short and stout.



                    • Re: Official bored at work / just shooting the shit / no rails to derail thread

                      Originally posted by Mhurron View Post
                      Maybe there will be peace in the Middle East.
                      Maybe you'll jump up your own ass and die?


                      • Re: Official bored at work / just shooting the shit / no rails to derail thread

                        Originally posted by Aksannyi View Post
                        My laptop has passed on. Of course, taking with it my resume, a ton of digital art, a ton of unfinished writing projects, my iTunes library, and my sanity.

                        The resume can be recovered from my e-mail, though I'll have to copypasta the whole thing back into Photoshop since I've lost the .psd. As for the artwork, what was unfinished will never be finished as I can't recreate .psds out of .pngs/.jpgs. And the writing is also gone /sigh ... I hope to recover the data but fuck me, this sucks. And I've been told you can't retrieve your music data from your iPod without iTunes, though that one I haven't verified yet, but damn ... that's like 1300 songs. FFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUU-

                        Yeah, yeah, back up your shit ... hard to do when your CD-ROM drive doesn't work and neither do your USB ports. Fucking POS...

                        I'm not really sure what the hell happened. I never turn it off because I've had issues with it starting up in the past, so I went to bed Thursday night and when I woke up Friday, it was in this neverending loop of attempting to start (I'd hear the fan kick on for a sec or two, then cut back off). I really don't know what could cause it, but I called geek squad just to see if they'd recommend anything I hadn't tried (they didn't) and they eventually told me they'd come look at it for the low price of $299.99 to which I laughed in their face and said I'd just get another laptop for that price. Holy shit, what a ripoff.

                        So yay. -.-
                        Aks, use this

                        I keep pictures on here until I can take the time to burn them. Also any documents I don't want lost. I use this with some of the organizations I do flyers/newsletters for. I absolutely love it.
                        Originally posted by Feba
                        But I mean I do not mind a good looking man so long as I do not have to view his penis.
                        Originally posted by Taskmage
                        God I hate my periods. You think passing a clot through a vagina is bad? Try it with a penis.
                        Originally posted by DakAttack
                        ...I'm shitting dicks out of my eyeballs in excitement for the next bestgreating game of all time ever.


                        • Re: Official bored at work / just shooting the shit / no rails to derail thread

                          That will be helpful when I recover my data. As of right now, I've spent pretty much my last dollar (that I was saving, anyway, for a better PC for XIV) to buy a cheapo laptop. Because I'm sorry, I can't live without a computer for more than 24 hours.

                          I didn't really wanna play XIV anyway. I won't have time. Yeah ... :/

                          And considering I take better care of my computers than most people and I still don't know what the fuck happened, I really wasn't anticipating needing back up. At any rate, I'm still quite bummed.
                          ~Mama Gamer~~Quitted July 2009/Bannt October 2009~~Excellence LS~
                          ~I has a blog~~
                          ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~


                          • Re: Official bored at work / just shooting the shit / no rails to derail thread

                            If the harddrive itself is ok then there's always the option of extracting it from the dead husk of your old laptop and just plugging it into an external case. $20 ain't bad for a fairly comprehensive recovery of your data.

                            I'm in total agreement with Mhurron about Best Buy. Their standard policy for any machine that comes in is to wipe the harddrive. I've had a couple friends who lost all their data that way when trying to fix other issues.
                            Server: Midgardsormr -> Quetzalcoatl -> Valefor
                            Occupation: Reckless Red Mage
                            Name: Drjones
                            Blog: Mediocre Mage


                            • Re: Official bored at work / just shooting the shit / no rails to derail thread

                              OMG MAL LOOK!!!

                              Netflix Goes To Canada This Fall

                              Originally posted by Feba
                              But I mean I do not mind a good looking man so long as I do not have to view his penis.
                              Originally posted by Taskmage
                              God I hate my periods. You think passing a clot through a vagina is bad? Try it with a penis.
                              Originally posted by DakAttack
                              ...I'm shitting dicks out of my eyeballs in excitement for the next bestgreating game of all time ever.


                              • Re: Official bored at work / just shooting the shit / no rails to derail thread

                                I don't really know what to say about this

                                [nomedia=""]YouTube- Reality distortion field remains strong with Steve Jobs after antennagate[/nomedia]
                                I use a Mac because I'm just better than you are.

                                HTTP Error 418 - I'm A Teapot - The resulting entity body MAY be short and stout.


