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Official bored at work / just shooting the shit / no rails to derail thread

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  • #46
    Re: Official bored at work / just shooting the shit / no rails to derail thread

    Originally posted by Taskmage
    how much you hate Feba
    Originally posted by Necropolis
    I hate Feba!
    Originally posted by Raydeus
    Everyone hates Feba
    Oh fuck you guys.

    Anyway, open up the mii channel, click one of the icons on the right and it will give you a list of spaces on your wii remote to transfer the Mii to, pick it up, drag and drop it, take the WII REMOTE to your friend's house, and then pull it back off the remote, that should work.


    • #47
      Re: Official bored at work / just shooting the shit / no rails to derail thread

      Feba wins 10 internets?
      Adventures of Akashimo Hakubi & Nekoai Nanashi


      • #48
        Re: Official bored at work / just shooting the shit / no rails to derail thread

        Originally posted by Skoal View Post
        LSU vs MSU Thursday night Football

        Who will win? Experts have MSU as an 18 1/2 point underdog. You decide.
        Neither will win, pr0n will showed at half time and everyone will go home for some "on the field" action.

        And Feba, despite how much you may or may not now about electronic gadgetry, you will never be as universally loved as pr0n. Thus, hate to you.


        • #49
          Re: Official bored at work / just shooting the shit / no rails to derail thread

          Originally posted by Mhurron View Post
          I got 50 on the Red Chocobo.
          Red is close to maroon which is MSU's colors. I will put my money on my school.
          Thanks Kazuki.
          Dragoon Equipment


          • #50
            Re: Official bored at work / just shooting the shit / no rails to derail thread

            Originally posted by Feba View Post
            Anyway, open up the mii channel, click one of the icons on the right and it will give you a list of spaces on your wii remote to transfer the Mii to, pick it up, drag and drop it, take the WII REMOTE to your friend's house, and then pull it back off the remote, that should work.
            I think he was asking how to do it over the interwebs.

            But, of course, if there does not exist such a way, and he was, indeed, asking about tranfer via Wii Remote, then I'm putting my foot in my mouth . . .
            Originally posted by Armando
            No one at Square Enix has heard of Occam's Razor.
            Originally posted by Armando
            Nintendo always seems to have a legion of haters at the wings ready to jump in and prop up straw men about hardware and gimmicks and casuals.
            Originally posted by Taskmage



            Originally posted by Taskmage
            However much I am actually smart, I got that way by confronting how stupid I am.
            Matthew 16:15


            • #51
              Re: Official bored at work / just shooting the shit / no rails to derail thread

              The Wii has an internet connection now?

              The Tao of Ren
              FFXIV LowRes Benchmark - 5011

              If we don't like something, collectively, if our hatred for it throbs like an abscess beneath every thread, does that mean that they're doing something right?
              Originally posted by Kaeko
              As hard as it may be, don't take this game or your characters too seriously. I promise you - the guys that really own your account don't.


              • #52
                Re: Official bored at work / just shooting the shit / no rails to derail thread

                Feba, just for the record, I don't hate you.
                ~Mama Gamer~~Quitted July 2009/Bannt October 2009~~Excellence LS~
                ~I has a blog~~
                ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~


                • #53
                  Re: Official bored at work / just shooting the shit / no rails to derail thread

                  Originally posted by Feba
                  Oh fuck you guys.
                  You know, I was going to ask....then he answered it for me. :ROFL:


                  I don't know the guy. When I saw the above quote, I remember thinking..... "...part Kenny, part Cartman."

                  ....yeah, i know. ><



                  Last edited by WovenDarkness; 08-29-2007, 06:25 PM. Reason: kaint splell fur sh*t.....


                  • #54
                    Re: Official bored at work / just shooting the shit / no rails to derail thread

                    Feba, just for the record, I don't hate you.


                    • #55
                      Re: Official bored at work / just shooting the shit / no rails to derail thread

                      Originally posted by Yellow Mage View Post
                      /subscribe to the randomness! I like-a the random . . . (now to wait for everybody to get their minds out of the gutter . . . )
                      It's going to be a long wait ... in the future, they'll likely forget all about gutters, except to tell people to get their minds out of them.


                      • #56
                        Re: Official bored at work / just shooting the shit / no rails to derail thread

                        In the future, we'll probably need a ladder just to get UP to the gutter.

                        Hey guys—I've got enough money for one game this month. Bioshock or Corruption? They both look shit hot.
                        lagolakshmi on Guildwork :: Lago Aletheia on Lodestone


                        • #57
                          Re: Official bored at work / just shooting the shit / no rails to derail thread

                          Download some free games and save the money for the holidays.


                          • #58
                            Re: Official bored at work / just shooting the shit / no rails to derail thread

                            Originally posted by Cotners View Post
                            Just wait to see how long it takes to plot out 8 gigs of imagery.
                            Our plotter would explode (its an old Encad) and the 6mb are lines, its a complicated 3D section through a new appartment building I spent 3 weeks drawing up. Its the text and hatch that slows it down..

                            Anyhows, back to the boredom stuff.... got 4 drawings of that size to plot then make 10 copies of each, lots of printing and folding to do, god I wish we got a bod to do it for us....


                            • #59
                              Re: Official bored at work / just shooting the shit / no rails to derail thread

                              The Wii has an internet connection now?

                              Of course it does!!! How the hell do you think I am able to check the weather and news on it??!!?!!?!?11!?2

                              Anyway, we killed Lamie No.7 last night. Fun fight. Got drop from cor friend.

                              Today is the start of college football!!!!!
                              Thanks Kazuki.
                              Dragoon Equipment


                              • #60
                                Re: Official bored at work / just shooting the shit / no rails to derail thread

                                Originally posted by Taskmage View Post
                                In an effort to keep other threads cleaner, I thought I'd give this a try. If you want to talk about how you molested Kirst today or how much you hate Feba, or whatever random thing you encountered that is made of win/lose, post here.
                                I just found this threat - and seriously - wtf?!

                                I'm not that bad - honest. And yeah I hate Feba

                                Originally posted by Aksannyi
                                "As a RDM, it should irk you to the depths of your soul when a mob had the audacity to buff itself in front of you."

