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Official bored at work / just shooting the shit / no rails to derail thread

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  • Re: Official bored at work / just shooting the shit / no rails to derail thread

    You aren't seriously "put to shame" because someone has a bigger penis, are you?

    And the motivation depends entirely on who's exercising. If you've got someone who's already fit, and wants to show off? Sure, flaunting it might be good. Have someone who isn't so fit, and is embarrassed by it? Maybe not so much. Someone who doesn't care about what other people think? It's completely irrelevant.

    Personally, I dislike going out, so that's a huge strike against any gym for me. I also dislike exercising outside of my home, because things are easier to get to there (drinks, food, seats, shower). I dislike locker rooms. Any gym membership would be a horrible waste for me.

    On the other hand, there are some people who would enjoy every bit of it, and who having access to a huge amount of equipment would be great for. And good for them.

    What gets people to exercise and keep exercising is very far from a one-size-fits-all affair, though.


    • Re: Official bored at work / just shooting the shit / no rails to derail thread

      Man, some of you folks just aren't very observant.

      I have plenty of motivation at the gym. What I like in a place to workout is readily available equipment, reasonable hours, and low cost. I have two out of three at this place, though the amenities really offset the cost a bit (laundry service is pretty awesome - just drop off the clothing I just worked out in, and it will be laundered and ready for me the next time I come in). I like that its a mens club. Less posturing this way. Also, I am not getting back into shape for the ladies.


      • Re: Official bored at work / just shooting the shit / no rails to derail thread

        I think you don't get the light hearted humour about the same sex facilities feba...

        Just out of interest feba do you suffer from agrophobia? as the issues you are describing can relate to that.


        I go to a franchise Gym called Total fitness. I pay around £42.50 a month (approx $84, yeah welcome to rip off britain) and I ge thte following facilities...

        2 floors of gym equipment (I only use bike, x-trainer, running machine and free runner), exercise matts, 3 studios for various classes, a spin studio, single sex and mixed sauners, mixed steam room and solarium, foot spas, large pool, hyrdropherapy pool, cancer beds (I never use them) a juice bar. I also get access to a trainer and have health reviews etc. On site also is a creche, physiopherapist, hair salon and alternative medicine centre (aromour therapy, acupuncture, stones therapy etc.)


        • Re: Official bored at work / just shooting the shit / no rails to derail thread

          Jarre, I haven't been to a shrink in many years, so no, I haven't been diagnosed with anything like that.

          But from what I've read, no. Agoraphobia is defined as being afraid of the outdoors. I do not fear it, and I enjoy going out and such. I've never been uneasy about travel or being out; at least not the acts themselves (where and why is another issue). I merely have a strong preference to remain in my house whenever possible. When it's not possible, I am perfectly capable of going out, I just dislike the whole affair. Kinda like how you don't have to have a meat allergy to be a vegetarian.

          I probably do have some social problems; I have an extremely hard time using any sort of telephony, be it vent, a phone, or something else (this doesn't apply to a few close people, though), and I occasionally don't know how to act in social situations. I dislike public speaking, especially talking about myself in front of groups, but I'm pretty sure that goes for most others as well. In any case, I can handle myself when I need to, and it's certainly about the last thing I'd be concerned about as far as my mental health goes.


          • Re: Official bored at work / just shooting the shit / no rails to derail thread

            Originally posted by Jarre View Post
            2 floors of gym equipment (I only use bike, x-trainer, running machine and free runner), exercise matts, 3 studios for various classes, a spin studio, single sex and mixed sauners, mixed steam room and solarium, foot spas, large pool, hyrdropherapy pool, cancer beds (I never use them) a juice bar. I also get access to a trainer and have health reviews etc. On site also is a creche, physiopherapist, hair salon and alternative medicine centre (aromour therapy, acupuncture, stones therapy etc.)
            I think I get all of that minus the mixed sex stuff, the juice bar and the alternative medicine stuff. But we have a restaurant, a lounge with a couple of giant TVs (and a Wii, inexplicably), a basketball court, racquetball courts, an indoor driving range, and an indoor track. For about the same price. It's a very old-school type men's club. Sort of a holdover from the older days when both men and women had separate clubs that they hung out at. It's not too bad. I'll probably only stay a member for a year though. After that the YMCA is cheaper.


            • Re: Official bored at work / just shooting the shit / no rails to derail thread

              Originally posted by Murphie View Post
              It's a very old-school type men's club. Sort of a holdover from the older days when both men and women had separate clubs that they hung out at. It's not too bad.


              • Re: Official bored at work / just shooting the shit / no rails to derail thread


                Its something you need to look at improving yourself, I'm not saying I know what you are dealing with as I don't but a true concept is that things like this can only be resolved by the person its affecting.

                Not everyone is a social magnet, in fact I wasn't when I was younger, I'm still not really but I am more comfortable with myself and talking to strangers. going to university sorted that out for me as you needed to improve your social skills to get on there. I think the public speaking aspect effects us all. Before I spent a month in Norway as a GSE team member for Rotary international I had never done a presentation in front of more than 4 people and they I knew! Our first presentation was to 120 Norwegians, I was Keggin myself and managed to fumble through it.

                Q after the 4 weeks and the presentations we had to do back in England about what we found out. It got easier and my confidence has improved immensely. Also I think everyone has the quietness of not liking social interaction with people they are not comfortable with. I.e. of people of a different age face to face, that I hit as while in Norway we were living in peoples houses with families. I got on much better with a real family atmosphere who had people around my age or younger, than with the old couple I stayed with in one area where I couldn't find much common ground (even more difficult when the language is not their first)

                The best way to confront this was as I was head deep into it where I had no choice but to make an effort and throw away my social anxieties to make it work for both parties. It does make you a better person.

                I'm not saying its easy, but if you don't try (granted its never going to be 100% successful) you wont be able to change anything. You could become an outgoing person, you are here in the forum, now its time to try and ease that into a face to face thing.

                Life ain't easy, but its even harder if you don't try and make something of it.


                • Re: Official bored at work / just shooting the shit / no rails to derail thread

                  Originally posted by Jarre View Post
                  I'm not saying its easy, but if you don't try (granted its never going to be 100% successful) you wont be able to change anything. You could become an outgoing person,
                  yes, but you're assuming I want to be outgoing. I'm fine with being a recluse. It really doesn't bother me. It's like not liking hot weather; you can consider it a problem that you have to overcome, something unpleasant you have to get used to. Or you can just live somewhere cold.


                  • Re: Official bored at work / just shooting the shit / no rails to derail thread

                    I admit to find it difficult to understand why someone would want to live life in recluse, but as long as you are happy like that.

                    Recluse for me is not an option, I hate being on my own and enjoy the company of people and try to keep a broad social network to keep me ticking over.

                    I just get worried sometimes when people hide away from anything with depression and suicide on an all time high in the world, without until understanding the persons sitation and wants, you do become concerned.

                    Oh and on the bigger dick thing, when a bloke walks in with a 7 incher on the slack swinging away like an elephants trunk and he does his best to draw everyones eyes to it, it can get a bit embarrasing. (Akssanyi i can get his number for you, but I doubt he'll fly over )


                    • Re: Official bored at work / just shooting the shit / no rails to derail thread

                      Most straight guys don't go out of their way to show off their junk to other straight guys.


                      • Re: Official bored at work / just shooting the shit / no rails to derail thread

                        My general rule has been that you can't do much about your size, the only thing that matters is whether or not someone other than yourself willingly touches it on a regular basis. My g/f appears to enjoy my junk, so as long as she's happy with it I have no room to complain.

                        And I'm somewhat in Feba's boat, although I don't feel as awkward in social situations. Actually that's somewhat of my problem, I get along very well with people and a lot of people seem to like me, which isn't a bad thing per se, but people seem to like me too much; then everyone and their mother wants to hang out with me often, and I honestly don't feel like hanging out with them. Nothing personal against most of them, I just don't enjoy going out that much anymore. This leads to me feeling bad because I have more friends than I can really allocate time towards hanging out with, and everyone always hits me with the 'we should hang out more' and 'why'd you stop coming around' guilt trips, and it's kind of a complicated question to answer.

                        I'm currently trying to figure out if it's depression, apathy, or just plain laziness(or a combination of all 3), but really when I get out of work I just want to go home and sit and play games rather than going out. I wouldn't say I'm necessarily shying away from others since my time inside is spent chatting with people through various mediums other than face to face, I just don't feel like going out.
                        Callysto of RamuhCaithsith - 75 RDM / BRD / COR / PLD / WAR / SCH / DRK

                        Formerly Callisto of Ramuh. | Retired 5.28.10

                        Callisto Broadwurst of Palamecia


                        • Re: Official bored at work / just shooting the shit / no rails to derail thread

                          If those people want to hang out so badly, invite them over for games. There are plenty of things where multiplayer can help, mainly coop. Lego Star Wars (complete saga of course) is a great game that you can get for any platform, and it has excellent coop that almost anyone can pick up and enjoy, as well as a VS. mode (that might be Wii only, I'm not sure)

                          And of course Brawl is a helluva lot easier to unlock stuff in if you have someone else to fight with you.


                          • Re: Official bored at work / just shooting the shit / no rails to derail thread

                            Haha, it's more that I don't actually want any company, but really there's no way to put that without sounding like a jerk.
                            Callysto of RamuhCaithsith - 75 RDM / BRD / COR / PLD / WAR / SCH / DRK

                            Formerly Callisto of Ramuh. | Retired 5.28.10

                            Callisto Broadwurst of Palamecia


                            • Re: Official bored at work / just shooting the shit / no rails to derail thread

                              Originally posted by Callisto View Post
                              My general rule has been that you can't do much about your size, the only thing that matters is whether or not someone other than yourself willingly touches it on a regular basis. My g/f appears to enjoy my junk, so as long as she's happy with it I have no room to complain.
                              I like this attitude. It goes both ways, as long as we're enjoying things it hardly matters if you've got a footlong. =D So many women think that it's all about the size but from my experience, that's a bunch of BS.
                              ~Mama Gamer~~Quitted July 2009/Bannt October 2009~~Excellence LS~
                              ~I has a blog~~
                              ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~


                              • Re: Official bored at work / just shooting the shit / no rails to derail thread

                                Well the downside is that she seems too fond of it some times, like she literally just grips me by the package often, in the Lois Griffin 'THIS IS WHERE MY BABIES COME FROM" sort of way, kinda startling at times, lol.
                                Callysto of RamuhCaithsith - 75 RDM / BRD / COR / PLD / WAR / SCH / DRK

                                Formerly Callisto of Ramuh. | Retired 5.28.10

                                Callisto Broadwurst of Palamecia

